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Salisbury, Vermont

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Population in 2010: 1,136.
Population change since 2000: +4.2%

Median resident age: 45.1 years
Vermont median age: 45.8 years

Zip codes: 05769.

Estimated median household income in 2022: 78,597(∗∗itwas∗∗78,597 (it was 78,597(itwas39,500 in 2000)

Salisbury: $78,597
VT: $73,991

Estimated per capita income in 2022: 42,339(∗∗itwas∗∗42,339 (it was 42,339(itwas19,306 in 2000)

Salisbury town income, earnings, and wages data

Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: 366,075(∗∗itwas∗∗366,075 (it was 366,075(itwas122,200 in 2000)

Salisbury: $366,075
VT: $304,700

Mean prices in 2022: all housing units: 400,302;∗∗detachedhouses:∗∗400,302; detached houses: 400,302;detachedhouses:427,258; townhouses or other attached units: 389,241;∗∗in2−unitstructures:∗∗389,241; in 2-unit structures: 389,241;in2unitstructures:373,341; in 3-to-4-unit structures: 633,103;∗∗in5−or−more−unitstructures:∗∗633,103; in 5-or-more-unit structures: 633,103;in5ormoreunitstructures:292,995; mobile homes: $101,709

March 2022 cost of living index in Salisbury: 100.5 (near average, U.S. average is 100)

Salisbury, VT residents, houses, and apartments details

Detailed information about poverty and poor residents in Salisbury, VT

Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses

Races in Salisbury detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of birth

According to our research of Vermont and other state lists, there were 2 registered sex offenders living in Salisbury, Vermont as of December 28, 2024.
The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Salisbury is 568 to 1.
The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this city is lower than the state average.

Latest news from Salisbury, VT collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations

Ancestries: Irish (16.4%), United States (15.1%), English (13.5%), French Canadian (12.0%), French (10.3%), German (7.6%).

Current Local Time: EST time zone

Elevation: 428 feet

Land area: 29.2 square miles.

Population density: 39 people per square mile (very low).

Salisbury, Vermont map

23 residents are foreign born (1.1% Europe, 0.7% North America).

This town: 2.1%
Vermont: 3.8%

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2000:

Salisbury town: 1.9% ($2,366)
Vermont: 2.0% ($2,196)

Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Schenectady, NY (87.2 miles , pop. 61,821).

Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Boston, MA (150.0 miles , pop. 589,141).

Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Bronx, NY (215.7 miles , pop. 1,332,650).

Nearest cities:

Latitude: 43.91 N**, Longitude:** 73.11 W

Area code: 802

Distribution of median household income in Salisbury, VT in 2022

Salisbury satellite photo by USGS

Single-family new house construction building permits:

Number of permits per 10,000 Salisbury, VT residents

Average permit cost in Salisbury, VT

Unemployment in December 2023:

Unemployment by year

Population change in the 1990s: +44 (+4.2%).

Most common industries in Salisbury, VT (%)

Both Males Females

Most common industries in 2000

Most common occupations in Salisbury, VT (%)

Both Males Females

Most common occupations in 2000

Average climate in Salisbury, Vermont

Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Salisbury, Vermont average temperatures Salisbury, Vermont average precipitation Salisbury, Vermont humidity Salisbury, Vermont wind speed Salisbury, Vermont snowfall Salisbury, Vermont sunshine Salisbury, Vermont clear and cloudy days

Air pollution and air quality trends (lower is better)

AQI CO NO2 SO2 Ozone PM2.5

Air Quality Index

Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2022 was 56.9**. This is better than average.**

Earthquake activity:

Salisbury-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Vermont state average. It is 70% smaller than the overall U.S. average.

On 4/20/2002 at 10:50:47**, a magnitude** 5.3 (5.3 ML**, Depth:** 3.0 mi**, Class:** Moderate**, Intensity:** VI - VII) earthquake occurred 50.7 miles away from Salisbury center
On 10/7/1983 at 10🔞46**, a magnitude** 5.3 (5.1 MB**,** 5.3 LG**,** 5.1 ML) earthquake occurred 61.6 miles away from Salisbury center
On 4/20/2002 at 10:50:47**, a magnitude** 5.2 (5.2 MB**,** 4.2 MS**,** 5.2 MW**,** 5.0 MW) earthquake occurred 49.9 miles away from the city center
On 1/19/1982 at 00:14:42**, a magnitude** 4.7 (4.5 MB**,** 4.7 MD**,** 4.5 LG**, Class:** Light**, Intensity:** IV - V) earthquake occurred 80.6 miles away from Salisbury center
On 10/16/2012 at 23:12:25**, a magnitude** 4.7 (4.7 ML**, Depth:** 10.0 mi) earthquake occurred 124.4 miles away from the city center
On 4/20/2000 at 08:46:55**, a magnitude** 3.8 (3.8 ML**, Depth:** 3.1 mi**, Class:** Light**, Intensity:** II - III) earthquake occurred 57.3 miles away from the city center
Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), duration magnitude (MD), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Addison County (23) is greater than the US average (15).
Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 16
Emergencies Declared: 3

Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 16**, Storms:** 15**, Drought:** 1**, Heavy Rain:** 1**, Hurricane:** 1**, Ice Storm:** 1**, Landslide:** 1**, Snow:** 1**, Snowstorm:** 1**, Tornado:** 1**, Tropical Storm:** 1**, Wind:** 1**, Winter Storm:** 1**, Other:** 1 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).

Salisbury topographic map

Hospitals and medical centers near Salisbury:

Amtrak stations near Salisbury:

Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Salisbury:

Public elementary/middle school in Salisbury:

See full list of schools located in Salisbury

Library in Salisbury:

Points of interest:

Click to draw/clear town borders

Notable locations in Salisbury: Lake Dumore Kampersville (A), Camp Keewaydin (B), Salisbury Hatchery (C), Falls of Lana Picnic Grounds (D), Salisbury Volunteer Department (E). Display/hide their locations on the map

Church in Salisbury: Salisbury Congregational Church (A). Display/hide its location on the map

Cemeteries: Nabby Cooper Cemetery (1), Salisbury Cemetery (2), Rice Cemetery (3), West Salisbury Cemetery (4), Village Cemetery (5). Display/hide their locations on the map

Lakes, reservoirs, and swamps: Lake Dunmore (A), Sucker Brook Reservoir (B), Salisbury Swamp (C). Display/hide their locations on the map

Streams, rivers, and creeks: Voters Brook (A), Sucker Brook (B), Dutton Brook (C), Halnon Brook (D). Display/hide their locations on the map

Parks in Salisbury include: Riley Bostwick Wildlife Management Area (1), Branbury State Park (2). Display/hide their locations on the map

Birthplace of: John E. Weeks - Politician.

Addison County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential

Drinking water stations with addresses in Salisbury and their reported violations in the past:

KEEWAYDIN CAMP (Address: 10 KEEWAYDIN ROAD , Population served: 300**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

WATERHOUSES MARINA CAMPGROUND (Address: 937 W SHORE RD , Population served: 280**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

SONGADEEWIN OF KEEWAYDIN (Address: 10 KEEWAYDIN ROAD , Population served: 200**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

SALISBURY SCHOOL (Address: 286 KELLY CROSS RD , Population served: 125**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

SUNSET LODGE (Address: 425 WEST SHORE ROAD , Population served: 70**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

NORTH COVE COTTAGES (Address: 44 N POND RD , Population served: 48**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

Average household size:

This town: 2.5 people
Vermont: 2.3 people

Percentage of family households:

This town: 70.9%
Whole state: 62.5%

Percentage of households with unmarried partners:

This town: 9.9%
Whole state: 9.2%

Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)

Residents with income below the poverty level in 2009:

This town: 7.7%
Whole state: 9.4%

Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2009:

This town: 2.2%
Whole state: 3.6%

12 people in nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities in 2010
7 people in residential treatment centers for adults in 2010
14 people in nursing homes in 2000

For population 15 years and over in Salisbury:

Marital status in Salisbury, VT

For population 25 years and over in Salisbury:

Educational Attainment in 2000

School Enrollment by Level of School in 2000

Education Gini index (Inequality in education)

Here: 10.3
Vermont average: 11.7

Presidential Elections Results

Graphs represent county-level data. Detailed 2008 Election Results

Political contributions by individuals in Salisbury, VT

Religion statistics for Salisbury, VT (based on Addison County data)

Religions Adherents in 2010

Religions Adherents - Change between 2000 and 2010

Religion Adherents Congregations
Catholic 5,892 6
Mainline Protestant 3,491 27
Evangelical Protestant 801 13
Other 560 6
None 26,077 -

Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Graphs represent county-level data

Food Environment Statistics:

**Number of grocery stores: 17

Addison County: 4.64 / 10,000 pop.
Vermont: 3.84 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (no gas): 5

Addison County: 1.36 / 10,000 pop.
State: 1.95 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (with gas): 24

Addison County: 6.55 / 10,000 pop.
Vermont: 6.40 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of full-service restaurants: 31

Addison County: 8.45 / 10,000 pop.
Vermont: 11.52 / 10,000 pop.

**Adult diabetes rate:

Addison County: 5.8%
Vermont: 6.8%

**Adult obesity rate:

This county: 20.9%
Vermont: 22.3%

**Low-income preschool obesity rate:

Addison County: 9.1%
State: 13.3%

Strongest AM radio stations in Salisbury:

Strongest FM radio stations in Salisbury:

TV broadcast stations around Salisbury:

See more detailed statistics of Salisbury fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents for 1975 - 2021 here

FCC Registered Private Land Mobile Towers:


FCC Registered Broadcast Land Mobile Towers:


FCC Registered Amateur Radio Licenses:


Salisbury compared to Vermont state average:

There is 1 pilot and no other airmen in this city.

Top Patent Applicants

Top Patent Applicants

Total of 1 patent application in 2008-2024.