Allegany County, Maryland detailed profile (original) (raw)

County population in 2022: 67,267 (73% urban, 27% rural); it was 74,930 in 2000

County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 11,571
County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 8,611
County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 20,569
Renter-occupied apartments: 8,995 (it was 8,753 in 2000)

% of renters here: 30%
State: 32%

Land area: 425 sq. mi.

Water area: 4.4 sq. mi.

Population density: 158 people per square mile (average).

March 2022 cost of living index in Allegany County: 84.6 (less than average, U.S. average is 100)

Industries providing employment: Educational, health and social services (27.2%), Retail trade (12.1%), Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services (10.3%).

Type of workers:

Allegany County, MD map

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Median resident age: 42.2 years
Maryland median age: 39.7 years

Average household size:

Allegany County: 2.0 people
Maryland: 3 people

Estimated median household income in 2022: 46,913(46,913 (46,913(30,821 in 1999)

This county: $46,913
Maryland: $94,991

Median contract rent in 2022 for apartments: 545(∗∗lowerquartileis∗∗545 (lower quartile is 545(lowerquartileis330, upper quartile is $700)

This county: $545
State: $1388

Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: 141,300(∗∗itwas∗∗141,300 (it was 141,300(itwas70,100 in 2000)

Allegany: $141,300
Maryland: $398,100

Lower value quartile - upper value quartile: 90,400−90,400 - 90,400221,300

Mean price in 2022:

Detached houses: $177,571

Here: $177,571
State: $526,819

Townhouses or other attached units: $189,333

Here: $189,333
State: $328,305

In 2-unit structures: $185,893

Here: $185,893
State: $346,599

In 3-to-4-unit structures: $320,532

Here: $320,532
State: $295,378

In 5-or-more-unit structures: $239,010

Here: $239,010
State: $350,378

Mobile homes: $60,653

Here: $60,653
State: $89,353

Median monthly housing costs for homes and condos with a mortgage: $1,175
Median monthly housing costs for units without a mortgage: $445

Institutionalized population: 5,670

Crime in 2021 (reported by the sheriff's office or county police, not the county total):

Crime in 2020 (reported by the sheriff's office or county police, not the county total):

Allegany County, MD map from a distance

Health of residents in Allegany County based on CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Questionnaires from 2013 to 2021:

General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) is 3.2. This is significantly worse than average.
68.7% of residents exercised in the past month. This is less than average.
44.7% of residents smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives. This is about average.
42.2% of adult residents drank alcohol in the past 30 days. This is less than average.
64.7% of residents visited a dentist within the past year. This is less than average.
Average weight of males is 202 pounds. This is more than average.
Average weight of females is 173 pounds. This is more than average.

Single-family new house construction building permits:

Number of permits per 10,000 Allegany, MD residents

Average permit cost in Allegany, MD

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2022: $1,712 (1.1%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2022: $1,320 (1.0%)

Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2022: 18.9%

Allegany County: 18.9%
Maryland: 9.6%

(18.5% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 33.5% for Black residents, 27.8% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 42.4% for American Indian residents, 55.3% for other race residents, 20.3% for two or more races residents)

Median age of residents in 2022: 42.2 years old
(Males: 40.8 years old, Females: 44.7 years old)
(Median age for: White residents: 44.6 years old, Black residents: 41.9 years old, American Indian residents: 33.3 years old, Asian residents: 49.0 years old, Hispanic or Latino residents: 26.5 years old)

Area name: Cumberland, MD-WV MSA
Fair market rent in 2006 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Allegany County is $429 a month.
Fair market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $503 a month.
Fair market rent for a 3-bedroom apartment is $679 a month.

Cities in this county include: Cumberland, Frostburg, District 7, Cresaptown/Bel Air, Cresaptown-Bel Air, La Vale, Cresaptown, Potomac Park, Westernport, District 2, Oldtown, Lonaconing.

Allegany County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential

Click to draw/clear Allegany County borders

Notable locations in this county outside city limits:

Notable locations in Allegany County: Camp Minnetoska (A), Camp Whitethorn (B), Blackberry Ridge Farm (C), Cove (D), Triple Silo Farm (E), Holy Cross Camp (F), Keeler Glade (G), Keysers Ridge (H), Deep Creek Ski Lift (I), Frostburg Pumping Station (J), Our Fathers House (K), Winding Ridge (L), Tasker Corners (M), Table Rock (N), Schell (O), Sang Run (P), Stanton Mill (Q), Bear Creek Fish Rearing Station (R), Pleasant Valley Greenhouse (S), Northern Garrett County Rescue Squad Station 2 (T). Display/hide their locations on the map

Shopping Center: Grantsville Shopping Center (1). Display/hide its location on the map

Churches in Allegany County include: Bethlehem Church (A), Blooming Rose Church (B), Broadwater Chapel (C), Cherry Grove Church (D), Chestnut Grove Church (E), Deep Creek Church (F), Asher Glade Church of the Brethren (G), Hoyes United Methodist Church (H), Lake Ford United Methodist Church (I). Display/hide their locations on the map

Cemeteries: Harvey-Wilson Cemetery (1), Murphy Cemetery (2), Tichnell Cemetery (3), Lish Cemetery (4), Moreland Cemetery (5), Upole Cemetery (6), North Glade Cemetery (7). Display/hide their locations on the map

Lakes, reservoirs, and swamps: Lake Koshare (A), Lake Herrington (B), Little Youghiogheny River Reservoir (C), Little Yok Number 2 Reservoir (D), Little Youghiogheny River Reservoir (E), Little Yok Reservoir Site Number 5 (F), Meadow Run Lake (G), Barton Debris Basin (H). Display/hide their locations on the map

Streams, rivers, and creeks: Cherry Bottom Run (A), White Meadow Run (B), Aaron Run (C), Alexander Run (D), Ambrose Run (E), Aronhalt Fork (F), Bear Pen Run (G), Big Run (H), Blackhawk Run (I). Display/hide their locations on the map

Parks in Allegany County include: Thayer State Game Refuge (1), New Germany Recreation Area (2), Casselman Bridge State Park (3), North Branch Potomac State Fish Management Area (4), Big Run State Park (5), Swallow Falls State Park (6), Herrington Manor State Park (7), Broadford Recreation Area (8), Pleasant Valley Recreation Center (9). Display/hide their locations on the map

Neighboring counties: Atchison County, Kansas , Harford County , Franklin County, Pennsylvania , Howard County, Missouri , Union County, Indiana , Vermillion County, Indiana .

Unemployment in December 2023:

Unemployment by year in Allegany, MD

County total employment by year in Allegany, MD

County average yearly wages by year in Allegany, MD

Current college students: 5,521
People 25 years of age or older with a high school degree or higher: 91.1%
People 25 years of age or older with a bachelor's degree or higher: 22.7%

Number of foreign born residents: 1,423 (52.1% naturalized citizens)

Allegany County: 2.1%
Whole state: 16.7%

Year of entry for the foreign-born population

Mean travel time to work (commute):  minutes

Percentage of county residents living and working in this county: 92.5%

Allegany County marital status for males Allegany County marital status for females

Housing units in structures:

Housing units in Allegany County with a mortgage: 8,597 (879 second mortgage, 0 home equity loan, 633 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 404

Here: 1.9% with mortgage
State: 97.5% with mortgage

Religion statistics for Allegany County

Religions Adherents in 2010

Religions Adherents - Change between 2000 and 2010

Religion Adherents Congregations
Mainline Protestant 13,964 66
Evangelical Protestant 11,015 74
Catholic 8,838 10
Other 1,200 7
Black Protestant 289 2
None 39,781 -

Allegany County Religion Details
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.

Food Environment Statistics:

**Number of grocery stores: 19

Allegany County: 2.62 / 10,000 pop.
State: 1.96 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (no gas): 5

This county: 0.69 / 10,000 pop.
Maryland: 1.22 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (with gas): 17

Allegany County: 2.34 / 10,000 pop.
Maryland: 2.05 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of full-service restaurants: 52

This county: 7.16 / 10,000 pop.
State: 5.40 / 10,000 pop.

**Adult diabetes rate:

Allegany County: 12.5%
Maryland: 9.1%

**Adult obesity rate:

Allegany County: 28.9%
State: 26.7%

**Low-income preschool obesity rate:

Agriculture in Allegany County:

Average size of farms: 142 acres
Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $7,679
Average value of crops sold per acre for harvested cropland: $95.34
The value of nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 5.27%
The value of livestock, poultry, and their products as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 54.79%
Average total farm production expenses per farm: $13,685
Harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 25.71%
Average market value of all machinery and equipment per farm: $24,657
The percentage of farms operated by a family or individual: 94.96%
Average age of principal farm operators: 56 years
Average number of cattle and calves per 100 acres of all land in farms: 13.34
Milk cows as a percentage of all cattle and calves: 3.43%
Corn for grain: 358 harvested acres
Vegetables: 65 harvested acres
Land in orchards: 147 acres

Tornado activity:

Allegany County historical area-adjusted tornado activity is significantly below Maryland state average. It is 6081128.6 times below overall U.S. average.
Tornadoes in this county have caused one fatality and 8 injuries recorded between 1950 and 2004.
On 7/14/1954, a category 1 (max. wind speeds 73-112 mph) tornado injured 8 people and caused between 5000and5000 and 5000and50,000 in damages.

Earthquake activity:

Allegany County-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Maryland state average. It is 50% smaller than the overall U.S. average.

On 8/23/2011 at 17:51:04**, a magnitude** 5.8 (5.8 MW**, Depth:** 3.7 mi**, Class:** Moderate**, Intensity:** VI - VII) earthquake occurred 127.3 miles away from Allegany County center
On 9/25/1998 at 19:52:52**, a magnitude** 5.2 (4.8 MB**,** 4.3 MS**,** 5.2 LG**,** 4.5 MW**, Depth:** 3.1 mi) earthquake occurred 154.0 miles away from the county center
On 1/31/1986 at 16:46:43**, a magnitude** 5.0 (5.0 MB) earthquake occurred 184.6 miles away from the county center
On 8/25/2011 at 05:07:52**, a magnitude** 4.5 (4.5 ML**, Depth:** 4.2 mi**, Class:** Light**, Intensity:** IV - V) earthquake occurred 124.3 miles away from the county center
On 12/9/2003 at 20:59:18**, a magnitude** 4.5 (4.5 ML**, Depth:** 6.2 mi) earthquake occurred 133.3 miles away from Allegany County center
On 8/9/2020 at 12:07:37**, a magnitude** 5.1 (5.1 MW**, Depth:** 4.7 mi) earthquake occurred 250.8 miles away from the county center
Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Most recent natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Allegany County (15) is near the US average (15).
Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 10
Emergencies Declared: 5

Causes of natural disasters: Hurricanes: 6**, Snowstorms:** 3**, Winter Storms:** 3**, Floods:** 2**, Blizzard:** 1**, Snowfall:** 1**, Storm:** 1**, Tropical Storm:** 1**, Other:** 1 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).

Means of transportation to work in 2022 - Allegany

Means of transportation to work:

Class of Workers in 2022

Most common industries in 2022 (%)

Males Females

Most common industries for males in 2022

Most common occupations in 2022 (%)

Males Females

Most common occupations for males in 2022

Most common places of birth for foreign-born residents

Most common first ancestries reported in Allegany County

Owners and renters by unit type

Breakdown of mean house values by ages of householders

People in group quarters in Allegany County, Maryland in 2010:

People in group quarters in Allegany County, Maryland in 2000:

Average gross adjusted income of non-migrant taxpayers in this county in 2020 was $56,664.

4.77% of this county's 2021 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2020 ($46,000 average adjusted gross income)

Here: 4.77%
Maryland average: 7.42%

10 or fewer of this county's residents moved from foreign countries.
1.65% relocated from other counties in Maryland ($14,510 average AGI)
3.11% relocated from other states ($31,490 average AGI)

Allegany County: 3.11%
Maryland average: 3.41%

Residents relocating <b>from</b> other counties or countries

Top counties from which taxpayers relocated into this county between 2020 and 2021:

from Mineral County, WV 0.54% ($65,511 average AGI)
from Garrett County, MD 0.39% ($37,531)
from Washington County, MD 0.24% ($35,508)
from Baltimore city, MD 0.18% ($19,778)
from Baltimore County, MD 0.17% ($54,683)
from Anne Arundel County, MD 0.13% ($42,484)
from Montgomery County, MD 0.11% ($59,500)

5.07% of this county's 2020 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2021 ($43,167 average adjusted gross income)

Here: 5.07%
Maryland average: 7.91%

10 or fewer of this county's residents moved to foreign countries.
1.93% relocated to other counties in Maryland ($10,670 average AGI)
3.14% relocated to other states ($32,497 average AGI)

Allegany County: 3.14%
Maryland average: 3.93%

Residents relocating <b>to</b> other counties or countries

Top counties to which taxpayers relocated from this county between 2020 and 2021:

to Baltimore city, MD 0.75% ($1,685 average AGI)
to Mineral County, WV 0.63% ($47,756)
to Garrett County, MD 0.38% ($55,022)
to Washington County, MD 0.18% ($34,578)
to Bedford County, PA 0.12% ($43,621)
to Baltimore County, MD 0.11% ($20,037)
to Somerset County, PA 0.11% ($41,192)

Births per 1000 population from 1990 to 1999: 10.9
Births per 1000 population from 2000 to 2006: 9.8

Births per 1000 population in Allegany County

Deaths per 1000 population from 1990 to 1999: 13.1
Deaths per 1000 population from 2000 to 2009: 12.2
Deaths per 1000 population from 2010 to 2020: 12.9

Deaths per 1000 population in Allegany County

Infant deaths per 1000 live births from 1990 to 1999: 7.4
Infant deaths per 1000 live births from 2000 to 2006: 7.8

Infant deaths per 1000 population in Allegany County

Population without health insurance coverage in 2018: 5.5%
Persons under 19 years old without health insurance coverage in 2018: 2.6%

Persons enrolled in hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) in July 1, 2007: 15,326 (12,815 aged, 2,511 disabled)
Children under 18 without health insurance coverage in 2007: 1,476 (11%)

Most common underlying causes of death in Allegany County, Maryland in 1999 - 2019:

Population without health insurance coverage in 2000: 12%
Children under 18 without health insurance coverage in 2000: 9%

Short term general hospitals per 100,000 population in 2004: 2.71
Short term general hospital admissions per 100,000 population in 2004: 23,437
Short term general hospital beds per 100,000 population in 2004: 546
Emergency room visits per 100,000 population in 2004: 78,775

General practice office based MDs per 100,000 population in 2005: 843
Medical specialist MDs per 100,000 population in 2005: 1,275
Dentists per 100,000 population in 1998: 23

Total births per 100,000 population, July 2005 - July 2006 : 55
Total deaths per 100,000 population, July 2005 - July 2006: 86

Limited-service eating places per 100,000 population in 2005 : 15

Suicides per 1,000,000 population from 2000 to 2006: 141.8**. This is more than state average.**

Mechanisms of suicide

Deaths per 1,000,000 population:

Household type by relationship:

Households: 67,267

Size of family households: 6,861 2-persons, 2,680 3-persons, 3,407 4-persons, 1,036 5-persons, 406 6-persons, 86 7-or-more-persons.

Size of nonfamily households: 9,979 1-person, 1,168 2-persons, 563 3-persons, 60 4-persons.

7,874 married couples with children.
2,933 single-parent households (1,283 men, 1,650 women).

95.9% of residents of Allegany speak English at home.
1.4% of residents speak Spanish at home (74% speak English very well, 14% speak English well, 7% speak English not well, 4% don't speak English at all).
1.0% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (81% speak English very well, 12% speak English well, 2% speak English not well, 5% don't speak English at all).
0.7% of residents speak Asian or Pacific Island language at home (57% speak English very well, 30% speak English well, 13% speak English not well).
0.2% of residents speak other language at home (87% speak English very well, 3% speak English well, 10% speak English not well).

In fiscal year 2004:

Federal Government expenditure: 572,162,000(572,162,000 (572,162,000(7,745 per capita)
Department of Defense expenditure: $24,679,000
Federal direct payments to individuals for retirement and disability: $234,129,000
Federal other direct payments to individuals: $163,981,000
Federal direct payments not to individuals: $1,786,000
Federal grants: $112,661,000
Federal procurement contracts: 15,604,000(15,604,000 (15,604,000(7,611,000 Department of Defense)
Federal salaries and wages: 44,000,000(44,000,000 (44,000,000(9,774,000 Department of Defense)
Federal Government direct loans: $12,129,000
Federal guaranteed/insured loans: $18,074,000
Federal Government insurance: $52,300,000

Population change from April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005:

Births: 3,655

Here: 50 per 1000 residents
State: 71 per 1000 residents

Deaths: 4,691

Here: 64 per 1000 residents
State: 41 per 1000 residents

Net international migration: +109

Here: +1 per 1000 residents
State: +19 per 1000 residents

Net internal migration: -288

Population growth in Allegany County

Total withdrawal of fresh water for public supply: 0.73 millions of gallons per day (45% from ground, 55% from surface)

Median number of rooms in houses and condos:

Median number of rooms in apartments:

Year house built in Allegany County, Maryland

Rooms in houses/apartments in Allegany County, Maryland

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Rooms in owner-occupied houses in Allegany County, Maryland

Bedrooms in houses/apartments in Allegany County, Maryland

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses in Allegany County, Maryland

Cars and other vehicles available in Allegany County, Maryland in houses/condos/apartments

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Cars and other vehicles available in Allegany County in owner-occupied houses/condos

89.2% of Allegany County residents lived in the same house 1 years ago.
Out of people who lived in different houses, 34% lived in this county.
Out of people who lived in different counties, 61% lived in Maryland.

Allegany County: 89.2%
State average: 88.5%

Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:

Year householders moved into unit in Allegany County, MD

Most commonly used house heating fuel in Allegany County

Houses and condos Apartments

Most commonly used house heating fuel in houses and condos

Private vs. public school enrollment:

Students in private schools in grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school): 816

Students in private schools in grades 9 to 12 (high school): 335

Students in private undergraduate colleges: 486

Educational Attainment

School Enrollment by Level of School

Age and Sex of Sensory-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Physically-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Mentally-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Self-Care Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Go-Outside-Home Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Noninstitutionalized Residents with Employment Disability

Allegany County government finances - Expenditure in 2020:

Allegany County government finances - Revenue in 2020:

Allegany County government finances - Debt in 2020:

Allegany County government finances - Cash and Securities in 2020:

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in 2006:

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 201 114,527∣251∣114,527 251 114,527∣251∣115,629 1,117 121,578∣194∣121,578 194 121,578∣194∣41,680 13 542,846∣77∣542,846 77 542,846∣77∣99,364 23 $90,739
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 3 143,000∣8∣143,000 8 143,000∣8∣151,625 72 151,569∣8∣151,569 8 151,569∣8∣19,750 0 0∣10∣0 10 0∣10∣110,200 1 $19,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 29 122,897∣33∣122,897 33 122,897∣33∣70,879 357 119,182∣59∣119,182 59 119,182∣59∣29,271 1 800,000∣31∣800,000 31 800,000∣31∣69,323 9 $70,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 19 122,632∣16∣122,632 16 122,632∣16∣109,000 281 118,975∣15∣118,975 15 118,975∣15∣59,600 0 0∣15∣0 15 0∣15∣120,333 8 $96,000
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 2 132,000∣3∣132,000 3 132,000∣3∣293,667 45 127,733∣2∣127,733 2 127,733∣2∣143,500 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 1 $105,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 211 104,555∣372∣104,555 372 104,555∣372∣111,583 874 111,323∣260∣111,323 260 111,323∣260∣36,854 12 922,833∣106∣922,833 106 922,833∣106∣77,802 39 $81,667
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 6 108,500∣34∣108,500 34 108,500∣34∣95,618 77 122,039∣25∣122,039 25 122,039∣25∣56,600 1 1,050,000∣13∣1,050,000 13 1,050,000∣13∣70,615 6 $116,667
APPLICATIONS DENIED 23 100,174∣66∣100,174 66 100,174∣66∣97,742 631 116,100∣164∣116,100 164 116,100∣164∣44,128 0 0∣65∣0 65 0∣65∣81,969 24 $92,500
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 18 126,778∣40∣126,778 40 126,778∣40∣133,050 277 117,783∣41∣117,783 41 117,783∣41∣97,805 1 400,000∣25∣400,000 25 400,000∣25∣106,840 3 $50,000
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 9 158,556∣12∣158,556 12 158,556∣12∣132,583 53 129,906∣8∣129,906 8 129,906∣8∣54,375 0 0∣10∣0 10 0∣10∣115,200 2 $151,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2007_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 84 107,369∣610∣107,369 610 107,369∣610∣110,080 1,032 98,399∣401∣98,399 401 98,399∣401∣38,010 7 169,857∣231∣169,857 231 169,857∣231∣92,442 48 $63,062
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 1 203,000∣57∣203,000 57 203,000∣57∣114,246 151 112,238∣34∣112,238 34 112,238∣34∣40,147 0 0∣24∣0 24 0∣24∣91,792 6 $38,167
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 96,000∣151∣96,000 151 96,000∣151∣89,921 1,080 106,451∣283∣106,451 283 106,451∣283∣53,714 1 167,000∣87∣167,000 87 167,000∣87∣83,839 44 $77,795
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 7 134,571∣69∣134,571 69 134,571∣69∣104,638 561 106,679∣54∣106,679 54 106,679∣54∣74,296 0 0∣38∣0 38 0∣38∣65,421 13 $86,692
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣12∣0 12 0∣12∣167,167 93 135,505∣5∣135,505 5 135,505∣5∣45,400 0 0∣4∣0 4 0∣4∣66,500 1 $113,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 100 96,890∣810∣96,890 810 96,890∣810∣92,291 1,131 93,757∣396∣93,757 396 93,757∣396∣34,992 8 255,750∣305∣255,750 305 255,750∣305∣68,039 36 $83,417
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 4 109,750∣101∣109,750 101 109,750∣101∣96,337 190 91,684∣29∣91,684 29 91,684∣29∣54,483 1 76,000∣49∣76,000 49 76,000∣49∣90,061 7 $87,571
APPLICATIONS DENIED 7 117,286∣209∣117,286 209 117,286∣209∣83,005 1,122 92,001∣237∣92,001 237 92,001∣237∣40,713 2 656,000∣102∣656,000 102 656,000∣102∣74,784 21 $76,286
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 11 97,636∣99∣97,636 99 97,636∣99∣86,667 761 98,485∣53∣98,485 53 98,485∣53∣67,792 1 120,000∣39∣120,000 39 120,000∣39∣64,154 8 $79,625
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 4 99,000∣18∣99,000 18 99,000∣18∣203,167 163 109,773∣8∣109,773 8 109,773∣8∣42,125 0 0∣9∣0 9 0∣9∣85,000 4 $88,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 95 90,358∣837∣90,358 837 90,358∣837∣83,847 1,036 89,398∣310∣89,398 310 89,398∣310∣37,748 1 147,000∣286∣147,000 286 147,000∣286∣67,881 23 $71,739
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 85,500∣71∣85,500 71 85,500∣71∣90,310 248 82,161∣27∣82,161 27 82,161∣27∣38,815 0 0∣29∣0 29 0∣29∣70,138 10 $52,500
APPLICATIONS DENIED 18 89,611∣183∣89,611 183 89,611∣183∣72,874 1,100 86,890∣234∣86,890 234 86,890∣234∣37,534 1 200,000∣82∣200,000 82 200,000∣82∣58,159 50 $52,260
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 3 115,333∣112∣115,333 112 115,333∣112∣85,920 851 96,749∣97∣96,749 97 96,749∣97∣96,072 1 638,000∣44∣638,000 44 638,000∣44∣69,364 10 $71,400
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 4 95,250∣39∣95,250 39 95,250∣39∣73,410 186 99,661∣10∣99,661 10 99,661∣10∣56,600 0 0∣4∣0 4 0∣4∣56,000 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 103 73,922∣660∣73,922 660 73,922∣660∣84,326 1,216 78,442∣260∣78,442 260 78,442∣260∣33,381 22 386,455∣206∣386,455 206 386,455∣206∣61,248 50 $64,660
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 7 45,000∣66∣45,000 66 45,000∣66∣84,212 246 83,329∣24∣83,329 24 83,329∣24∣31,375 0 0∣19∣0 19 0∣19∣69,789 12 $52,750
APPLICATIONS DENIED 16 63,750∣166∣63,750 166 63,750∣166∣65,096 1,126 79,115∣218∣79,115 218 79,115∣218∣30,344 1 250,000∣95∣250,000 95 250,000∣95∣52,979 65 $50,538
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 13 69,000∣71∣69,000 71 69,000∣71∣83,127 854 88,170∣60∣88,170 60 88,170∣60∣53,583 0 0∣38∣0 38 0∣38∣63,342 9 $68,444
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣13∣0 13 0∣13∣76,769 104 102,942∣15∣102,942 15 102,942∣15∣38,467 0 0∣6∣0 6 0∣6∣53,667 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 142 74,796∣695∣74,796 695 74,796∣695∣75,940 1,963 81,234∣185∣81,234 185 81,234∣185∣15,081 11 582,455∣177∣582,455 177 582,455∣177∣60,113
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 9 74,222∣44∣74,222 44 74,222∣44∣75,977 365 86,858∣19∣86,858 19 86,858∣19∣25,421 1 149,000∣23∣149,000 23 149,000∣23∣88,913
APPLICATIONS DENIED 9 76,222∣139∣76,222 139 76,222∣139∣58,532 1,034 78,867∣108∣78,867 108 78,867∣108∣13,167 0 0∣54∣0 54 0∣54∣52,148
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 6 92,500∣69∣92,500 69 92,500∣69∣93,406 601 87,764∣23∣87,764 23 87,764∣23∣17,652 1 844,000∣27∣844,000 27 844,000∣27∣60,333
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 74,000∣13∣74,000 13 74,000∣13∣77,538 89 92,157∣9∣92,157 9 92,157∣9∣36,111 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣60,125
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2002_(Based on 25 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 156 72,205∣568∣72,205 568 72,205∣568∣76,688 1,412 73,603∣286∣73,603 286 73,603∣286∣15,881 14 122,000∣152∣122,000 152 122,000∣152∣50,434
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 4 82,750∣49∣82,750 49 82,750∣49∣68,245 214 74,907∣23∣74,907 23 74,907∣23∣30,783 0 0∣17∣0 17 0∣17∣52,353
APPLICATIONS DENIED 11 73,364∣121∣73,364 121 73,364∣121∣43,835 837 71,577∣114∣71,577 114 71,577∣114∣14,044 1 30,000∣46∣30,000 46 30,000∣46∣49,109
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 10 62,400∣52∣62,400 52 62,400∣52∣95,731 634 76,686∣30∣76,686 30 76,686∣30∣19,367 2 266,500∣16∣266,500 16 266,500∣16∣55,812
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 3 48,333∣12∣48,333 12 48,333∣12∣85,167 75 78,147∣1∣78,147 1 78,147∣1∣11,000 0 0∣4∣0 4 0∣4∣68,750
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001_(Based on 25 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 133 68,346∣510∣68,346 510 68,346∣510∣69,696 1,125 71,880∣251∣71,880 251 71,880∣251∣14,932 127 $50,843
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 60,500∣44∣60,500 44 60,500∣44∣46,341 150 72,113∣19∣72,113 19 72,113∣19∣27,158 7 $52,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 14 68,571∣176∣68,571 176 68,571∣176∣42,795 717 60,534∣127∣60,534 127 60,534∣127∣16,945 35 $58,629
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 13 67,385∣38∣67,385 38 67,385∣38∣62,395 574 71,648∣43∣71,648 43 71,648∣43∣19,860 13 $63,769
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 7 63,000∣6∣63,000 6 63,000∣6∣75,667 80 70,850∣1∣70,850 1 70,850∣1∣25,000 3 $29,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000_(Based on 25 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 146 67,842∣583∣67,842 583 67,842∣583∣65,587 755 55,166∣347∣55,166 347 55,166∣347∣15,352 3 58,000∣137∣58,000 137 58,000∣137∣41,051
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 7 79,429∣59∣79,429 59 79,429∣59∣66,305 137 62,839∣43∣62,839 43 62,839∣43∣21,372 0 0∣11∣0 11 0∣11∣46,455
APPLICATIONS DENIED 14 85,714∣191∣85,714 191 85,714∣191∣49,817 538 55,383∣194∣55,383 194 55,383∣194∣16,995 0 0∣52∣0 52 0∣52∣44,731
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 21 59,238∣49∣59,238 49 59,238∣49∣63,000 310 51,897∣36∣51,897 36 51,897∣36∣29,306 0 0∣11∣0 11 0∣11∣64,727
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 3 44,667∣11∣44,667 11 44,667∣11∣52,000 50 51,340∣5∣51,340 5 51,340∣5∣25,600 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣42,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999_(Based on 25 full tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 148 60,027∣532∣60,027 532 60,027∣532∣65,962 1,036 59,107∣385∣59,107 385 59,107∣385∣18,221 5 73,600∣125∣73,600 125 73,600∣125∣48,504
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 9 56,333∣72∣56,333 72 56,333∣72∣55,333 162 55,802∣48∣55,802 48 55,802∣48∣15,458 0 0∣16∣0 16 0∣16∣50,750
APPLICATIONS DENIED 14 56,000∣182∣56,000 182 56,000∣182∣45,577 403 57,988∣139∣57,988 139 57,988∣139∣17,576 2 239,500∣35∣239,500 35 239,500∣35∣45,971
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 14 58,929∣57∣58,929 57 58,929∣57∣49,702 348 49,937∣46∣49,937 46 49,937∣46∣38,326 3 3,411,000∣19∣3,411,000 19 3,411,000∣19∣51,579
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 4 41,000∣10∣41,000 10 41,000∣10∣93,700 48 53,646∣0∣53,646 0 53,646∣0∣0 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣38,667
Private Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009_(Based on 22 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 42 123,952∣26∣123,952 26 123,952∣26∣159,423 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣70,000
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 10 129,200∣6∣129,200 6 129,200∣6∣215,500 1 36,000∣0∣36,000 0 36,000∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 5 146,200∣2∣146,200 2 146,200∣2∣231,500 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 1 123,000∣3∣123,000 3 123,000∣3∣197,667 1 123,000∣0∣123,000 0 123,000∣0∣0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 108 111,593∣49∣111,593 49 111,593∣49∣140,898 18 $71,833
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 31 126,903∣25∣126,903 25 126,903∣25∣134,480 7 $115,286
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 98,000∣6∣98,000 6 98,000∣6∣125,167 1 $78,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 46,750∣2∣46,750 2 46,750∣2∣132,500 1 $153,000
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 153,000∣0∣153,000 0 153,000∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2007_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 180 99,694∣77∣99,694 77 99,694∣77∣128,857 22 77,409∣1∣77,409 1 77,409∣1∣151,000
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 30 101,200∣14∣101,200 14 101,200∣14∣135,214 5 157,400∣0∣157,400 0 157,400∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 10 74,300∣4∣74,300 4 74,300∣4∣120,500 1 48,000∣1∣48,000 1 48,000∣1∣107,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 7 110,000∣6∣110,000 6 110,000∣6∣172,333 3 118,667∣0∣118,667 0 118,667∣0∣0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 199 93,296∣56∣93,296 56 93,296∣56∣124,268 28 $64,571
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 12 92,917∣21∣92,917 21 92,917∣21∣110,857 0 $0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 3 118,667∣1∣118,667 1 118,667∣1∣52,000 2 $40,500
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 91,000∣5∣91,000 5 91,000∣5∣108,600 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 238 76,101∣87∣76,101 87 76,101∣87∣115,126 50 67,500∣4∣67,500 4 67,500∣4∣84,250
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 18 108,778∣32∣108,778 32 108,778∣32∣115,531 4 136,750∣0∣136,750 0 136,750∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 82,625∣4∣82,625 4 82,625∣4∣77,750 2 99,000∣2∣99,000 2 99,000∣2∣102,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 8 62,875∣8∣62,875 8 62,875∣8∣88,625 3 72,667∣1∣72,667 1 72,667∣1∣56,000
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 60,000∣0∣60,000 0 60,000∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 234 69,833∣115∣69,833 115 69,833∣115∣103,452 45 58,333∣2∣58,333 2 58,333∣2∣57,000
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 23 89,783∣35∣89,783 35 89,783∣35∣108,114 3 57,667∣1∣57,667 1 57,667∣1∣409,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 46,000∣3∣46,000 3 46,000∣3∣113,667 4 51,000∣0∣51,000 0 51,000∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 17 99,706∣8∣99,706 8 99,706∣8∣108,500 6 84,000∣0∣84,000 0 84,000∣0∣0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 40,000∣0∣40,000 0 40,000∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 218 78,931∣175∣78,931 175 78,931∣175∣98,989 39 $67,051
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 17 93,471∣43∣93,471 43 93,471∣43∣118,070 4 $74,500
APPLICATIONS DENIED 3 58,000∣7∣58,000 7 58,000∣7∣175,286 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 10 65,700∣13∣65,700 13 65,700∣13∣98,308 6 $74,167
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 69,000∣0∣69,000 0 69,000∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2002_(Based on 25 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 180 72,989∣120∣72,989 120 72,989∣120∣85,417 25 $56,840
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 22 99,955∣32∣99,955 32 99,955∣32∣93,781 3 $53,333
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 116,000∣4∣116,000 4 116,000∣4∣103,250 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 12 86,917∣16∣86,917 16 86,917∣16∣110,188 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001_(Based on 23 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 157 75,121∣111∣75,121 111 75,121∣111∣85,865 11 $46,364
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 12 92,833∣21∣92,833 21 92,833∣21∣92,143 2 $53,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 65,000∣5∣65,000 5 65,000∣5∣82,600 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 1 35,000∣7∣35,000 7 35,000∣7∣99,286 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣4∣0 4 0∣4∣75,000 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000_(Based on 24 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 144 77,764∣38∣77,764 38 77,764∣38∣72,158 16 $49,062
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 12 66,417∣8∣66,417 8 66,417∣8∣70,250 2 $44,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 2 64,500∣12∣64,500 12 64,500∣12∣62,083 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 77,250∣0∣77,250 0 77,250∣0∣0 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 2 56,500∣0∣56,500 0 56,500∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999_(Based on 22 full tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 97 75,784∣40∣75,784 40 75,784∣40∣82,575 5 $42,200
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 6 78,833∣18∣78,833 18 78,833∣18∣75,389 1 $50,000
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 61,750∣3∣61,750 3 61,750∣3∣113,333 1 $56,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 5 61,800∣5∣61,800 5 61,800∣5∣64,600 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣124,000 0 $0

Conventional Home Purchase Loans in Allegany, MD

Conventional Home Purchase Loans in Allegany, MD - Value

Most common first names in Allegany County, MD among deceased individuals
Name Count Lived (average)
Mary 1,101 79.7 years
John 947 74.2 years
William 912 73.7 years
James 767 72.8 years
Charles 611 73.8 years
Robert 536 70.7 years
Margaret 487 80.3 years
George 473 75.5 years
Joseph 377 74.9 years
Anna 331 81.7 years
Most common last names in Allegany County, MD among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 391 76.2 years
Miller 347 77.3 years
Wilson 238 77.7 years
Mckenzie 187 76.2 years
Davis 172 75.8 years
Twigg 160 76.9 years
Clark 135 75.5 years
Martin 122 76.6 years
Broadwater 116 72.4 years
Johnson 115 74.0 years
Businesses in Allegany County, MD
Name Count Name Count
7-Eleven 1 Kohl's 1
AT&T 5 La-Z-Boy 2
Ace Hardware 1 Lane Furniture 1
Advance Auto Parts 3 Little Caesars Pizza 1
Aeropostale 1 Long John Silver's 1
American Eagle Outfitters 1 Lowe's 1
Applebee's 1 Marriott 1
Arby's 1 MasterBrand Cabinets 2
AutoZone 1 McDonald's 7
Bath & Body Works 1 Nike 7
Best Western 1 Nissan 1
Blockbuster 1 Papa John's Pizza 1
Burger King 3 Payless 1
CVS 2 Penske 1
Carson Pirie Scott 1 Pizza Hut 3
Chevrolet 1 Quiznos 1
Chick-Fil-A 3 RadioShack 1
Comfort Inn 1 Red Roof Inn 1
Curves 1 Rite Aid 2
Dairy Queen 3 Ruby Tuesday 1
Days Inn 1 Sears 2
Deb 1 Spencer Gifts 1
Dennys 1 Sprint Nextel 1
FedEx 8 Staples 1
Finish Line 1 Subaru 1
Ford 1 Subway 6
GNC 3 Super 8 1
GameStop 1 T-Mobile 1
H&R Block 2 Taco Bell 1
Hilton 1 True Value 1
Holiday Inn 1 U-Haul 8
Hyundai 1 U.S. Cellular 3
JCPenney 1 UPS 10
Jones New York 1 Walmart 1
Justice 1 Wendy's 2

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