Bear Lake County, Idaho detailed profile (original) (raw)

County population in 2022: 6,730 (all rural); it was 6,411 in 2000

County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 1,085
County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 770
County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 1,879
Renter-occupied apartments: 426 (it was 380 in 2000)

% of renters here: 17%
State: 30%

Land area: 971 sq. mi.

Water area: 78.1 sq. mi.

Population density: 7 people per square mile (very low).

March 2022 cost of living index in Bear Lake County: 84.7 (less than average, U.S. average is 100)

Industries providing employment: Educational, health and social services (27.4%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (13.2%), Retail trade (10.3%), Construction (10.1%).

Type of workers:

Bear Lake County, ID map

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Median resident age: 40.7 years
Idaho median age: 37.5 years

Bear Lake County, ID forum

Average household size:

Bear Lake County: 2.0 people
Idaho: 3 people

Estimated median household income in 2022: 65,559(65,559 (65,559(32,162 in 1999)

This county: $65,559
Idaho: $72,785

Median contract rent in 2022 for apartments: 512(∗∗lowerquartileis∗∗512 (lower quartile is 512(lowerquartileis395, upper quartile is $812)

This county: $512
State: $1003

Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: 253,944(∗∗itwas∗∗253,944 (it was 253,944(itwas71,400 in 2000)

Bear Lake: $253,944
Idaho: $432,500

Lower value quartile - upper value quartile: 156,206−156,206 - 156,206444,371

Mean price in 2022:

Detached houses: $312,137

Here: $312,137
State: $527,539

Mobile homes: $117,688

Here: $117,688
State: $150,232

Occupied boats, RVs, vans, etc.: $166,908

Here: $166,908
State: $136,871

Median monthly housing costs for homes and condos with a mortgage: $1,185
Median monthly housing costs for units without a mortgage: $355

Institutionalized population: 31

Crime in 2021 (reported by the sheriff's office or county police, not the county total):

Crime in 2019 (reported by the sheriff's office or county police, not the county total):

Bear Lake County, ID map from a distance

Single-family new house construction building permits:

Number of permits per 10,000 Bear Lake, ID residents

Average permit cost in Bear Lake, ID

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2022: $1,296 (0.4%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2022: $936 (0.5%)

Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2022: 10.3%

Bear Lake County: 10.3%
Idaho: 10.7%

(8.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 35.2% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 71.2% for American Indian residents, 95.5% for other race residents, 3.6% for two or more races residents)

Median age of residents in 2022: 40.7 years old
(Males: 40.5 years old, Females: 41.1 years old)
(Median age for: White residents: 41.2 years old, American Indian residents: 17.6 years old, Asian residents: 38.8 years old, Hispanic or Latino residents: 40.9 years old, Other race residents: 20.5 years old)

Fair market rent in 2006 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Bear Lake County is $404 a month.
Fair market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $516 a month.
Fair market rent for a 3-bedroom apartment is $733 a month.

Cities in this county include: Montpelier, Paris, Georgetown, Bloomington, Bennington, St. Charles.

Bear Lake County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential

Click to draw/clear Bear Lake County borders

Neighboring counties: Allegan County, Michigan , Del Norte County, California , Hampshire County, Massachusetts , Bradford County, Pennsylvania , Jackson County, Oregon , Dakota County, Nebraska , Montgomery County, New York , Jones County, Iowa .

Unemployment in December 2023:

Unemployment by year in Bear Lake, ID

County total employment by year in Bear Lake, ID

County average yearly wages by year in Bear Lake, ID

Current college students: 101
People 25 years of age or older with a high school degree or higher: 93.1%
People 25 years of age or older with a bachelor's degree or higher: 20.8%

Number of foreign born residents: 171 (46.0% naturalized citizens)

Bear Lake County: 2.5%
Whole state: 6.0%

Year of entry for the foreign-born population

Mean travel time to work (commute):  minutes

Percentage of county residents living and working in this county: 92.1%

Bear Lake County marital status for males Bear Lake County marital status for females

Housing units in structures:

Housing units in Bear Lake County with a mortgage: 1,110 (91 second mortgage, 0 home equity loan, 65 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 57

Here: 1.7% with mortgage
State: 97.4% with mortgage

Religion statistics for Bear Lake County

Religions Adherents in 2010

Religions Adherents - Change between 2000 and 2010

Religion Adherents Congregations
Other 5,064 18
Catholic 99 1
Evangelical Protestant 75 2
Mainline Protestant 13 1
None 735 -

Bear Lake County Religion Details
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.

Food Environment Statistics:

**Number of grocery stores: 3

Bear Lake County: 5.13 / 10,000 pop.
State: 1.88 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (no gas): 2

This county: 3.42 / 10,000 pop.
Idaho: 0.53 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (with gas): 4

Bear Lake County: 6.84 / 10,000 pop.
Idaho: 3.87 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of full-service restaurants: 6

This county: 10.26 / 10,000 pop.
State: 7.75 / 10,000 pop.

**Adult diabetes rate:

Bear Lake County: 7.5%
Idaho: 7.7%

**Adult obesity rate:

Bear Lake County: 24.6%
State: 25.7%

**Low-income preschool obesity rate:

Agriculture in Bear Lake County:

Average size of farms: 499 acres
Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $30,544
Average value of crops sold per acre for harvested cropland: $49.67
The value of livestock, poultry, and their products as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 74.60%
Average total farm production expenses per farm: $33,163
Harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 31.31%
Irrigated harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 57.15%
Average market value of all machinery and equipment per farm: $69,509
The percentage of farms operated by a family or individual: 93.16%
Average age of principal farm operators: 57 years
Average number of cattle and calves per 100 acres of all land in farms: 11.18
Milk cows as a percentage of all cattle and calves: 6.62%
All wheat for grain: 13289 harvested acres

Earthquake activity:

Bear Lake County-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Idaho state average. It is 1797% greater than the overall U.S. average.

On 8/18/1959 at 06:37:13**, a magnitude** 7.7 (7.7 UK**, Class:** Major**, Intensity:** VIII - XII) earthquake occurred 159.9 miles away from Bear Lake County center, causing $26,000,000 total damage
On 10/28/1983 at 14:06:06**, a magnitude** 7.3 (6.2 MB**,** 7.3 MS**,** 7.0 MW) earthquake occurred 173.8 miles away from the county center, causing 2 deaths (2 shaking deaths) and 3 injuries, causing $15,000,000 total damage
On 10/3/1915 at 06:52:48**, a magnitude** 7.6 (7.6 UK) earthquake occurred 342.6 miles away from the county center
On 3/28/1975 at 02:31:05**, a magnitude** 6.2 (6.1 MB**,** 6.0 MS**,** 6.2 ML**, Class:** Strong**, Intensity:** VII - IX) earthquake occurred 61.3 miles away from the county center
On 2/3/1994 at 09:05:04**, a magnitude** 5.8 (5.4 MB**,** 5.5 MS**,** 5.8 MW**,** 5.8 ML**, Depth:** 4.9 mi**, Class:** Moderate**, Intensity:** VI - VII) earthquake occurred 37.8 miles away from Bear Lake County center
On 3/31/2020 at 23:52:30**, a magnitude** 6.5 (6.5 MW**, Depth:** 7.5 mi) earthquake occurred 240.9 miles away from the county center
Magnitude types: body-wave magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Most recent natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Bear Lake County (3) is a lot smaller than the US average (15).
Emergencies Declared: 2

Means of transportation to work in 2022 - Bear Lake

Means of transportation to work:

Class of Workers in 2022

Most common industries in 2022 (%)

Males Females

Most common industries for males in 2022

Most common occupations in 2022 (%)

Males Females

Most common occupations for males in 2022

Most common places of birth for foreign-born residents

Most common first ancestries reported in Bear Lake County

Owners and renters by unit type

Breakdown of mean house values by ages of householders

31 people in nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities

People in group quarters in Bear Lake County, Idaho in 2000:

Average gross adjusted income of non-migrant taxpayers in this county in 2020 was $59,795.

7.29% of this county's 2021 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2020 ($66,467 average adjusted gross income)

Here: 7.29%
Idaho average: 9.53%

10 or fewer of this county's residents moved from foreign countries.
2.10% relocated from other counties in Idaho ($17,054 average AGI)
5.20% relocated from other states ($49,413 average AGI)

Bear Lake County: 5.20%
Idaho average: 5.98%

Residents relocating <b>from</b> other counties or countries

5.18% of this county's 2020 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2021 ($50,655 average adjusted gross income)

Here: 5.18%
Idaho average: 7.66%

10 or fewer of this county's residents moved to foreign countries.
1.79% relocated to other counties in Idaho ($18,655 average AGI)
3.39% relocated to other states ($32,009 average AGI)

Bear Lake County: 3.39%
Idaho average: 4.04%

Residents relocating <b>to</b> other counties or countries

Births per 1000 population from 1990 to 1999: 13.9
Births per 1000 population from 2000 to 2006: 13.4

Births per 1000 population in Bear Lake County

Deaths per 1000 population from 1990 to 1999: 9.4
Deaths per 1000 population from 2000 to 2009: 10.3
Deaths per 1000 population from 2010 to 2020: 10.7

Deaths per 1000 population in Bear Lake County

Infant deaths per 1000 live births from 1990 to 1999: 3.2
Infant deaths per 1000 live births from 2000 to 2006: 7.6

Infant deaths per 1000 population in Bear Lake County

Population without health insurance coverage in 2018: 10.5%
Persons under 19 years old without health insurance coverage in 2018: 6.2%

Persons enrolled in hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) in July 1, 2007: 1,172 (1,021 aged, 151 disabled)
Children under 18 without health insurance coverage in 2007: 133 (8%)

Most common underlying causes of death in Bear Lake County, Idaho in 1999 - 2019:

Population without health insurance coverage in 2000: 17%
Children under 18 without health insurance coverage in 2000: 17%

Short term general hospitals per 100,000 population in 2004: 15.82
Short term general hospital admissions per 100,000 population in 2004: 7,591
Short term general hospital beds per 100,000 population in 2004: 1,297
Emergency room visits per 100,000 population in 2004: 58,738

General practice office based MDs per 100,000 population in 2005: 1,231
Medical specialist MDs per 100,000 population in 2005: 1,036

Total births per 100,000 population, July 2005 - July 2006 : 31
Total deaths per 100,000 population, July 2005 - July 2006: 113

Household type by relationship:

Households: 6,730

Size of family households: 974 2-persons, 295 3-persons, 239 4-persons, 157 5-persons, 71 6-persons, 44 7-or-more-persons.

Size of nonfamily households: 627 1-person, 28 2-persons, 9 4-persons.

1,289 married couples with children.
264 single-parent households (86 men, 178 women).

96.0% of residents of Bear Lake speak English at home.
2.5% of residents speak Spanish at home (64% speak English very well, 33% speak English well, 3% don't speak English at all).
0.4% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (88% speak English very well, 12% speak English not well).
0.8% of residents speak Asian or Pacific Island language at home (49% speak English very well, 51% speak English not well).
0.2% of residents speak other language at home (100% speak English very well).

In fiscal year 2004:

Federal Government expenditure: 36,345,000(36,345,000 (36,345,000(5,748 per capita)
Department of Defense expenditure: $762,000
Federal direct payments to individuals for retirement and disability: $17,141,000
Federal other direct payments to individuals: $5,544,000
Federal direct payments not to individuals: $1,934,000
Federal grants: $8,873,000
Federal procurement contracts: 364,000(364,000 (364,000(0,000 Department of Defense)
Federal salaries and wages: 2,490,000(2,490,000 (2,490,000(0,000 Department of Defense)
Federal Government direct loans: $556,000
Federal guaranteed/insured loans: $3,943,000
Federal Government insurance: $547,000

Population change from April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005:

Births: 432

Here: 70 per 1000 residents
State: 78 per 1000 residents

Deaths: 329

Here: 53 per 1000 residents
State: 37 per 1000 residents

Net international migration: +4

Here: +1 per 1000 residents
State: +10 per 1000 residents

Net internal migration: -328

Population growth in Bear Lake County

Total withdrawal of fresh water for public supply: 1.58 millions of gallons per day (all from ground)

Median number of rooms in houses and condos:

Median number of rooms in apartments:

Year house built in Bear Lake County, Idaho

Rooms in houses/apartments in Bear Lake County, Idaho

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Rooms in owner-occupied houses in Bear Lake County, Idaho

Bedrooms in houses/apartments in Bear Lake County, Idaho

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses in Bear Lake County, Idaho

Cars and other vehicles available in Bear Lake County, Idaho in houses/condos/apartments

Owner-occupied Renter-occupied

Cars and other vehicles available in Bear Lake County in owner-occupied houses/condos

90.0% of Bear Lake County residents lived in the same house 1 years ago.
Out of people who lived in different houses, 29% lived in this county.
Out of people who lived in different counties, 34% lived in Idaho.

Bear Lake County: 90.0%
State average: 85.1%

Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:

Year householders moved into unit in Bear Lake County, ID

Most commonly used house heating fuel in Bear Lake County

Houses and condos Apartments

Most commonly used house heating fuel in houses and condos

Private vs. public school enrollment:

Students in private schools in grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school): 81

Students in private schools in grades 9 to 12 (high school): 15

Students in private undergraduate colleges: 56

Educational Attainment

School Enrollment by Level of School

Age and Sex of Sensory-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Physically-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Mentally-Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Self-Care Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Go-Outside-Home Disabled Noninstitutionalized Residents

Age and Sex of Noninstitutionalized Residents with Employment Disability

Bear Lake County government finances - Expenditure in 2018:

Bear Lake County government finances - Revenue in 2018:

Bear Lake County government finances - Debt in 2018:

Bear Lake County government finances - Cash and Securities in 2018:

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in 2006:

Most common first names in Bear Lake County, ID among deceased individuals
Name Count Lived (average)
William 26 76.3 years
John 21 82.5 years
George 18 74.5 years
James 17 75.0 years
Robert 17 72.1 years
Charles 16 75.9 years
Mary 14 81.7 years
Ruth 13 78.5 years
Joseph 12 78.1 years
Raymond 10 73.5 years
Most common last names in Bear Lake County, ID among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 25 77.5 years
Kunz 20 76.6 years
Lewis 17 80.7 years
Jensen 16 82.4 years
Rich 15 82.9 years
Nelson 15 79.7 years
Eborn 15 74.5 years
Peterson 15 67.8 years
Hymas 14 80.3 years
Bartschi 14 76.6 years
Businesses in Bear Lake County, ID
Name Count Name Count
AT&T 1 Subway 1
Alco Stores 1 Super 8 1
FedEx 1 T-Mobile 1
Ford 1 True Value 1
RadioShack 1 U-Haul 1

Browse common businesses in Bear Lake County, ID

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