Races in Mountain View, California (CA): White, Black, Hispanic, Asian. Ancestries, Foreign-born residents, place of birth (original) (raw)

According to 2022 data, the most numerous races in Mountain View, CA are Hispanic (14,968 residents), White alone (32,817 residents), and Asian alone (28,015 residents). 52.2% of Mountain View residents speak English at home. 42.6% of Mountain View, CA residents are foreign-born (22.8% born in Asia, 9.8% born in Latin America, 7.6% born in Europe), which is 39.0% greater than the foreign-born rate of 26.0% across the entire state of California.

Race distribution in Mountain View

2000 2022

2000 2022

Income and house value in Mountain View

Household income for White non-Hispanic householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Black householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for American Indian and Alaska Native householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Asian householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Some other race householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Two or more races householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Household income for Hispanic or Latino race householders

Distribution of median household income in Mountain View, CA in 2022

Median age by race in Mountain View

Owner/renter occupied households by race in Mountain View

Language usage in Mountain View

White (Caucasian) - Speak only English

Native: 86.8% (22,829)
Foreign-born: 33.5% (2,860)

White (Caucasian) - Speak another language

Native: 13.8% (3,631)
Foreign-born: 71.2% (6,074)

Black or African American - Speak only English

Native: 94.9% (979)
Foreign-born: 20.1% (42)

Black or African American - Speak another language

Native: 4.4% (45)
Foreign-born: 79.9% (169)

American Indian / Alaska Native - Speak another language

Native: 95.5% (233)
Foreign-born: 99.0% (170)

Asian - Speak only English

Native: 64.6% (5,167)
Foreign-born: 21.5% (3,696)

Asian - Speak another language

Native: 35.9% (2,872)
Foreign-born: 79.6% (13,711)

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander - Speak another language

Native: 19.7% (43)
Foreign-born: 96.4% (14)

Other race - Speak only English

Native: 27.3% (491)
Foreign-born: 5.6% (166)

Other race - Speak another language

Native: 71.9% (1,295)
Foreign-born: 94.5% (2,825)

Two or more races - Speak only English

Native: 60.9% (3,939)
Foreign-born: 13.6% (456)

Two or more races - Speak another language

Native: 44.8% (2,900)
Foreign-born: 83.2% (2,790)

White alone - Speak only English

Native: 90.2% (22,754)
Foreign-born: 35.9% (3,107)

White alone - Speak another language

Native: 10.0% (2,525)
Foreign-born: 64.0% (5,542)

Hispanic or Latino - Speak only English

Native: 25.9% (1,749)
Foreign-born: 1.7% (137)

Hispanic or Latino - Speak another language

Native: 72.7% (4,906)
Foreign-born: 97.3% (7,748)

Foreign-born residents in Mountain View

34,893 residents are foreign born (22.8% Asia, 9.8% Latin America, 7.6% Europe).

This city: 42.6%
California: 100.0%

Median age by place of birth - Mountain View

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Place of birth - Mountain View, CA

Population born outside the United States - Mountain View

Year of entry for the foreign-born population - Mountain View

Year of entry for the foreign-born male population - Mountain View

Year of entry for the foreign-born female population - Mountain View

Place of birth by age -  Mountain View

Marital status for residents in Mountain View

Marital status - White (Caucasian) population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (345)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 41.8% (3,275)
Unmarried: 58.2% (4,556)

Marital status - Black or African American population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (9)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 23.4% (53)
Unmarried: 76.6% (172)

Marital status - American Indian / Alaska Native population 15 years and over

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 9.2% (13)
Unmarried: 90.8% (129)

Marital status - Asian population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (298)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 48.0% (4,277)
Unmarried: 52.0% (4,642)

Marital status - Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander population 15 years and over

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 51.7% (29)
Unmarried: 48.3% (27)

Marital status - Other race population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (57)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 30.8% (446)
Unmarried: 69.2% (1,004)

Marital status - Two or more races population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (114)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 37.6% (1,048)
Unmarried: 62.4% (1,741)

Marital status - White alone, not Hispanic / Latino population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 100.0% (372)
Unmarried: 0.0% (0)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 39.8% (2,654)
Unmarried: 60.2% (4,010)

Marital status - Hispanic or Latino population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 74.7% (189)
Unmarried: 25.3% (64)

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months

Now married: 39.9% (1,595)
Unmarried: 60.1% (2,406)

Ancestries in Mountain View

Geographical mobility in Mountain View

Children Nativity (place of birth) in Mountain View

Place of birth for residents in Mountain View

Grandparents responsible for own grandchildren in Mountain View