Windsor township, Fayette County, Iowa (IA) Detailed Profile (original) (raw)

Number of foreign born residents: 2 (100% naturalized citizens)

Windsor township: 1.5%
Whole state: 3.1%

62% of Windsor township residents lived in the same house 5 years ago.
Out of people who lived in different houses, 67% lived in this county.
Out of people who lived in different counties, 84% lived in Iowa.

Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:

Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses in 2000: $36,300

Percentage of households with unmarried partners: 2.2%

No gay or lesbian households reported

Windsor township, IA map Windsor township, Iowa satellite photo by USGS

Housing units in structures:

Median worth of mobile homes: $20,400

Housing units in Windsor township with a mortgage: 68 (2 second mortgage, 2 home equity loan, 0 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 92

Year house built

Rooms in owner-occupied houses in Windsor township, Iowa:

Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Windsor township, Iowa:

Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Windsor township:

Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Windsor township:

Cars and other vehicles available in Windsor township in owner-occupied houses/condos:

Cars and other vehicles available in Windsor township in renter-occupied apartments

Owners and renters by unit type in %

Breakdown of mean house values by ages of householders ($)

Most common industries for males (%):

Most common industries for females (%):

Most common occupations for males (%)

Most common occupations for females (%)

Most common first ancestries reported in Windsor township:

Most common places of birth for the foreign-born residents:

Means of transportation to work:

Most commonly used house heating fuel:

97.3% of residents of Windsor township speak English at home.
0.7% of residents speak Spanish at home (50% speak English very well, 50% speak English well).
1.3% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (55% speak English very well, 27% speak English well, 18% don't speak English at all).
0.7% of residents speak Asian or Pacific Island language at home (100% speak English well).

Household type by relationship:

Households: 874

Size of family households: 122 2-persons, 53 3-persons, 42 4-persons, 20 5-persons, 9 6-persons, 3 7-or-more-persons,

Size of nonfamily households: 103 1-person, 7 2-persons,

166 married couples with children.
35 single-parent households (12 men, 23 women).

Private vs. public school enrollment:

Students in private schools in grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school): 0

Students in private schools in grades 9 to 12 (high school): 0

Students in private undergraduate colleges: 4

Educational Attainment (%)

School Enrollment by Level of School (%)

Age and Sex of Sensory-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)

Age and Sex of Physically-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)

Age and Sex of Mentally-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)

Age and Sex of Self-Care Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)

Age and Sex of Go-Outside-Home Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)

Age and Sex of Residents with Employment Disability (Noninstitutionalized)

Year Householders Moved Into Unit in Windsor township: