| Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences (original) (raw)


The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJPAS) is a peer reviewed both printed and online international multi-disciplinary journal aimed at promoting research in the field of science and technology on the basis of its originality and quality. The CJPAS is refereed and indexed journal published by SENRA Academic Publishers three times a year (Feb, June and Oct). Journal is indexed in several indexing databases of different indexing services and universities.

Open Access

The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences follows open access policy which means it is freely available on internet to the public and anyone interested can download, print, index and distribute for academic purposes without any financial obligation. However, authors of articles are to be properly acknowledged and cited.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts must contain significant new findings and must not have been published elsewhere nor be simultaneously under consideration for any other publication outlet or posted on internet sites. Manuscript submitted via e-mail to the Editorial Office CJPAS.

Manuscript submission charges

The journal does not charge for manuscript submission, however, in order to cover journal printing, electronic publishing and web maintenance expenses; paper page printing fee is applied. Following final acceptance the manuscript is passed to the production department to be copy edited and prepared for printing. Authors are charged CAD 175/−forpageprintingupto5pages(withoutcolorprinting).PapershavingmorethanfiveprintedpagesareadditionallychargedCAD175/- for page printing upto 5 pages (without color printing). Papers having more than five printed pages are additionally charged CAD 175/forpageprintingupto5pages(withoutcolorprinting).PapershavingmorethanfiveprintedpagesareadditionallychargedCAD 25/- per page. Color prints are at the author's expenses in addition of CAD $ 80/- for administrative processing and Plagiarism checking Charges. Full printed journal and reprints are available at a nominal cost.

Editorial Review Policy and Procedure

After receiving a manuscript, the Editorial Staff conducts initial pre-refereeing checks to ensure the paper is correctly formatted according to CJPAS, original, within the scope of the journal in question, in the style of a scientific paper and written in English. Any submitted manuscript that does not follow above stated criteria may be rejected. Manuscripts that do not meet the CJPAS Instructions to Authors guidelines are returned to authors for corrections. We have very strict policy for plagiarism and all papers are checked by iThenticate or Turnitin before sending papers to reviewers. We have rejected a large number of papers based on plagiarism. Therefore, we never published any article that was previously published somewhere else based on plagiarism checking and reviewers report. Once the Editor has decided to consider the manuscript for publication, the corresponding author of a submitted manuscript will receive a formal acknowledgement with manuscript ID and Consent to publish and Copyright Transfer Agreement. The CJPAS uses double-blind review process. Manuscripts are reviewed by experts in the research area. A manuscript is sent to two independent referees who are asked to report on the scientific quality, novelty, scientific rigour, significance to the field and presentation. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to research areas.

Revised papers

When authors make revisions to their paper in response to the referees’ comments they are asked to submit a list of changes and any replies for transmission to the referees. Correspondence and notifications regarding manuscripts will be through e-mail. All reviewer comments and author revisions are handled electronically. Copy editing queries and page proofs (or E-galleys) are also provided via e-mail. Final acceptance of a manuscript is contingent upon compliance with CJPAS requirements. Manuscripts other than Special Invited Papers are generally published in the order of receipt, within subject areas, of the final, accepted version or of the corrected proof.

Appeals and complaints

Author (s) who wish to appeal a rejection or make a complaint should, in the first instance, directly contact the Editor who will provide details of the journal's complaints procedure.


The CJPAS is committed to integrity in scientific research and recognizes the importance of maintaining the ethical standards.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is considered dishonesty of academic/ scientific text, data, ideas, and other creative work copying of ideas, text, data and other creative work and presenting it as original research without proper citation. Plagiarism is a serious academic/ scientific violation. We have rejected a large number of papers based on plagiarism. According to CJPAS publication policy we define plagiarism as a case in which a paper reproduces another work with at least 18% similarity and without citation.

CJPAS is Abstracted/Indexed in

The CJPAS is Abstracted/ Indexed in several indexing databases of different indexing services and universities including:

The full text of all published articles published in Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences is deposited to Library and Archives Canada which means all articles are preserved in the repository and accessible around the world. Link

Editorial Office e-mail:

editor@cjpas.ca editor@cjpas.org editor@cjpas.net

Postal address:

5919 129 B Street Surrey British Columbia V3X 0C5 Canada