ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 94-120 (original) (raw)
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Decision |
Ottawa, 31 March 1994 |
Decision CRTC 94-120 |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
Aklavik, Cambridge Bay, Coppermine, Fort Franklin, Fort Good Hope, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Norman Wells, Northwest Territories - 932217300 - 930690300 |
Licence amendments for CHAK |
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1994-11 dated 11 February 1994, the Commission approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CHAK Inuvik (the originating station), by adding to the licence the transmitters noted below: |
CBAK Aklavik CBDW Norman Wells CBQE Fort Good Hope CBQI Fort Norman CBQM Fort McPherson CBQO Deline (formerly/ anciennement Fort Franklin) CBIN-FM Cambridge Bay CBIO-FM Coppermine |
This amendment will bring CHAK's licence into conformity with the Broadcasting Act and with Public Notice CRTC 1991-63 entitled "New Broadcasting Act - Amendments to Classes of Licence". |
Upon approval of this application, the CBC will surrender the separate licences currently issued for each of the above-noted transmitters which provide the programming of CHAK. |
The Commission also approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence of CHAK, by changing the frequency of its transmitter CBQM Fort McPherson, from 680 kHz to 690 kHz. |
Allan J. Darling Secretary General |
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