David Wagner (original) (raw)

| a picture of me | | ProfessorCarl J. Penther Chair in EngineeringComputer Science DivisionUniversity of California, Berkeley | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

**Research interests.**Computer security. I am currently working on security for AI (particularly security for large language models), AI for security, and other topics in computer security. I have worked onsoftware security,electronic voting,wireless security,sensor network security, andapplied cryptography.

**Projects.**My group page is here. I'm part of Berkeley'ssecurity research groupand a member of theACTION Institute.

I was previously co-PI or PI forSCRUB, the Intel Science and Technology Center for Secure Computing, and the DHOSA project, and I was a member of theTRUST,ACCURATE,Science of Security, andISAACprojects.

Publications. My technical papers and publications are all available online.

**Teaching.**I am teaching CS 161 (Computer Security)this fall. See my past teaching.

**Students.**I'm lucky to have the chance to work with a group of outstanding graduate students and postdocs:Sizhe Chen,Zhanhao Hu,Norman Mu, andJulien Piet. See also the students I've graduated.

**Contacting me.**See my contact information for my address and other details.

**Software.**Our group releases code for many of our recent paperson Github.

Also available:PrimeVul, a high-quality dataset of vulnerabilities in code;DiverseVul, a large dataset of vulnerabilities in code;SLIP, a multi-modal model for images and text;OpenCount, a tool to help with auditing of elections conducted using optical-scan paper ballots;AuditBear, a web application for analyzing audit logs from ES&S iVotronic voting machines;Joe-E, a Java-based programming language for secure programming;html-sanitizer-testbed, a suite of tests to probe the security of a HTML sanitizer; andCQual++, a tool for type inference analysis of C and C++ code.

**Recruiting.**I am looking for a strong postdoc with interests in applications of machine learning to security or security of LLMs, starting in 2024.

I do not have any opportunities for internships or collaborations with high school students at this time.

David Wagner,daw@cs.berkeley.edu,http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/.