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\slidehead{\large Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning \red \ } \bk \centerline{[Read Ch. 12]} \centerline{[Suggested exercises: 12.1, 12.2, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8]} \bi \item Why combine inductive and analytical learning? \item KBANN: Prior knowledge to initialize the hypothesis \item TangetProp, EBNN: Prior knowledge alters search objective \item FOCL: Prior knowledge alters search operators \ei \slidehead{\large Inductive and Analytical Learning \red \ } \bk \begin{tabular}{ll} {\bf Inductive learning} & {\bf Analytical learning} \\ Hypothesis fits data & Hypothesis fits domain theory \\ Statistical inference & Deductive inference \\ Requires little prior knowledge & Learns from scarce data \\ Syntactic inductive bias & Bias is domain theory \\ \end{tabular} \slidehead{\large What We Would Like \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/ebnn-1.ps,width=6.5in}}} \bigskip \bigskip General purpose learning method: \bi \item No domain theory ra\rara learn as well as inductive methods \item Perfect domain theory ra\rara learn as well as \pgm{Prolog-EBG} \item Accomodate arbitrary and unknown errors in domain theory \item Accomodate arbitrary and unknown errors in training data \ei \newpage Domain theory: \begin{center} Cup la\lala Stable, Liftable, OpenVessel Stable la\lala BottomIsFlat Liftable la\lala Graspable, Light Graspable la\lala HasHandle OpenVessel la\lala HasConcavity, ConcavityPointsUp \end{center} \vspace*{.3in} Training examples: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|lcccc|cccccc|} \hline & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Cups} & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Non-Cups} \\ BottomIsFlat & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & & & \ch \\ ConcavityPoints Up & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & & \ch & \ch & & \\ Expensive & \ch & & \ch & & & & \ch & & \ch & \\ Fragile & \ch & \ch & & & \ch & \ch & & \ch & & \ch \\ HandleOnTop & & & & & \ch & & \ch & & & \\ HandleOnSide & \ch & & & \ch & & & & & \ch & \\ HasConcavity & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch \\ HasHandle & \ch & & & \ch & \ch & & \ch & & \ch & \\ Light & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & \ch & & \ch & \\ MadeOfCeramic & \ch & & & & \ch & & \ch & \ch & & \\ MadeOfPaper & & & & \ch & & & & & \ch & \\ MadeOfStyrofoam & & \ch & \ch & & & \ch & & & & \ch \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \slidehead{\large KBANN \red \ } \bk KBANN (data DDD, domain theory BBB) \be \item Create a feedforward network hhh equivalent to BBB \item Use \pgm{Backprop} to tune hhh to fit DDD \ee \slidehead{\large Neural Net Equivalent to Domain Theory \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/ind-ana-kbann2.epsf,width=6in}}} \slidehead{Creating Network Equivalent to Domain Theory \red \ } \bk Create one unit per horn clause rule (i.e., an AND unit) \bi \item Connect unit inputs to corresponding clause antecedents \item For each non-negated antecedent, corresponding input weight wlaWw \la WwlaW, where WWW is some constant \item For each negated antecedent, input weight wla−Ww \la -Wwla−W \item Threshold weight w_0la−(n−.5)Ww_0 \la -(n-.5)Ww_0la−(n−.5)W, where nnn is number of non-negated antecedents \ei \bigskip Finally, add many additional connections with near-zero weights \bigskip \[ Liftable \la Graspable, \neg Heavy \] \slidehead{\large Result of refining the network \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/ind-ana-kbann3.epsf,width=6in}}} \slidehead{\large KBANN Results \red \ } \bk Classifying promoter regions in DNA leave one out testing: \bi \item Backpropagation: error rate 8/106 \item KBANN: 4/106 \ei \bigskip Similar improvements on other classification, control tasks. \slidehead{\large Hypothesis space search in \pgm{KBANN} \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/kbann-search.ps,width=6in}}} \slidehead{\pgm{EBNN} \red \ } \bk Key idea: \bi \item Previously learned approximate domain theory \item Domain theory represented by collection of neural networks \item Learn target function as another neural network \ei \newpage \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/ebnn-expl.ps,width=5.7in}}} \slidehead{\large Modified Objective for Gradient Descent \red \ } \bk \[ E = \sum_i \left[(f(x_{i}) - \hat{f}(x_{i}))^{2} + \mu_{i} \sum_{j} \left(\frac{\partial A(x)}{\partial x^{j}} - \frac{\partial \hat{f}(x)}{\partial{x^{j}}} \right)_{(x=x_{i})}^{2} \right] \] where \[ \mu_{i} \equiv 1 - \frac{|A(x_{i}) - f(x_{i})|}{c} \] \bigskip \bi \item f(x)f(x)f(x) is target function \item hatf(x)\hat{f}(x)hatf(x) is neural net approximation to f(x)f(x)f(x) \item A(x)A(x)A(x) is domain theory approximation to f(x)f(x)f(x) \ei \newpage \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/tanprop-slopes.ps,width=7in}}} \slidehead{\large Hypothesis Space Search in EBNN \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/tanprop-search.ps,width=5in}}} \slidehead{\large Search in FOCL \red \ } \bk \centerline{\hbox{\psfig{file=./bookps/focl-search.ps,width=6.5in}}} \slidehead{\large FOCL Results \red \ } \bk Recognizing legal chess endgame positions: \bi \item 30 positive, 30 negative examples \item \pgm{FOIL}: 86\% \item \pgm{FOCL}: 94\% (using domain theory with 76\% accuracy) \ei NYNEX telephone network diagnosis \bi \item 500 training examples \item \pgm{FOIL}: 90\% \item \pgm{FOCL}: 98\% (using domain theory with 95\% accuracy) \ei \end{document}