601.465/665 - Natural Language Processing (original) (raw)

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Johns Hopkins University The Whiting School of Engineering
Natural Language Processing Prof. Jason Eisner Course # 601.465/665 — Fall 2024 Announcements | Key Links Schedule Homeworks Recitations parse trees



Warning: The schedule below is adapted from last year's schedule and may still change! Links to future lecture slides, homeworks, and dates currently point to last year's versions. Watch Piazza for important updates, including when assignments are given and when they are due.

What's Important? What's Hard? What's Easy? [1 week]

Mon 8/26:

Probabilistic Modeling [1 week]

Mon 9/2 (Labor Day: no class)
Wed 9/4,Fri 9/6:

Grammars and Parsers [3- weeks]

Wed 9/11:

Representing Meaning [1 week]

Mon 9/30,Wed 10/2, Fri 10/4:


Mon 10/7 Fri 10/11:

Representing Everything: Deep Learning for NLP [1+ week]

Wed 10/9,Fri 10/11,Mon 10/14, Wed 10/16:

Unsupervised Learning [1+ week]

Mon 10/21,Wed 10/23:

Discriminative Modeling [1- week]

Wed 10/30,Fri 11/1:

Deep Learning for Structured Prediction; Transformers [1- week]

Mon 11/4,Wed 11/6:

Harnessing Large Language Models [1+ week]

Fri 11/8,Mon 11/11,Wed 11/13, Fri 11/15:

NLP Applications [2 weeks]

Mon 11/18,Wed 11/20,Fri 11/22,
Mon 11/25 (Thanksgiving break), Wed 11/27 (more break), Fri 11/29 (more break),
Mon 12/2,Wed 12/4, Fri 12/6:


Exam period (12/11 - 12/19):

Unofficial Summary of Homework Schedule

These dates were copied from the schedule above, which is subject to change. Homeworks are due approximately every two weeks, with longer homeworks getting more time. But the homework periods are generally longer than two weeks -- they overlap. This gives you more flexibility about when to do each assignment, which is useful if you have other classes and activities. We assign homework n as soon as you've seen the lectures you need, rather than waiting until after homework n-1 is due. So you can jump right in while the material is fresh.

Recitation Schedule

Recitations are normally held on Tuesdays (see the syllabus). Enrolled students are expected to attend the recitation and participate in solving practice problems. This will be more helpful than an hour of solo study. The following schedule is subject to change.

Old Materials

Lectures from past years, some still useful: