CS2011 Home Page (original) (raw)

This is the home page for the CS2011 Algorithms and Data Structures course, given by David Rydeheard and Graham Gough.

Tutorial sheets

PDF versions of the tutorial exercises.

Copies of lecture slides (Graham's half of the course)

Please do not try to print copies of these slides from the Acrobat PDF reader, I have not managed to find a sensible way of doing this and I have more than enough photcopies for everyone on the course, so just ask.


A web version of all the lab exercises

Lots of information about algorithms and data structures can be found at the Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems.

Animations of selected algorithms

Mike Yeo, a 3rd year undergraduate (96/97) has produced Java animations for some of the algorithms described in the course as his 3rd year project. Please try them out and send me your comments.
If you have any problems getting Java working within Netscape, take a look at the local Java FAQ page

Adam Darwin, in his 3rd year project of 99/00, has also developed a Java based animation system with which he animated some of the algorithms described in the course.

Last modified: Thu Dec 13 15:04:32 GMT 2001

Please send any general comments on these pages to Graham Gough