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About me
On 1 December 2016 I was appointed as Dean of theFaculty of Science at VU University Amsterdam. Before that I was for two years Head of the Computer Science department.
I'm still a professor at theWeb & Media group of the Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam, and part of the Network Institute. My interests lie in knowledge engineering, web science, and e-humanities. I like to do interdisciplinary projects. Since 2002 I've spent a considerable amount of my time chairingW3C groups in theData area. The last group I chaired was the RDF Working Group, for which I wrote theRDF 1.1 Primer.
After my entry in 2014 into the management ranks leadership of the Web & Media research group was taking over by Professor Lora Aroyo.
8 March 2017: B-Debate "Artificial Intelligence: Dreams, Risks, and Reality", Barcelona
How the Semantic Web is transforming information access from Guus Schreiber
4 October 2015: Event with our Accurator prototype in the Rijksmuseum: descriving birds in art images
"Birds on a balustrade" by Hondecoeter 1680-1690. (source)
25 September 2015: presentation at workshp "Semantics and the Humanities", St. Johns College, Oxford
Semantics and the Humanities: some lessons from my journey 2000-2012 from Guus Schreiber
10 November 2014: presentation at Histoinformatics 2014, Barcelona
Linking historical ship records to a newspaper archive from Guus Schreiber
25 July 2014: keynote Web Science Summer School, University of Southampton
Knowledge engineering and the Web from Guus Schreiber
March 2012L: Final review, IP Notube, BBC, London
NoTube: integrating TV and Web with the help of semantics from Guus Schreiber
- video: 2011: demonstrator
- video: 2010: user scenarios
- video: 2010: demonstrator
28 October 2011: Keynote IC3K conference, Paris
Principles for knowledge engineering on the Web from Guus Schreiber
June 2011: (in Dutch) Interview in //Collectie (magazine for libraries)
4 March 2011: talk at the symposium "Beyond the Semantic Web", held on in honor of Bob Wielinga
The artof of knowledge engineering, or: knowledge engineering of art from Guus Schreiber
4 December 2010: (in Dutch) Interview in De Volkskrant (national newspaper)
23 February 2010: (in Dutch) BNR News Radio, program Denktank (Think Tank)
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29 January 2010: Keynote SOFTSEM 2010, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic
Web Science: the digital heritage case from Guus Schreiber
31 January 2008: Invited talk at meeting of the European national libraries, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Principles and pragmatics of a Semantic Culture Web from Guus Schreiber
December 2007: (in Dutch) Article in "Gewoon Bijzonder" (VY alumni magazine)
13 November 2007: Panel ISWC 2007, Busan, Korea
10 February 2007: (in Dutch) Article in Vrij Nederland (national periodical)
7 December 2006: Keynote International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technology (SAMT 2006), Athens, Greece
Ontologies for multimedia: the Semantic Culture Web from Guus Schreiber
July 2006: Keynote at the Semantic Web Summer School, Cercedilla, Spain.
Semantics for visual resources: use cases from e-culture from Guus Schreiber