Sean Connery letter to Steve Jobs rejecting offer to appear in Apple ad revealed as fake (original) (raw)

Thousands of James Bond fans were today taken in by a spoof letter from Sean Conney to Apple boss Steve Jobs in which the film star launches a rant at the computer chief.

The faked A4 letter on 007 paper was published online claiming to have been a response from Connery to a request to feature in an advert for Apple.

It purportedly shows Connery aggressively declining the offer and telling Jobs 'You are a computer salesman - I am f****** James Bond.'

James Bond star Sir Sean Connery

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO

Do you know who I am? A faked letter from James Bond star Sir Sean Connery firmly rejected an apparent advertising role from Apple chief Steve Jobs

The letter caused a sensation when it was published on Twitter today with thousands of users believing it to be real.

Dated December 1998, it is addressed to Mr Stephen P. Jobs at '1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California'.

The prankster writes: 'I will say this one more time. Yo do understand English, don't you? I do not sell my soul for Apple or any other company.

'I have no interest in ''changing the world'' as you suggest. You have nothing that I need or want. You are a computer salesman - I am f****** James Bond.

'I can think of no quicker way to destroy my career than to appear in one of your crass adverts. Please do not contact me again.'

The person claiming to be the 007 star then signs off with a signature on paper that is headed 'The desk of Sean Connery' and features a 007 gun symbol in the bottom corner.

Spoof: The faked letter claims to be from the 'desk of Sean Connery' and is typed on paper with the 007 symbol in the corner

Spoof: The faked letter claims to be from the 'desk of Sean Connery' and is typed on paper with the 007 symbol in the corner

The Apple satirical site Scoopertino initially published the fake letter on June 19. They claim that Jobs has been a life-long Bond fan who wanted to call the first computer the Double-O-Mac.

Details of how Jobs tried to recruit Connery to flag up struggling sales in 1998 were said to have been revealed in a book on the history of the firm.

But when the image surfaced on the internet it became clear that it had been faked. Twitter users soon pointed out that it was not an original.

One wrote: 'The Connery/Jobs thing was definitely a fake, it turns out.'

Another added: 'Sean Connery's letter to Steve Jobs? Well done satire site Scoopertino for fooling so many tweeps .'