C Christine Fair 'went into meltdown after ex-colleague admitted voting for Donald Trump' (original) (raw)

A professor at Georgetown University went into an unbelievable foul-mouthed meltdown that lasted 31 days after a Muslim ex-colleague said she voted for Donald Trump.

C Christine Fair, an associate professor at the Center for Peace and Security Studies, was incensed after Asra Q Nomani, 'lifelong liberal', wrote an article about voting for Donald Trump as a Muslim immigrant.

That led to a month of abuse on social media - including insults and threats of lawsuits - The Daily Caller reported.

'Angry': C Christine Fair, a Georgetown professor, is accused of harassing and insulting a Muslim woman privately and on social media because she voted for Donald Trump

'Insulted': Asra Nomani says her vote for Trump caused Fair, a former friend, to turn against her. She says Fair harassed her from Nov 22-Dec 23, saying 'f**k you' and 'go to hell'

'Dolt': In these tweets offered by Nomani, Fair allegedly says she has 'written off' the woman 'as a human being' because she 'normalized Nazis in DC'. Nomani has complained to Georgetown

In her Washington Post article, Nomani said she was motivated by a distaste for Obama's edging around using the phrase 'Islamic extremism', the cost of Obamacare and what she saw as Obama's failure to help poor and rural Americans.

According to Nomani, on November 22, 12 days after her article was published, Fair began a sustained period of abuse on Twitter and Facebook.

In a letter of complaint to the university, Nomani said that Fair told her 'F**K YOU, GO TO HELL', and called her a 'wench', a 'fraud' and a 'fame-mongering clown show'.

Nomani added that Fair had called her 'chutiya,' or 'the equivalent of a "f**ker" in my native Urdu', and 'bevkuf', another Urdu word meaning 'idiot'.

The letter also included images of Tweets apparently sent by Fair.

One tweet, dated November 22, read: 'Yes, @AsraNomani, I've written you off as a human being. Your vote helped normalize Nazis in DC. What don't you understand, you cluless [sic] dolt?'

That same day Nomani asked her to 'take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard'.

Fair reportedly replied: 'I know you. You're a fame-mongering clown show. You voted 4 a hateful bigot. U now want civility and respect. You are responsible for this.'

At present, Fair's Twitter account is visible to her friends only.

On December 2, Nomani wrote a letter of complaint to Georgetown about Fair, whom she had previously considered to be 'a friend'.

Over the next two days, she told the Daily Caller, the letter was escalated to Professor Irfan Nooruddin, faculty chair of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.

Nooruddin promised to speak to Fair.

'Clown': In this tweet, Nomani tells Fair to 'take a deep breath' and says 'I love you'. Fair apparently responds by calling her 'a fame-mongering clown show'

Two days after that, on December 6, Nomani says, Fair wrote a foul-mouthed Facebook rant titled 'An open letter to Asra Nomani and her Trump-supporting ilk.'

In a screenshot of the alleged letter - which is no longer visible to non-friends on Fair's account - Fair admits to privately telling Nomani to 'go to Hell' and 'f**k off' after a 'disingenuous' call for dialogue from the Muslim woman.

The post notes that 'my critical tweets did not violate Twitter rules' and complaints about Nomani going to the Georgetown supervisors.

'My social media does not mention my employer,' the post says. 'It is not their business to whom I tell to "F**k off" or "go to hell".

'Would this poltroon call her neighbor's boss if she had an argument that escalated to her neighbor telling her "F**k you"? Probably not.'

The post derides Nomani as 'neither a journalist nor an educationalist' but 'a sensationalist trafficking in controversial positions for no obvious intellectual reasons'.

It concludes: 'So again, Ms Nomani "F**K YOU, GO TO HELL."'

Open letter: Nomani included this grab of an open letter, allegedly written by Fair, in her letter of complaint. The letter apparently shows Fair admitting to saying 'f**k off'

Nomani says that Fair sent another tweet, calling her a 'crybully', on December 22 - one month on from the initial barrage.

But it was the last insult that was the most startling, Nomani says.

In a tweet from December 23 that is included in her letter of complaint, Fair is seen telling her: 'And you told me you were an atheist when you were at my home. Guess you've changed your opinion, or is this another publicity stunt?

Being called an atheist 'amounts to being an apostate in Islam, something that has carried a death sentence for atheists in Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere,' Nomani says - adding that Fair is aware of that fact.

'I am not an atheist although I respect those who choose atheism. I am a Muslim woman whom Prof Fair has targeted for attack, using my race, religion and political views against me.'

Nomani is calling for an investigation by the university, a public apology from Fair and training from her 'on engaging in civil discourse.'

Professor Fair has been contacted for comment.

Danger: Nomani says Fair could have put her in danger by wrongly identifying her as an atheist - something that is punished harshly in some Muslim countries