Scotland's most dangerous (original) (raw)

THE 1960s didn't just spawn free love, women's lib and drugs. Radical politics was in and groups sprung up everywhere.

In Germany, Italy, France, USA, it got serious with armed revolutionaries in shoot outs with the cops, bank raids and bombs. Scotland wasn't immune.

By the 1970s, it had its own armed revolutionaries intent on overthrowing the state.

Matthew Lygate was deadly serious. Too serious some might say but that was the way of radical revolutionaries in the 1970s.

Lygate liked to talk about Marxism and how things should be but unlike so many of his peers talk wasn't enough. He was going to make it happen. The Workers Party of Scotland (WPS) was just one of hundreds of extreme left-wing groups formed in the late 1960s.

With a membership of around 60, it seemed no different from so many other parties. But WPS was weird even for those times.

The WPS believed in a mixture of Marxist/Leninism and Scottish Nationalism.

It was a close supporter of the strict regime of Maoist China and formed close associations with Algerian terrorists and even gave the thumbs-up to an eccentric ex- Army Major, Freddy Boothby, hellbent on setting up a provisional government in Scotland.

Few people took the group seriously. Big mistake. It had been created by former tailor Matthew Lygate. He stood in a by-election in the Gorbals and polled seven votes.

That might explain why few folk took them seriously. But the party took themselves seriously. Deadly serious.

The WPS was short of funds. How can you run a revolution with no money? Lygate had the answer - rob banks. So he recruited a motley crew.

William MacPherson, 31, a professional gambler who joined the WPS after visiting their bookshop in the south side of Glasgow.

Colin Lawson, 24, who had trained to be a monk before leaving to be a psychiatric nurse.

Ian Doran, 23, from a well - established Glasgow crime family, a professional hit man, wanted by Scotland Yard for a murder in Soho.

The armed gang was completed by Lygate himself, the public face of WPS who liked to model himself on the great Scottish revolutionary John Maclean.

The gang could all have been stopped before anything happened - except the cops didn't listen.

Early in 1970, a member of WPS, Steven Niven, somehow found out about the plans to rob and secretly went to the CID in Edinburgh.

Chief Super Ronald Clancy listened to the young man's talk of armed revolutionaries, then politely dismissed his claims as "fanciful".

Niven then went to two newspapers. A dossier on WPS was handed to the Special Branch in Glasgow. Still no action was taken. Maybe the cops couldn't believe that there was an armed Marxist gang in Scotland.

Ignored by the cops, the WPS went to work. Armed with guns and clubs, they robbed two Glasgow banks in quick succession.

With the party funds swollen, they rested. But that wasn't good enough for MacPherson and Doran.

They had expensive tastes and habits to support so went on a freelance armed robbery on their own, not even bothering to wear masks.

Two more banks and a business were robbed in quick succession. Now the police were worried a new team, using the same approach every time, was robbing at will. Though no one had been hurt so far, during the latter two robberies a shotgun was fired.

To the cops this wasn't political, just criminal - maybe that's why they had so little luck in nabbing the team.

They were convinced many robberies throughout Scotland and England showed similar patterns and were being carried out by the same gang.

They sifted through all the usual suspects - Arthur Thompson, Walter Norval, cockney Al Brown and gunman William MacPherson.

But it was the gang they needed. None of their usual informants knew anything about any new gang.

More robberies took place. Yet all the while the cops were sitting on as much information on WPS as they needed to catch the crooks Late in 1971, an anonymous phone call finally made the police treat the WPS seriously.

A raid on the party's Glasgow bookshop discovered weapons and £10,000 cash, enough incriminating evidence to arrest Lygate, MacPherson, Doran and Lawson.

Though the police suspected WPS of many raids throughout Britain they could only form cases on five robberies in Glasgow.

All in all the proceeds of these heists amounted to a mere £27,000.

While the police estimated the real haul as much closer to £250,000, they also reckoned that very little went on funding WPS's revolution.

It was spent on supporting McPherson and Doran's lifestyles. Indeed, when McPherson was arrested he was in the process of buying a £159 watch, a hefty price in 1971.

At their trial in Glasgow High Court in 1972, all the men pled Not Guilty.

Lygate made a long-winded speech about the violence of capitalism against the working class. He was no John Maclean.

All four were found guilty of armed robbery. Lawson got off lightest with six years. MacPherson was jailed for 26, Doran 25 and Lygate 24.

After his sentence in 1972, Lygate said: "I will be released very soon when the revolution comes."

Lygate was released in 1985. He is still waiting for his revolution.