Death Metal Underground (original) (raw)

The first track here must be the first song the band ever composed, because it’s a bad indicator of what the bulk of material on this demo has in store for the listener. After a brief foray into a low-tech take on early Morbid Angel, Lord of Plague then launch into two pieces that bring to mind the churning music of Floridian acts such as Monstrosity, Malevolent Creation, or Resurrection.



Tags: death metal, lord of plague

Another promising act relinquishes its potential to the roar of the crowd. Laceration released one of the more note-worthy albums of 2021 with their debut, Demise, taking the deft, speed-metal influenced rhythms of early death metal and placing them within the context of a dark ambiance reminiscent of Demigod.



Tags: death metal, laceration

Every day, black metal tries to escape its past and get to the moment before that past when the why of black metal was clearer, because only from striving for that goal can black metal recapture its sense of beauty, melancholy, and transcendent balance of light and dark.



Tags: black funeral, Black Metal

Moving through the underground without noticing Deceased over the past three decades would prove difficult, and many of us know this band as an early effort to bring heavy metal technicality to death metal at a time when the genre was still considered primitive.



Tags: death metal, deceased, doomstone, Heavy Metal, hells headbangers

As the world continues to burn itself through human arrogance, we turn to metal because we need a voice of an apocalypse that we would like to make triumphant. In destruction of the weaker, the stronger stands revealed. But first we have to remove the weak metal, which is why we have SMRs.



Tags: Black Metal, clones, control, death metal, Nihilism, ramones, sadistic metal reviews, smr, social darwinism, sodomy

Although this album recently got released, the Committee got ahold of it and mucked up the production and changed the tracks. You want the original 1996 version which compiled demos from Vader in the years leading up to The Ultimate Incantation.



Tags: death metal, vader

For years, our writers have enjoyed not just Zeni Geva but the subsequent outpouring of solo and collaborative works from Kazuyuki “K.K. Null” Kishino, who wrangles operatic emotional conflicts out of pure sound distorted, twisted, echoed, and stretched into plaintive sounds.



Tags: joel gilardini, k.k. null, noise, zeni geva

Percussive speed metal and death metal hybrid Exhorder is cruising around the states for a late summer tour. You can catch them at the following dates.



Tags: Exhorder, Speed Metal

Condemner offers us the most bare-bones death metal possible. We hear only a straightforward guitar. Simple, slow battle drums that press on the same emphasis points of the guitar riff. Traditional death metal vocals round off the bare minimum arrangement, with the occasional higher-register growl doubling for demonic effect at tactical points.



Tags: condemner, death metal

Underground metal grew in part because it was unselfconscious. Its bands expressed notions both idiosyncratic and subconscious, so it was evocative at a level below the rationalizing mind. Mekigah attempt to resurrect that observational weirdness with a Godflesh, post-metal, and doom metal hybrid.



Tags: Ambient, Doom Metal, Industrial, mekigah, post-metal