Deezer | Listen to music | Online music streaming platform (original) (raw)
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Why choose Deezer?
Stream millions of songs, podcasts and radio channels. Access our music app from all of your devices. Discover built-in basic and exclusive features.
Your music with better sound quality
Get the best listening experience on Deezer Premium with high fidelity sound as if you were in the studio.
Your fav song lyrics, translated
Sing along to music lyrics and get translations in your language.
Deezer has music quizzes!
Test yourself with themed music quizzes. Ride solo or play with friends
Identify a song playing around you
Launch SongCatcher & hold up your phone or hum the song you want to find!
All the music you could ever wish for
Access over 120 million songs. Discover new music releases, trending albums, and playlists created by our music experts.
Instant collaborative playlists
Shaker creates a mix of your friends' fav songs from any music app
Transfer your music in seconds
Transfer all your music and playlists to Deezer from any music app!
What is Deezer?
Deezer is a music streaming app that gives you access to over 120 million tracks worldwide and other audio content like podcasts. You even get curated recommendations and Deezer Originals exclusives.
Listen to music online, collect your favorites, create playlists, and share with friends, all for free.
You can also download all your favorite music and listen offline with Deezer Premium, Deezer Family and other plans.
How much does Deezer cost?
Deezer Free offers a completely free music app experience. If you choose one of our paying music streaming offers, you can enjoy our advanced features for as little as $11.99/month. Terms apply.
How do I use Deezer?
Download the app on your phone, tablet or desktop, then sign up for free. Once you've logged into your new account, you can stream your favorite music!
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can update or cancel an existing subscription at any time by selecting "Manage my subscription" from your account settings.
Where can I listen to Deezer?
Deezer is supported on desktop and most mobile and tablet devices. It's also possible to stream and cast from select home and speaker devices. You can find all devices here.
For users with a paying subscription, you can listen to music wherever you go by downloading your favorite songs and playlists.
These offers are non-binding, meaning you can cancel your subscription at any time. These offers are only available to users with no current nor previous subscription to any Deezer subscription tier, with no benefit from any previous Deezer promotion and no previous free trial to any Deezer subscription tier at any time. These offers cannot be combined with any other offer. These are one-time only offers and are valid for one user only.