dict.cc | German-English dictionary (original) (raw)

Time English German Checked by
17:44 classifying {adj} {pres-p} klassifizierend Mar tra
17:44 lock, stock and barrel {adv} [fig.] mit allem Drum und Dran [ugs.] [Redewendung] aph tra
17:44 the whole shebang [Am.] [sl.] das ganze Drum und Dran [ugs.] [Redewendung] aph tra
17:35 med. Reopened! obesities Fettleibigkeit {f} Mar
17:35 to keep one's temper sich [Akk.] beherrschen Mar tra
Voice: The Deer Park by OrangePurin jdn. friendzonen by Vollprofi 1,508,920 more ยป

dict.cc: English-German

and Multilingual Dictionary

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Disclaimer: The correctness of the translations cannot be guaranteed (nobody is perfect), but all input will be checked carefully. If you spot an error, please report it using the info button [i] located next to each translation within the search results.

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2024-09-26: Swedish-English has reached 30,000 translations today!
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2024-07-09: Text samples at m.dict.cc now also available for Ukrainian!

2024-07-08: Computer-generated speech output now available for BG, BS, CS, EL, FI, HR, HU, SK, SQ and SR!

2024-06-30: Computer-generated speech output available for Ukrainian!

English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers