Dongshan Island - A Natural Wonderland (original) (raw)

Dongshan Island is anatural wonderland located in the Sortheast of China,Fujian Province. It is under the Dongshan County's jurisdicton and is the second largest island of Fujian Province.Dongshan Island is 210 miles from Hong Kong, 70 and 110 miles from Xiamen and Taiwam respectively. Its total area is 194 square miles and its average temperature in January is 13.1 and 27.3 in july. After years of hard work,the infrastructure of Dongshan is gradually being istitutionalized to bing a great deal of conveniences to investors. At present,water and electricity supply, transportation,communications,hotels and harbour facilities are readily available. The Dongshan County has one 3-star intemational hotel and a high class hotel.

Furthermore, 6,000 pieces of romote control telephones have been launched in the market and users are able to place direct calls to Taiwan,hong Kong, Macau and other countries in the world.The Dongshan County has set up a joint port inspection autority combining customs, commercial, immigration and health clearance in one single inspection. Other specialized services for foreign investments have also been set up by a varietyof service organizations including the bank of China, insurance companies,foreign exchange comtrol autority, foreing currency swap bureau, and State Councils for Exemal Trade and for Foreign Industry and Commerce.

Dongshan Port is one of the three ports in Fujian opened to foreign vessels and is the closest to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Its main features are: a large water territory, large hinterland, and a deep, sediment free harbour. The interior of the harbour is able to accommodate up to twenty-two 10,000 tons berths. At present,the port has two deep water harbours equipped to accommodate 3,000 tons berths, With these facilities, the Dongshan Port has become an important commercial port between Xiamen and Shantou. The State Council had approved the opening of Dongshan Port to foreign vessels. The harbour should be ready for acceptance inspection and official opening to foreing vessels within this year.

The Minstry of Transportation has officially approved the hydrofoil project of Dongshan County in November, 1992. A Xiamen-Dongshan-Shantou sea passenger service should be launched in 1994. The journey from Dongshan to Xiamen or Shantou takes only two hours. Once the three way link which includes Taiwan is implemented, there will be deluxe passenger liners to link Dongshan with Kaohsiung of Taiwan. Land transportation will be very convenient when the high-way of Fuzhou-Xiamen-Shantou is completed. Alternatively, there is railway between Zhang Zhou and Shantou with stops in Chang Shan and Dongshan.

Both Xiamen & Shantou have flights to different important cities daily, such as Beijing, Shanghar, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. To further improve transportation facilities of the island, the Baiyi Group plans to construct an intemational airport in the north western part of the island. Construction of the airport should commence next year. Upon completion, the airport will be eauipped to accommodate 747 passenger planes flying both domestic and intemational routes. Even the expansion plan of Taiwan's Taoyuan Intemational Airport has taken the additional flights from Dongshan to Taiwan into consideration. A widely accessible transportation network and a complete range of infrastructures are bound to turn Dongshan International Airport one of the top essential local facilities. Dongshan Island has seven crescent shape beaches chained to each other to form a long stretch of beautiful sandy coastline. It is especially suitable for deve lopment into an intemational holiday resort. The Wujiao Gulf and the nearest forest have been declared a national coactal forest reserve by the Ministry of Forestry. The sea around Dongshan Island is dotted With thirty-two other smaller islands,each with its own unique features and natural attractions. The island also has several ancient relics,including the Mountain of the Nine Immortals, and the Dongshan ancient city where two fomous Ming Dynasty generals, Qi Jiguan and Zheng Chenggong were based. Natural sights and ancient relics give Dongshan the criteria for being classified as one of the ten major tourist attractions of Fujian Province. As the island continues to develop and its tourist industry is gradually taking shape, the bay area is fast developing its own distinct local seaside resort characteristic. Every year,it attracts large number of fomestic and foreign visitors.