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Thank you for visiting the website of the Shrewsbury Diocese. This website is more than a source of information, it allows you to glimpse the life and witness of this local church. I pray you will be able to recognise Christ the Lord in all the communities and initiatives which these pages record. Here you will glimpse the “one holy catholic and apostolic Church of Christ truly present and operative” (Christus Dominus no. 11, Second Vatican Council)

More than a 170,000 faithful, in a hundred communities of this diocese, set out to serve a still greater number across Cheshire, Shropshire and parts of Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Derbyshire. May these pages reflect our mission gathered around the Gospel and the Eucharist, in our striving for holiness; in passing on the gift of the faith in education and catechesis; in support of families, of youth and of the vocation of marriage; in developing the lay apostolate and in promoting new vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life; in the service of those in greatest need; in caring for the created order and undertaking all within a culture which cherishes the gift of human life and safeguards the most vulnerable.

May this truly Catholic mission always shine out in these pages!

Bishop Mark Davies