Deceased and his brother were filling coals at the face, when a large mass fell away at a sooty back parting. It had been supported by sprags, but these were canted out [Inspection made & inquest attended]
Please note: the census extracts shown here are our 'best guess match' to the person shown on this page and is not intended to be definitive — only knowledge of the family would allow this.
The Operation Of The Compensation Act At Local Collieries, Cases Settled (Morpeth Herald)
1881 Census — taken 3rd April, 1881
1891 Census — taken 5th April, 1891
1899 Mines Inspectors Report (Cd 134), Newcastle District (No. 3) by John L. Hedley, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Page: 30, Accident Number: 38 Where to find this report
Philippa Edge
30 Jun 2016
I am teacher in Northumberland, our topic this term is our local area. We have been studying the mines and completed an activity about the causes of Jame Harris' death. We have been trying to research James' family tree but we are restricted at school. I would greatly appreciate any further information which would allow us to complete a basic family tree. Thank you in advance.
Jacqui Evans
20 Feb 2017
I am a primary school teacher and our topic is coal mining in the local area and we would like more information on the death of James Harris if you can help that would be much appreciated. Thank you
If you are researching James Harris (e.g. for family tree purposes) and you would like to hear from others with the same interest then please complete the details in the following form. We will show the information you provide on this page so that you can be contacted.