Durham Mining Museum - Newspaper Articles (original) (raw)
Newspaper Articles | Newspaper Articles | |
15th September 1863
The Fire in Wellington Coalpit
We are glad to report that the effective measures adopted to stop this lamentable fire are fast approaching completion. We speak of the drift that is being cut from the Wellington upcast shaft to the sea. In our last we mentioned that a small shaft had been sunk on the beach close to the outer walls of the pit. This has been got down to its depth, and the drifting therefrom and that in the main shaft are now joined, so that there is a communication from the beach to the pit. A drift from the small shaft seaward has also been cut some distance and at high water the tide percolates through the shingle and flows into the pit pretty freely. Yesterday sluices were fixed in the temporary shaft and at high water at noon today we believe all will be in readiness to admit the tide with full effect; thus a few days will entirely get the fire under, and we hope ere long to report that the pit is again in full operation.
Newspaper transcript kindly provided by
West Cumbria Mines Research.
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