Warning: This is not intended to be an exhaustive history of this individual, but an indication of the changes of positions and the links between companies, directors and managers in those companies. The individual may have been involved with other companies or collieries and there may have been other positions for which we currently do not have details.
Agent (Group D), Area No. 4 (South-West Durham), Durham Division
Source: 1956 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
N.C.B. Positions held
Agent (Group E), Area No. 4 (South-West Durham), Durham Division
Source: 1957 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1936 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1938 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1940 Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory published by Louis Cassier Co. Ltd.
1940 Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory. Published by The Louis Cassier Co. Ltd., from a copy held in the Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Midlothian
1944 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1945 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1947 Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory. Published by The Louis Cassier Co. Ltd., from a copy held in the Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Midlothian
1947 The Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory. Published by The Louis Cassier Co. Ltd., from a copy held in the Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Midlothian
1948 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian, from a copy held in the Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Midlothian
1948 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1949 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian, from a copy held in the Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Midlothian
1950 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1950 List of Mines - Government report from the Mines Department
1951 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1952 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1953 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1954 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1955 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1956 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
1957 Guide to the Coalfields published by the Colliery Guardian
Rosann Holt
01 Mar 2023
His life/career in the mining industry and what positions he held...anything really to fill in alot of gaps in the family knowledge and if he has any other relatives still alive
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