Cllr. Adrian Glackin takes his seat on Donegal County Council (original) (raw)

Sinn Féin Cllr. Adrian Glackin has taken his seat on Donegal County Council this morning at the council’s May meeting.

Cllr. Glackin was co-opted to council to succeed former Sinn Féin councillor Mick Quinn, who stepped down from the council in March.

“I’m looking forward to helping people as best I can and keeping up Mick’s good work,” Cllr. Glackin said this morning in Lifford, before the start of the meeting.

In proposing Cllr. Glackin for the seat at the meeting this morning, Sinn Féin Cllr. Gerry McMonagle said he also wanted to “again acknowledge the great work and contributions that Mick Quinn brought to the council and the people of Donegal, especially those in the Letterkenny-Milford area he represented”.

Seconding the proposal, Sinn Féin Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher said, “I think we're very lucky here in Donegal County Council to be getting someone of the caliber of Adrian Glackin to join us here.”

Councillors from across the political groupings on council welcomed Cllr. Glackin to the council and offered thanks to former councillor Mick Quinn for his service.

In his remarks, Cllr. Glackin also paid tribute to the former councillor, calling Mick Quinn “a man held in such high esteem both within and beyond our locality”.

He said he looked forward to working with “all members of the council, regardless of political persuasion”, and to getting to know all members of the council executive.

He also thanked family members and friends who attended the meeting this morning, saying, “I hope to do them all proud for the duration of my role”.

Cllr. Glackin, Glenswilly senior football team manager, is also a former chairman of Glenswilly GAA Club. He worked in Tesco, Letterkenny from 1996-2016, where he became line manager.