U. S. HIGHWAY NO. 0062 (original) (raw)

Transportation Planning and Programming Division Current Description-Effective Date-Authority


Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)

403.744 2010


Original Description per Administrative Circular No. 016-1944

07/01/1932 - Childress 31, Paducah 33, Matador 27, Dickens 58, Lubbock 40, Brownfield 53, Bronco 18 (thru New Mexico), El Paso.

03/01/1935 - Childress 31, Paducah 33, Matador 27, Dickens 58, Lubbock 40, Brownfield 53, Bronco 18 (thru New Mexico), El Paso.

01/01/1939 - Childress 31, Paducah 33, Matador 27, Dickens 58, Lubbock 40, Brownfield 53, Bronco 18 (thru New Mexico), El Paso.

05/01/1942 - Childress 31, Paducah 32, Matador 28, Dickens 62, Lubbock 40, Brownfield 50, Bronco 18 (thru New Mexico), El Paso.

Minute Order 016701, dated 09/26/1939

From the Texas/Oklahoma State Line via a point on US 83 north of Childress, via Childress, Paducah, Matador; Dickens, Lubbock, Meadow, and Brownfield to the Texas/New Mexico State Line near Plains, and from the Texas/New Mexico State Line near Frijole to El Paso. General re-description of Highway System.

Minute Order 023629, dated 08/01/1947; AASHO letter dated 09/24/1947

From the Texas/Oklahoma State Line via a point on US 83 north of Childress via Childress, Paducah, Matador, Floydada, Ralls, Lubbock, Meadow, Brownfield, Seagraves, and Seminole to the Texas/-New Mexico State Line near Hobbs, New Mexico, and from the Texas/New Mexico State Line near Frijole to El Paso. (Childress, Cottle, Motley, Floyd, Crosby, Lubbock, Hockley, Terry, Gaines, Culberson, Hudspeth, and El Paso Counties) Rerouted between Matador and Ralls via Floydada.

Minute Order 068988, dated 06/26/1974

No change to description. Relocated in El Paso.