Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome - DoveMed (original) (raw)

What are the other Names for this Condition? (Also known as/Synonyms)

What is Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome? (Definition/Background Information)

(Source: Osteogenesis imperfect-retinopathy-seizures-intellectual disability syndrome; Orphanet, National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Paris.)

Who gets Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome? (Age and Sex Distribution)

What are the Risk Factors for Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome? (Predisposing Factors)

It is important to note that having a risk factor does not mean that one will get the condition. A risk factor increases one’s chances of getting a condition compared to an individual without the risk factors. Some risk factors are more important than others.

Also, not having a risk factor does not mean that an individual will not get the condition. It is always important to discuss the effect of risk factors with your healthcare provider.

What are the Causes of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome? (Etiology)

The exact cause of development of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome is presently unknown.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome?

The signs and symptoms of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome may include: (Very frequently present symptoms in 80-99% of the cases)

(Source: Osteogenesis imperfect-retinopathy-seizures-intellectual disability syndrome; Orphanet, National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Paris.)

How is Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome Diagnosed?

Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome is diagnosed on the basis of the following information:

Many clinical conditions may have similar signs and symptoms. Your healthcare provider may perform additional tests to rule out other clinical conditions to arrive at a definitive diagnosis.

What are the possible Complications of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome?

The complications of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome may include:

Complications may occur with or without treatment, and in some cases, due to treatment also.

How is Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome Treated?

Presently, there is no cure for Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome. The treatment is usually given to manage the signs and symptoms and any complications that develops.

How can Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome be Prevented?

What is the Prognosis of Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome? (Outcomes/Resolutions)

Additional and Relevant Useful Information for Al Gazali Sabrinathan Nair Syndrome:

The following DoveMed website link is a useful resource for additional information: