The Lucid Dreaming Experience (original) (raw)

Submit your Lucid Dreams

It is easy to submit a lucid dream/s for possible publication in the LDE.
(To submit articles, book reviews and interviews to the LDE read information here.)

Please note that we do NOT do dream interpretation.

To submit a lucid dream, please fill out the form or send an email to with the following information:

Your Name * required
Your name as it is to appear in the publication (if different)
E-mail * required
Title of your Lucid Dream * required
Type the lucid dream. Please indicate at what point in the dream you became lucid and/or what triggered your lucidity. * required.

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Read the newest LDE magazine here!

In this issue:

Lucid dream artist, Dave Green, explains his 'creative' process of getting drawings from within the lucid state! Troy shares his interesting experiences with seeking answers to his lucid questions. And Karim becomes lucid when meeting the Egyptian deity, Anubis, who shares some secrets about life! All of this and 16 pages of reader submitted lucid dreams!

December issue: Any Topic! Plus Special Requests from the Editors _‍_Send us your LUCID DREAMS and ARTICLES on any topic related to lucid dreaming. We also welcome ARTWORK inspired by lucid dreams! Please send submissions by November 15, 2024

*Special Requests*

Robert Waggoner asks readers to share any experiences with "static lucid dreams."

See his article Static Lucid Dreams? on page 15 of the September 2024 issue.

Lucy Gillis asks readers to share experiences with "simultaneous lucid dreams."

See her article Multiple Awareness in Simultaneous Dreaming on pages 18-21 of the September 2024 issue.

Submit your lucid dreams by clicking here