Dubé Juggling Equipment - Juggling Balls | Juggling Clubs | Diabolos (original) (raw)

juggling balls Juggling balls in a variety of materials for performance, stage, bouncing, and contact. Juggling Clubs juggling clubs One piece and composite clubs in European and American Styles. Diabolos diabolos Diabolos for beginners and professionals. Combo Juggling Sets combo sets Save when you buy a set - includes instructional book or DVD.
Juggling Beanbags beanbags Juggling beanbags in a variety of sizes and fabrics. Ideal for learning or teaching. Juggling Knives juggling knives World standard for juggling knives. Classic scimitar design in stainless steel. S-Staff / Buugeng s-staff Lighted Balls Lighted Balls
Poi & Meteor poi spinning Kite poi, Ball Poi, Sock Poi, Lighted Poi, Fire Poi, Meteors, and Lighted Meteors. Contact Juggling Balls contact juggling balls Acrylic contact juggling balls in clear, translucent and solid colors. 4 sizes. Devil Sticks devil sticks Devil Sticks made from hardwood decorated in variety of patterns, designs and colors. Juggling Torches juggling torches Fire torches in hardwood for serious jugglers
Spinning Plates spinning plates Spinning plates in plastic and aluminum for beginning and serious juugglers. Kevlar & Wicking kevlar wicking Kevlar wicking, cord, rope and thread for fire juggling and fire eating. Fire Props fire Kevlar wicking, cord, rope and thread, torches, poi, instructional books for fire juggling, fire eating and more. Unicycles unicycles Professional quality unicycles in three sizes for riders of all ages and skills.
Juggling Scarves juggling scarves Lightweight nylon scarves for learning and teaching the fundamentals of 3 object juggling. Whips whips Nylon bullwhips for whipcracking performance routines. Cigar Boxes cigar boxes Cigar Boxes in polyethlyene and traditional wood construction. Hat Juggling hat juggling Highest quality wool felt hats in various styles for juggling manipulation.
Juggling Rings juggling rings Durable, lightweight jugglng rings in a rainbow of colors. Trick Ropes trick ropes All cotton trick ropes for western styled lariat routines. Shaker Cups shaker cups New, all stainless shaker cups for nesting and manipulation routines. Ribbons ribbons Traditional Ribbons used for twirling routines by gymnasts and jugglers.
Rola Bolas rola bolas Rola Bola board sets for balancing and juggling routines. Fire Staff juggling staffs Aluminum fire staff. Flags flags Flags for swinging in a choice of colors in China polysilk fabric. T-Shirts apparel Juggling themed T-shirts in various designs, all in 100% heavyweight cotton.
Carrying Bags prop bags Nylon drawstring prop and ball bags - a lightweight solution for carrying your juggling equipment. Juggling DVDs juggling dvds videosExtensive Line of Juggling DVDs. Instructional, Performance and Documentary. Juggling Books juggling books Books on every facet of juggling - instuctional and history. Kendama kendama The traditional Japanese skill toy with thousands of trick variations.