The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) Regimental Association (original) (raw)

The Duke Of Wellington's Regiment

1929-01-00 India, 2DWR Marching 78 Miles from Ahmednagar to Kazipur

1970's UK NI Dukes Riot Squad, This

1990 Falklands Ex Ric Release Capt Sykes leads Coy to FUP

1994-03-10 UK Bulford 1DWR Enroute to Bosnia

1994 Bosnia Gorazde LCpl Johnson & B Coy Foot Patrol

1998 UK London, Buckingham Palace Guard Duties 01

2002 - Lt Col DS Bruce MBE Leading The Parade

2003-05-10 Iraq War Patrol Group

2004-04-27 Canada BATUS Live Firing

2004-11-29 Iraq - Warrior Platoon

2004 Canada ExMedicine Man 1

Nov 11th page image + Memorial

Colours and drums of the Regiment

This website is for you, the Regimental Family, which includes all those who have a link to the Regiment – Regulars, Reserves, Cadets, Families and Friends.

We aim to be a source of information about the Regiment, its members and its history, to provide news of Association events and activities and to share, through photo galleries, memories of service and comradeship in the Regiment.

For the ‘Dukes’ family it is a means by which we can continue to foster that unique spirit and camaraderie we all shared during our time in the Regiment, be that on operational tours or when serving in the less well known corners of the globe. To be successful it needs to be more than just a source of information. It is also a means by which all of can pass on details of events and activities that any of us may be planning that may be of interest to the wider Regimental family as well as passing on important news about fellow ‘Dukes’ and sharing memories through the photo gallery.

Meanwhile our journal, the Iron Duke, will continue for the foreseeable future. I encourage you all to consider submitting for publication any articles that you feel would be of interest. Finally there is Facebook where we hope to link formally with the Dukes website so providing us with a fully integrated communications platform to keep us in touch.

Virtutis Fortuna Comes.

Andrew Meek

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The 'Dukes'

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Copyright 2015 The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding)