Expertise centre for biodiversity and sustainable development (original) (raw)
ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation is a non-governmental organization working for the conservation and sustainable use of Europe’s nature, biodiversity and landscapes. Since its establishment in 1993 ECNC has developed a working partnership with an extensive network of organizations and institutes from all over Europe.
ECNC provides its expertise to national and regional governments, intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, the European Commission, the European
Environment Agency and the Council of Europe, and to institutions working in financing, land use and research. It works closely together with the NGO community.
ECNC projects are clustered in six thematic programmes:
Nature and Society
Interaction between Business and Biodiversity
Green Infrastructure
Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Assessment
Ecosystem and Species Management
Policy Support
In these programmes, ECNC also specifically addresses European landscape issues.
ECNC is dedicated to a beautiful Europe based on a rich biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and sustainable development. ECNC promotes an integrated approach for both land and sea and actively stimulates the interaction between science, society and policy.
In 2009 ECNC and the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation; the ECNC Land & Sea Group was born. The members of the Group are ECNC, the EUCC and Centro Mediterráneo. EuroNatur, the NatureBureau and EECONET Action Fund are observers.
On 1 July 2010 the Large Herbivore Foundation (LHF) joined the the ECNC Land & Sea Group. LHF’s legacy is carried forward in the form of the Large Herbivore Network (LHNet) as part of ECNC’s programme Ecosystem and Species Management.
This integration will increase the impact and scope of the work on biodiversity, integrated coastal zone management and marine issues, and sustainable development. It will also allow ECNC to provide stakeholders and funders with an even broader range of services and activities.
On 19 September 2013, ECNC’s Green Welcome Centre (GWC) Kleve, Germany was launched. The GWC Kleve will function as ECNC’s representative unit for Germany, and also will offer facilities for training courses, small-scale seminars and management meetings. GWC’s director is Mr Johan Kieft.
ECNC outlines its position in several key areas in the so-called ECNC briefs. They have been approved by the Board and Scientific Council, and are available to download as PDF files.