Clan: Gordon (original) (raw)

Clan History The 92nd Gordon Highlanders The Gordons Gordon in the Scottish Nation The Gordons of Methlic & Haddo The Gordons of Kenmure The Gordons of Earlston, Gight, etc Gordons of Cluny (pdf) See also Historic Earls and Earldoms of Scotland Gordon Highlanders House of Gordon (pdf) Gordon Under Arms (pdf) The history of the ancient, noble, and illustrious family of Gordon, from their first arrival in Scotland, in Malcolm III.'s time, to the year 1690 : together with the history of the most remarkable transactions in Scotland, from the beginnign of Robert I. his reign, to that year 1690, containing the space of about 400 years, all faithfully collected from ancient and modern, Scots and foreign historians, manuscripts, records, and registers of this nation Vol 1 (pdf) The history of the ancient, noble, and illustrious family of Gordon Vol 2 (pdf) The Family of Gordon in Griamachary, in the Parish of Kildonan by John Malcolm Bulloch (pdf) Records of Aboyne 1230 to 1681 (pdf) Gordons of Cairnfield (pdf) The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore, Auchorachan and Upper Drumin in Glenlivet By John Malcolm Bulloch (1910) (pdf) Bibliography of the Gordons By John Malcolm Bulloch, LL.D. (1924) (pdf) The Gordons in Forfarshire With the Lairds of Ashludie, Donavourd, Tarvie, Threave, and Charleton by John Malcolm Bulloch (1909) (pdf) Gay Gordons Some strange adventures of a famous Scots family by John Malcolm Bulloch (1908) (pdf) The Gordons in Poland By John Malcolm Bulloch (1932) (pdf) The Gordon Book Edited by John Malcolm Bulloch. This Book has been prepared in connection with the Bazaar held to raise funds to build a Public Institute at Fochabers.(pdf) The Gordons of Embo With other families of the name in the county of Sutherland by John Malcolm Bulloch (pdf) The Families of Gordon Of Invergordon, Newhall, also Ardock, Ross-Shire, and Caroll, Sutherland by John Malcolm Bulloch (pdf) The Gordons of Nethermuir By John Malcolm Bulloch (1913) (pdf) The Gordons of Salterhill And their Irish Descendants by J. M. Bulloch (1910) (pdf) The Gordons and Smiths At Minmore, Auchorachan, and Upper Drumin in Glemlivet by J. M. Blloch (1910) (pdf) The Making of the West Indies The Gordons as Colonists by J. M. Bulloch (pdf) The strange adventures of the Reverend James Gordon Sensualist, Spy, Strategist and Soothsayer by J. M. Bulloch (pdf) Lieutenant John Gordon of the Dundurcus Family Massacred at Patna 1763 By J. M. Bulloch and C. O. Skelton (1907) (pdf) The Name of Gordon Patronymics that it has replaced or supplemented collated by J. M. Bulloch (1906) (pdf) House of House of The Spanish Connection House of Gordon USA Maver Family Use our Site Search Engine There are many references to clans within the hundreds of historical pages on our site. Use the search engine provided here to locate further information on your clan. Check out your Tartan in our Tartan Centre Check out our Genealogy Advice Page Check out our Mini Bios of Scots descendants Get our FREE Electric Scotland Weekly Newsletter Visit our Electric Scotland Shopping Mall Motto: Bydand - "Remaining". Badge: A buck's head above a coronet. Septs of the Clan: Adam, Adamson, Addie, Adie, Addison, Aiken, Aitchison, Atkin, Atkins, Atkinson, Badenoch, Barrie, Connor, Connon, Craig, Cromb, Crombie, Cullen, Culane, Darg, Darge, Dorward, Duff, Durward, Eadie, Eddie, Edie, Edison, Esslemont, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garioch, Garrick, Garroick, Geddes, Gerrie, Harrison, Huntley, Huntly, Jessiman, Jopp, Jupp, Laing, Lang, Laurie, Lawrie, Leng, Ling, MacAdam, Mallett, Manteach, Marr, Maver, Meldrum, Mill, Mills, Milles, Miln, Milne, Milner, More, Morrice, Muir, Mylne, Steel, Teal, Tod, Todd, Troup. Names associated with the clan: GEDDEIS GEDDAS GEDDES GEDDESS GEDES GEDDIS GIDDES ADIESON ADIES ADIESONE ADESOUN ADIESOUN ADISON ADIE ADESONE ADISOUN ADESON ADYE ADYSON ADY AEDIESON AEDIE ADDY ADDISON ADE AIDYE AIDDIE AIDY ADDIE ADDESOUN AIDIE AYDESON COLEN COLEYN CONNOR DARGIE CULANE CULLEN CULLANE DARGE DARG EADIE EDDIE EDIE EDISON EDISONE EDISOUN ESSLEMONT ESSILMOUNTHE ESSELMONT GESMOND GORDUN HUNTLIE HUNTLY HUNTLEY JUPE JAPPY JOIP JAIP JAP JUPPIE JUPPE JAPE JUPP JOPP JAPP JAAP JOP JAPPIE TODE TODD TOD TODDE TOOD YEAP YEP YAPE ACHISOUNE ACKIN ACHISONE ACHESOUN ACKYN ACHINSOUN ACKYNE ACHESUNE ACHENSON ACHESON ADAM ACHIESOUN ACHESOUNE ACHIESON ACHESONE AITKENE AIKEYNE AITCHESON AIKINE AICHESONE AITCHESOUN AIKIN AITKYN AKENE AICKEN AITKEN AITCHISON AITCHESOUNE AICKIN AITKANE AITKINE AITHCHINSON AKIN AICKINE AITCKEN AITKYNE AIKING AITCHYSOUNE AKINE AICKING AKEN AIKEN AIKNE AIKEIN AIKYNE AICHENSOUN AICHESON AIKUN AITKIN AKYNE ATZENSONE ATZESON ATYESOUN ATCHESONE ATCHISONE AUKIN ATKIN ATKINE ATKEN ATCHISON ATICIONE AYTKYNE ATKYN AYTKYN ASCHESONE AYTKINE AYKKYNE CONNEN CONNON CONNAN EAKIN ECKIN EAKINS ECHESONE ETZESONE GAIRDNER ETICIONE GARDYNNYR GORDON GARDYNAR GARDNARD GARDINARE GARDINAR GARDENAR GARDENARE GARDNARE GARDENER GARDENNAR GARDNAR GARDINER MACADAM LARRIE LAWRY MACADAIM LAWRIE MACADDAME LOWREY MACADAME MACADDAM MACCADAME MACCADDAME MACCADDIM MACCADDAM MACCADAM MACKADEM MACKADAM MAKADEM MAKCADDAM MAKADAME MAKADAM MILNE MKKADAM MORRICE MORRIS MORICE MYLL MYLNAR LOWRIE JESSIMEN JASEMOND JASSIMINE JESSIMAN JESSYMAN JESSAMINE JESSEMAN JESSEMOND JESSIEMAN LAURIE LAURRI LAURY MILLN MILLS MILN MILNES MILNER MILLIN MILLEN MILL MYLN MYLEN MILLAN MYLNE CRUM CROMB CROMBIE CROMY CROMMIE CROUME CRUMBIE CROM CRUMMY LAURENCE LAWRENCE BARRIE BARRY ADAMSONE ADEMSOUNE ADAMSON ADEMSON ADEMSOUN AITKINS ATKYNSON ATKYNSOUN ATKINS ATZINSON ATTKINSONE ATKNSON ATKINSON Abergeldie GARDNER [We're always looking for more information on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.] Welcome to your clan page. Click on this graphic if you'd like to get our welcome tour of the site. Clan Chief, The Marquis of Huntly and his son The Earl of Aboyne Clan Chief, The Marquis of Huntly and his son The Earl of Aboyne. Picture taken by Jerry Gordon of Georgia and was taken on the Gordon School grounds in Huntly during the Gordon 2000 festivities.