Francisco de Goya Paintings - El Reloj de Sol (original) (raw)

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El Reloj de Sol – English Edition


by Doctor JMarch 5, 20185:42 am

Clothed Maja

The Maja and the Masked Men

The Maja and the Masked Men

The Parasol

The Parasol

Charles III

Charles III

Festival at the Meadow of San Isadore

Festival at the Meadow of San Isadore

The Bullfight

The Bullfight

Ferdinand Guillemardet

Ferdinand Guillemardet

Nude Maja

Nude Maja

Clothed Maja

Clothed Maja

The Countess of Chinchon

The Countess of Chinchon

Doña Teresa Sureda

Doña Teresa Sureda

Antonia Zarate

Antonia Zarate

Ferdinand VII in his Robes of State

Ferdinand VII in his Robes of State

The Second of May

The Second of May

The third of May

The third of May

Saturn Devouring one of his Children

Saturn Devouring one of his Children

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