EmacsWiki: multiple-line-edit.el (original) (raw)


(provide 'multiple-line-edit)

(defconst multiple-line-edit/version "1.6")

(eval-when-compile (require 'cl) (require 'easymenu))

(defvar mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p nil) (defvar mulled/.undo-at nil) (defvar mulled/.last-pt nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'mulled/.last-pt)

(defgroup multiple-line-edit nil "Multiple line edit" :group 'editing)

(defcustom mulled/reactivate-by-undo t "Non-nil means reactivate multiple line edit by undo/redo." :type 'boolean :group 'multiple-line-edit)

(defface mulled/cursor-face '((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "white") (t :inverse-video t)) "Face used for cursor of multiple line edit." :group 'multiple-line-edit)

(defface mulled/out-of-range-cursor-face '((((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "Red1") (t :inverse-video t :weight bold)) "Face used for cursor of multiple line edit when when either cursor is outside of each line." :group 'multiple-line-edit)

(defface mulled/fringe-face '((((class color) (background light)) nil) (t nil)) "The face used to display icons on the fringes." :group 'multiple-line-edit)

(defcustom mulled/apply-special-fn-to-each-line-p nil "Non-nil means special functions defined in `mulled/special-fn-alist' will be applied to each lines instead of mirroring the result of a function applied at 1st line.

Default value is `t'.

THIS FEATURE IS EXPERIMENTAL AND MAY BE REMOVED IN THE FUTURE" :type 'boolean :group 'multiple-line-edit)

(defcustom mulled/special-fn-alist '((capitalize-region . (lambda (beg end &rest orig-args) (capitalize-region beg end))) (downcase-region . (lambda (beg end &rest orig-args) (downcase-region beg end))) (upcase-region . (lambda (beg end &rest orig-args) (upcase-region beg end)))) "Alist name of special functions and callback function which have to be applied to each line directory instead of mirroring the result of a function applied at 1st line.


(defun mulled/edit-trailing-edges (&optional keep-offset) "Start editing on trailing edge of multiple line.

You have to select lines, that you want to edit at a time, before you run this command.

When called with prefix argument, cursor remains at current position.

Otherwise, cursor will be moved to beginning of the lines.

You can abort multiple lines edit by typing "C-g" or move cursor to outside of each line." (interactive "P") (cond ((mulled/is-leading-edges-edit-in-progress ) (mulled/switch-direction keep-offset)) ((mulled/is-trailing-edges-edit-in-progress) (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit on trailing edge is in progress.")) ((mulled/lines-selected-p) (mulled/ov-1st-line/activate (region-beginning) (region-end) t keep-offset)) (t (message "[mulled] Select multiple line first."))))

(defun mulled/edit-leading-edges (&optional keep-offset) "Start editing on leading edge of multiple line.

You have to select lines, that you want to edit at a time, before you run this command.

When called with prefix argument, cursor remains at current position.

Otherwise, cursor will be moved to end of the lines.

You can abort multiple lines edit by typing "C-g" or move cursor to outside of each line." (interactive "P") (cond ((mulled/is-trailing-edges-edit-in-progress) (mulled/switch-direction keep-offset)) ((mulled/is-leading-edges-edit-in-progress) (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit on leading edge is in progress.")) ((mulled/lines-selected-p) (mulled/ov-1st-line/activate (region-beginning) (region-end) nil keep-offset)) (t (message "[mulled] Select multiple line first."))))

(defun mulled/switch-direction (&optional keep-offset) "Switch Leading Edges Edit and Trailing Edges Edit.

When called with prefix argument, cursor won't be moved to each edges.

Otherwise, cursor will be moved to either edge.

You can also switch editing direction by commands mulled/edit-leading-edges' and mulled/edit-trailing-edges'." (interactive "P") (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (if ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/switch-direction ov keep-offset) (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit is not in progress."))))

(defun mulled/abort () "Exit from multiple line edit. You can restore multiple line edit session, which aborted by this command, with the command `undo'." (interactive) (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (if ov (progn (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov) (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited.")) (mulled/force-abort))))

(defun mulled/force-abort () "Force abort multiple line edit. Try this command when multiple line edit is broken by errors." (interactive) (save-restriction (widen) (let ((ov-lst (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))) disposed-p) (dolist (ov ov-lst) (when (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov) (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov) (setq disposed-p t))) (when disposed-p (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit force exited.")))))

(defun mulled/install-menu () (when (easy-menu-item-present-p nil '("Edit") "Multiple Line Edit") (easy-menu-remove-item nil '("Edit") "Multiple Line Edit")) (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (easy-menu-define mulled/menu map "Menu items for multiple line edit." '("Multiple Line Edit" ["Edit Leading Edges" mulled/edit-leading-edges :active (or (mulled/is-trailing-edges-edit-in-progress) (mulled/lines-selected-p)) :help "Edit Leading Edge of Multiple Line."]

    ["Edit Trailing Edges" mulled/edit-trailing-edges
     :active (or (mulled/is-leading-edges-edit-in-progress)
     :help "Edit Trailing Edge of Multiple Line."]

    ["Toggle Leading/Trailing Edges Edit" mulled/switch-direction
     :active (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point))
     :help "Switch Leading Edges Edit and Trailing Edges Edit."]

    ["Exit Edit" mulled/abort
     :active (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point))
     :help "Finish Current Multiple Line Edit."]


     ["Reactivate multiple line Edit on Undo" 
      (setq mulled/reactivate-by-undo
            (not mulled/reactivate-by-undo))
      :help "Non-nil means reactivate multiple line edit after undo/redo."
      :style toggle :selected mulled/reactivate-by-undo]
(add-submenu '("Edit") mulled/menu)))

(defun mulled/uninstall-menu () (when (easy-menu-item-present-p nil '("Edit") "Multiple Line Edit") (easy-menu-remove-item nil '("Edit") "Multiple Line Edit")))

(mulled/uninstall-menu) (mulled/install-menu)

(defun mulled/lines-selected-p () (and (if transient-mark-mode mark-active t) (< 1 (count-lines (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

(defun mulled/is-trailing-edges-edit-in-progress () (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (and ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/edit-trailing-edges-p ov))))

(defun mulled/is-leading-edges-edit-in-progress () (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (and ov (not (mulled/ov-1st-line/edit-trailing-edges-p ov)))))

(defun mulled/pt-offset-by-col-num (pt-beg col-num) "Calculate point offset from PT-BEG by COL-NUM.

Line break character will be counted as one column.

When COL-NUM is negative number, returns PT-BEG. When the result exceeds point-max' of current buffer, returns point-max'." (let ((done nil)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (narrow-to-region pt-beg (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min))

    (while (and (not (eobp))
                (not done))
      (let ((cur-col (current-column)))
        (if (<= col-num cur-col)
              (move-to-column (max 0 col-num))
              (setq done t))
            (goto-char (1+ (point)))
            (setq col-num (- col-num cur-col 1))))))

(defun mulled/col-num-in-region (pt-beg pt-end) "Calculate number of columns, based on visible char width, in the region specified by PT-BEG and PT-END.

Line break character will be counted as one column." (let ((col-num 0)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (narrow-to-region pt-beg pt-end) (goto-char (point-min))

    (while (not (= (point) (point-max)))
      (setq col-num (+ col-num
                       (progn (end-of-line)
      (when (not (= (point) (point-max)))
        (goto-char (1+ (point)))
        (setq col-num (1+ col-num))))))

(defvar mulled/ov-1st-line/keymap (make-sparse-keymap) "The keymap active while a multiple line edit is in progress.") (define-key mulled/ov-1st-line/keymap [?\C-g] 'mulled/abort)

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p (unknown-obj) (and (overlayp unknown-obj) (overlay-get unknown-obj 'mulled/ov-1st-line-p)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point) (dolist (ov (overlays-at point)) (when (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines) (return ov))))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/find-and-dispose-at (point) (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at point))) (when ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov))))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/activate (r-pt-beg r-pt-end edit-trailing-edges-p &optional keep-offset) (mulled/ov-1st-line/activate-aux (mulled/lines/new r-pt-beg r-pt-end edit-trailing-edges-p) edit-trailing-edges-p keep-offset))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/reactivate (be-pair-lst edit-trailing-edges-p &optional keep-offset) (mulled/ov-1st-line/activate-aux (mulled/lines/new-by-be-pair-lst be-pair-lst edit-trailing-edges-p) edit-trailing-edges-p keep-offset))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/activate-aux (lines edit-trailing-edges-p &optional keep-offset)

(let* ((beg (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines 0)) (end (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines 0)) (beg-from-point-min-p (= beg (point-min))) (ov (make-overlay (if beg-from-point-min-p beg (1- beg)) (1+ end) nil nil nil)) (cur-pt (point)))

(let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at beg)))
  (when ov
    (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)))

(overlay-put ov 'mulled/ov-1st-line-p t)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/lines lines)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p edit-trailing-edges-p)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/beg-from-point-min-p beg-from-point-min-p)

(overlay-put ov 'modification-hooks    '(mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn))
(overlay-put ov 'insert-in-front-hooks '(mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn))
(overlay-put ov 'insert-behind-hooks   nil)

(overlay-put ov 'keymap mulled/ov-1st-line/keymap)

(lexical-let ((ov ov)
  (setq fn (lambda ()
             (condition-case c
                 (when (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov) 
                   (let* ((ov-beg (mulled/ov-1st-line/get-beg-without-padding ov))
                          (ov-end (mulled/ov-1st-line/get-end-without-padding ov))
                          (ov-buf (overlay-buffer ov))
                          (cur-pt (progn
                                    (when mulled/.undo-at
                                      (goto-char mulled/.undo-at)
                                      (setq mulled/.undo-at nil))
                     (when (eq (current-buffer)
                        ((not (and (<= ov-beg cur-pt)
                                   (<= cur-pt ov-end)))
                         (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)
                         (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited."))
                        ((not (equal mulled/.last-pt cur-pt))
                         (mulled/ov-1st-line/update-cursor-pos ov)))
                       (setq mulled/.last-pt cur-pt))))
                (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited by error:\n%s." c)
                (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)))))
  (add-hook 'pre-command-hook fn)
  (add-hook 'post-command-hook fn)

  (overlay-put ov 'mulled/hook-fn fn))    

(when (and mulled/reactivate-by-undo
           (listp buffer-undo-list))
  (push (mulled/ov-1st-line/make-dispose-form ov) buffer-undo-list)
  (push `(apply goto-char ,cur-pt) buffer-undo-list))

 ((and keep-offset
       (mulled/lines/nth-from-pt lines (point)))
  (let* ((nth         (mulled/lines/nth-from-pt lines (point)))
         (col-num     (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth))
         (col-num-1st (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0))
         (new-col-1st (cond
                        (let ((offset (- col-num (current-column))))
                          (max 0 (- col-num-1st offset))))
                        (min col-num (current-column))))))
    (goto-char beg) 
    (move-to-column new-col-1st)))
  (goto-char beg)

(setq mark-active nil)

(mulled/lines/update-cursor-ov-lst lines edit-trailing-edges-p)

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose (ov) (let* ((lines (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines)) (edit-trailing-edges-p (overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p)) (line-num (mulled/lines/count-of lines)) (fn (overlay-get ov 'mulled/hook-fn)) (lines (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines))) (when (and mulled/reactivate-by-undo (listp buffer-undo-list)) (when (not (null (car buffer-undo-list))) (push nil buffer-undo-list)) (when mulled/.last-pt (push `(apply goto-char ,mulled/.last-pt) buffer-undo-list)) (push (mulled/ov-1st-line/make-reactivate-form ov) buffer-undo-list))

(mulled/lines/dispose lines)

(overlay-put ov 'mulled/ov-1st-line-p nil)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/lines nil)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p nil)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/beg-from-point-min-p nil)
(overlay-put ov 'mulled/hook-fn nil)

(overlay-put ov 'modification-hooks    nil)
(overlay-put ov 'insert-in-front-hooks nil)
(overlay-put ov 'insert-behind-hooks   nil)

(overlay-put ov 'keymap nil)

(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook fn)
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook fn)
(delete-overlay ov)
(setq mulled/.undo-at nil)
(setq mulled/.last-pt nil)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/make-reactivate-form (ov) `(apply mulled/ov-1st-line/reactivate

        (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines)))
      ,(overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/make-dispose-form (ov) `(apply mulled/ov-1st-line/find-and-dispose-at ,(mulled/ov-1st-line/get-beg-without-padding ov)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/update-cursor-pos (ov) (let* ((lines (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines)) (edit-trailing-edges-p (overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p))) (mulled/lines/update-cursor-ov-lst lines edit-trailing-edges-p)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/switch-direction (ov &optional keep-offset) (let* ((lines (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines)) (be-pair-lst-wo-marker (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/dup-without-marker (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of lines))) (edit-trailing-edges-p (overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p))) (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov) (mulled/ov-1st-line/reactivate be-pair-lst-wo-marker (not edit-trailing-edges-p) keep-offset)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/get-beg-without-padding (ov) (+ (overlay-start ov) (if (overlay-get ov 'mulled/beg-from-point-min-p) 0 1)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/get-end-without-padding (ov) (1- (overlay-end ov)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/get-beg-with-padding (ov) (- (overlay-start ov) (if (overlay-get ov 'mulled/beg-from-point-min-p) 1 0)))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/get-end-with-padding (ov) (overlay-end ov))

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/edit-trailing-edges-p (ov) (overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p))

(defvar mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified)

(defun mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn (&rest args) (let* ((parent-frame (backtrace-frame 3)) (fn-name (when (symbolp (nth 1 parent-frame)) (let ((name (symbol-name (nth 1 parent-frame)))) (when (string-match "^ad-Orig-" name) (setq name (replace-match "" nil nil name))) (intern name)))) (fn-callback-pair (and fn-name (assoc fn-name mulled/special-fn-alist))) (orig-fn-args (nthcdr 2 parent-frame))

     (ov             (nth 0 args))
     (after-p        (nth 1 args))
     (pt-beg         (nth 2 args))
     (pt-end         (nth 3 args))
     (len-removed    (nth 4 args))) 
(when (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov) 
  (let* ((lines   (overlay-get ov 'mulled/lines ))
         (col-beg (mulled/lines/col-from-pt-in-nth lines 0 pt-beg))
         (col-end (mulled/lines/col-from-pt-in-nth lines 0 pt-end))
         (edit-trailing-edges-p (overlay-get ov 'mulled/edit-trailing-edges-p)))

    (if (not after-p)
          (setq mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified
                (buffer-substring pt-beg pt-end))

          (when (not mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p)
            (when (or (mulled/lines/out-of-1st-line-p lines pt-beg)
                      (mulled/lines/out-of-1st-line-p lines pt-end))
              (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)
              (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited. (out of range)"))))
        (if mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p
            (setq mulled/.undo-at (point))
          (let* ((str-maybe-removed mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified)
                 (col-num-removed (with-temp-buffer
                                    (insert str-maybe-removed)
                                    (mulled/col-num-in-region (point-min)
                                                              (+ (point-min)
                 (out-of-range-p (mulled/lines/out-of-range-op-p lines
             ((and mulled/apply-special-fn-to-each-line-p
              (mulled/lines/mirror-special-fn lines
                                              (cdr fn-callback-pair)
             ((zerop len-removed)
              (if out-of-range-p
                    (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)
                    (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited. (out of range)"))
                (mulled/lines/mirror-insert-op lines
             ((not (= pt-beg pt-end))
              (mulled/lines/mirror-replace-op lines
              (let ( 
                     (= pt-end (mulled/ov-1st-line/get-end-with-padding ov)))
                     (= pt-end (mulled/ov-1st-line/get-beg-with-padding ov))))
                (if (or out-of-range-p
                        (and backspace-at-bol-p
                             (not (overlay-get ov 'mulled/beg-from-point-min-p)))) 
                      (mulled/ov-1st-line/dispose ov)
                      (message "[mulled] Multiple line edit exited. (out of range)"))
                  (mulled/lines/mirror-delete-op lines
        (setq mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified "")
        (mulled/ov-1st-line/update-cursor-pos ov)))))))

(defadvice primitive-undo (around mulled/undo-hook-fn (n list)) (setq mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p t) (unwind-protect ad-do-it (setq mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p nil))) (ad-activate 'primitive-undo)

(defun mulled/lines/new (r-pt-beg r-pt-end edit-trailing-edges-p) (mulled/lines/new-by-be-pair-lst (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/new r-pt-beg r-pt-end) edit-trailing-edges-p))

(defun mulled/lines/new-by-be-pair-lst (be-pair-lst edit-trailing-edges-p) (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/activate-marker be-pair-lst) (let* ((fringe-ov-lst (mulled/lines/init-fringe-ov-lst (list be-pair-lst) edit-trailing-edges-p)) (cursor-ov-lst (mulled/lines/init-cursor-ov-lst (list be-pair-lst) edit-trailing-edges-p))) (list be-pair-lst fringe-ov-lst cursor-ov-lst)))

(when (fboundp 'define-fringe-bitmap) (define-fringe-bitmap 'mulled/indicator-left [#x00 #xcc #x66 #x33 #x33 #x66 #xcc #x00]) (define-fringe-bitmap 'mulled/indicator-right [#x00 #x33 #x66 #xcc #xcc #x66 #x33 #x00]))

(defun mulled/lines/init-fringe-ov-lst (lines edit-trailing-edges-p) (lexical-let (fringe-ov-lst (cur-win (selected-window))) (when (and (boundp 'fringe-bitmaps) (display-images-p) (>= (or left-fringe-width (and cur-win (car (window-fringes cur-win))) 0) 8) (>= (or right-fringe-width (and cur-win (cadr (window-fringes cur-win))) 0) 8)) (mulled/lines/map lines (lambda (nth)

     (let* ((beg (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines nth))
            (end (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines nth))
            (indicator-l (copy-sequence (if edit-trailing-edges-p "<" ">")))
            (indicator-r (copy-sequence (if edit-trailing-edges-p "<" ">")))
            (fringe (if edit-trailing-edges-p 'right-fringe 'left-fringe))
            (fringe-bmp (if edit-trailing-edges-p 'mulled/indicator-right
            (ov (make-overlay beg
       (when (boundp 'fringe-bitmaps)
         (put-text-property 0 (length indicator-l)
                            'display (list 'left-fringe
         (put-text-property 0 (length indicator-r)
                            'display (list 'right-fringe
       (overlay-put ov 'before-string indicator-l)
       (overlay-put ov 'after-string indicator-r)
       (overlay-put ov  'priority 100)
       (push ov fringe-ov-lst)))))
(reverse fringe-ov-lst)))

(defun mulled/lines/init-cursor-ov-lst (lines edit-trailing-edges-p) (lexical-let ((cursor-ov-lst nil)) (mulled/lines/map lines (lambda (idx) (push (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (point)))) (overlay-put ov 'priority 1000) ov) cursor-ov-lst)))


(defun mulled/lines/dispose (lines)

(dolist (ov (mulled/lines/indicator-ov-lst-of lines)) (delete-overlay ov))

(dolist (ov (mulled/lines/cursor-ov-lst-of lines)) (delete-overlay ov)) (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/dispose (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of lines)))

(defun mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of (lines) "Fetch list of `beginning-of-line/end-of-line' pairs of each lines." (nth 0 lines))

(defun mulled/lines/indicator-ov-lst-of (lines) (nth 1 lines))

(defun mulled/lines/cursor-ov-lst-of (lines) (nth 2 lines))

(defun mulled/lines/count-of (lines) "Total amount of lines targeted for multiple line edit." (length (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of lines)))

(defun mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg (lines nth) "Start point of the `NTH' line." (marker-position (car (nth nth (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of lines)))))

(defun mulled/lines/pt-nth-end (lines nth) "End point of the `NTH' line." (marker-position (cdr (nth nth (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst-of lines)))))

(defun mulled/lines/nth-from-pt (lines pt) "Returns index of the line in LINES which contains PT.

Returns nil when PT is outside of LINES." (let ((retval nil)) (mulled/lines/map lines (lambda (nth) (let ((col-num-cur-line (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth))) (when (and (<= (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines nth) pt) (<= pt (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines nth))) (setq retval nth))))) retval))

(defun mulled/lines/col-from-pt-in-nth (lines nth pt) "Get column at PT in NTH line." (let ((pt-beg (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines nth)) (pt-end (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines nth))) (when (not (and (<= pt-beg pt) (<= pt pt-end))) (error "[mulled/lines/pt-to-col-num-nth] Out of range: nth[%s], pt[%s]." nth pt)) (mulled/col-num-in-region pt-beg pt)))

(defun mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth (lines nth col) "Get column at PT in NTH line." (mulled/pt-offset-by-col-num (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines nth) col))

(defun mulled/lines/col-num-nth (lines nth) "Count number of columns in NTH line." (mulled/col-num-in-region (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines nth) (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines nth)))

(defun mulled/lines/col-num-max (lines) "Count number of columns in the longest line of LINES." (let ((retval 0)) (dotimes (nth (mulled/lines/count-of lines)) (setq retval (max retval (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)))) retval))

(defun mulled/lines/col-num-min (lines) "Count number of columns in the shortest line of LINES." (let ((retval nil)) (dotimes (nth (mulled/lines/count-of lines)) (setq retval (min (or retval (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)) (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)))) (or retval 0)))

(defun mulled/lines/map (lines fn) "Apply the function `FN' to each line of multiple line edit." (loop for i from 0 to (1- (mulled/lines/count-of lines)) do (funcall fn i)))

(defun mulled/lines/map-but-1st (lines fn) "Apply the function `FN' to each line of multiple line edit, except 1st line." (loop for nth from 1 to (1- (mulled/lines/count-of lines)) do (funcall fn nth)))

(defun mulled/lines/out-of-1st-line-p (lines pt) "Test if the point is within 1st-line." (let ((beg (mulled/lines/pt-nth-beg lines 0)) (end (mulled/lines/pt-nth-end lines 0))) (not (and (<= beg pt) (<= pt end)))))

(defun mulled/lines/out-of-range-op-p (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed) "Test if the operation, specified by COL-BEG', COL-END' and `LEN-REMOVE', is accepted by each line of multiple line edit." (lexical-let* ((retval nil) (col-required

              (+ col-num-removed 
                 (if edit-trailing-edges-p
                     (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0) col-end)
(mulled/lines/map-but-1st lines
                          (lambda (nth)
                            (let ((col-num-cur-line (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)))
                              (when (< col-num-cur-line col-required)
                                (setq retval t)))))

(defun mulled/lines/update-cursor-ov-lst (lines edit-trailing-edges-p) (mulled/lines/update-cursor-ov-lst-aux lines (mulled/lines/cursor-ov-lst-of lines) edit-trailing-edges-p))

(defun mulled/lines/update-cursor-ov-lst-aux (lines cursor-ov-lst edit-trailing-edges-p) (let* ((tail-p edit-trailing-edges-p) (col-1st-line (mulled/lines/col-from-pt-in-nth lines 0 (point))) (col-num-1st-line (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0)) (offset-1st-line (cond (tail-p (- col-num-1st-line col-1st-line)) (t col-1st-line))) (out-of-range-err (mulled/lines/out-of-range-op-p lines tail-p col-1st-line col-1st-line 0)) (face (if out-of-range-err 'mulled/out-of-range-cursor-face 'mulled/cursor-face)) (pseudo-cursor (let ((str (copy-sequence " "))) (put-text-property 0 1 'face face str) str))) (mulled/lines/map lines (lambda (nth) (let* ((ov (nth nth cursor-ov-lst)) (col-num (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)) (col (cond

                    (tail-p (max 0 (- col-num offset-1st-line)))
                    (t      (min offset-1st-line col-num))))
          (pt      (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth lines nth col)))
     (let ((display       nil)
           (after-str     nil))
        ((eq (char-after pt) 09)
         (let ((col-next-char (mulled/lines/col-from-pt-in-nth
                               lines nth (1+ pt))))
           (setq display   pseudo-cursor)
           (setq after-str (make-string (1- 
                                         (- col-next-char col))
                                        ?\ ))))
        ((eq (char-after pt) 10)
         (setq display   (concat pseudo-cursor))
         (setq after-str "\n"))
        ((null (char-after pt))
         (setq after-str (concat pseudo-cursor))))
       (overlay-put ov 'display      display)
       (overlay-put ov 'after-string after-str))
     (move-overlay ov pt (1+ pt))
     (overlay-put ov 'face face))))

(when (and (not mulled/.running-primitive-undo-p) 
           (not executing-kbd-macro))
  (sit-for 0))))

(defun mulled/lines/mirror-insert-op (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end) "Reflect input operation, which is occurred in 1st line, to another lines." (lexical-let* ((str (buffer-substring (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth lines 0 col-beg) (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth lines 0 col-end))) (col-offset (if edit-trailing-edges-p

                             (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0) col-end)
     (lambda (nth)
       (goto-char (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                   (if edit-trailing-edges-p
                       (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)
       (insert str)))))))

(defun mulled/lines/mirror-delete-op (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed) "Reflect delete operation, which is occurred in 1st line, to another lines." (lexical-let* ((col-offset (if edit-trailing-edges-p

                             (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0) col-end)
     (lambda (nth)
       (if edit-trailing-edges-p
           (let ((pt-beg (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                         lines nth (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)
                 (pt-end (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                           lines nth (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)
             (delete-region pt-beg pt-end))
         (let ((pt-beg (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                        lines nth col-offset))
               (pt-end (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                         lines nth (+ col-offset col-num-removed))))
           (delete-region pt-beg pt-end)))))))))

(defun mulled/lines/mirror-replace-op-aux (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed fn) (lexical-let* ((edit-trailing-edges-p edit-trailing-edges-p) (col-num-removed col-num-removed) (fn fn) (col-offset (if edit-trailing-edges-p

                             (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines 0) col-end)
     (lambda (nth)
       (if edit-trailing-edges-p
           (let ((pt-beg (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                          lines nth (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)
                 (pt-end (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                          lines nth (- (mulled/lines/col-num-nth lines nth)
             (funcall fn pt-beg pt-end))
         (let ((pt-beg (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                        lines nth col-offset))
               (pt-end (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth
                        lines nth (+ col-offset col-num-removed))))
           (funcall fn pt-beg pt-end)))))))))

(defun mulled/lines/mirror-replace-op (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed) "Reflect replace operation, which is occurred in 1st line, to another lines." (lexical-let* ((str (buffer-substring (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth lines 0 col-beg) (mulled/lines/pt-from-col-in-nth lines 0 col-end)))) (mulled/lines/mirror-replace-op-aux lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed (lambda(pt-beg pt-end) (delete-region pt-beg pt-end) (goto-char pt-beg) (insert str)))))

(defun mulled/lines/mirror-special-fn (lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed fn-name callback-fn orig-args) "Reflect replace operation, which is occurred in 1st line, to another lines." (lexical-let* ((fn-name fn-name) (callback-fn callback-fn) (orig-args orig-args)) (mulled/lines/mirror-replace-op-aux lines edit-trailing-edges-p col-beg col-end col-num-removed (lambda (pt-beg pt-end) (condition-case c (apply callback-fn pt-beg pt-end orig-args) (error (message "[mulled] Error in special function `%s':\n%s" fn-name c)))))))

(defun mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/new (r-pt-beg r-pt-end) (let (be-pair-lst) (save-excursion (goto-char r-pt-beg) (dotimes (i (count-lines r-pt-beg r-pt-end)) (push (cons (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) (progn (end-of-line) (point))) be-pair-lst) (when (not (= (point-max) (point))) (forward-char)))) (mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/activate-marker (reverse be-pair-lst))))

(defun mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/activate-marker (be-pair-lst) (save-excursion (dolist (be-pair be-pair-lst) (goto-char (car be-pair)) (setcar be-pair (let ((m (point-marker))) (set-marker-insertion-type m nil) m)) (goto-char (cdr be-pair)) (setcdr be-pair (let ((m (point-marker))) (set-marker-insertion-type m t) m)))) be-pair-lst)

(defun mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/dispose (be-pair-lst)

(dolist (be-pair be-pair-lst) (and (markerp (car be-pair)) (set-marker (car be-pair) nil)) (and (markerp (cdr be-pair)) (set-marker (cdr be-pair) nil))))

(defun mulled/lines/be-pair-lst/dup-without-marker (be-pair-lst)

(mapcar (lambda (pair) (cons (marker-position (car pair)) (marker-position (cdr pair)))) be-pair-lst))

(defun mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-insert (&rest args) (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (if (or (not (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov)) (and (boundp 'run-orig-insert-fn-p) run-orig-insert-fn-p)) (apply mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-insert-fn args) (let* ((run-orig-insert-fn-p t) (insert-beg (point)) (retval (progn (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov nil insert-beg insert-beg) (apply mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-insert-fn args))) (insert-end (save-restriction (widen) (point)))) (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov t insert-beg insert-end 0) retval))))

(defun mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-delete-region (start end) (interactive "r") (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at start))) (if (or (not (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov)) (and (boundp 'run-orig-delete-region-fn-p) run-orig-delete-region-fn-p)) (funcall mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-delete-region-fn start end) (let* ((run-orig-delete-region-fn-p t) (remove-beg (save-excursion (goto-char start) (point))) (remove-end (save-excursion (goto-char end) (point))) (remove-len (- remove-end remove-beg)) (mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified (buffer-substring start end))) (prog2 (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov nil remove-beg remove-end) (funcall mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-delete-region-fn start end)

      (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov

(defun mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-replace-match (newtext &optional fixedcase literal string subexp) (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (if (or (not (match-string 0)) (not (mulled/ov-1st-line/ov-1st-line-p ov)) (and (boundp 'run-orig-delete-region-fn-p) run-orig-delete-region-fn-p)) (funcall mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-replace-match-fn newtext fixedcase literal string subexp) (let* ((match-beg (save-excursion (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (point-marker))) (match-end (save-excursion (goto-char (match-end 0)) (point-marker))) (len-removed (length (match-string 0)))) (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov nil match-beg match-end) (funcall mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-replace-match-fn newtext fixedcase literal string subexp) (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov t match-beg match-end len-removed)))))

(defun mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-with-mod-hook-fix (fn)

(let ((mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-insert-fn (symbol-function 'insert)) (mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-delete-region-fn (symbol-function 'delete-region)) (mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-replace-match-fn (symbol-function 'replace-match))) (unwind-protect (progn (setf (symbol-function 'insert) 'mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-insert) (setf (symbol-function 'delete-region) 'mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-delete-region) (setf (symbol-function 'replace-match) 'mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-orig-replace-match) (funcall fn)) (setf (symbol-function 'insert) mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-insert-fn) (setf (symbol-function 'delete-region) mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-delete-region-fn) (setf (symbol-function 'replace-match) mulled/mod-hook-fix/orig-replace-match-fn))))

(defun mulled/experimental/install-yas-support-aux () (remove-hook 'yas/minor-mode-hook 'mulled/experimental/install-yas-support-aux)

(defadvice yas/expand-snippet (after mulled/yas-hook-fn (template &optional start end expand-env)) (let ((ov (mulled/ov-1st-line/find-at (point)))) (when (and ov (string= ad-return-value "[yas] snippet expanded.")) (let* ((remove-at (cdr (nth 2 buffer-undo-list))) (remove-str (car (nth 2 buffer-undo-list))) (remove-len (length (car (nth 2 buffer-undo-list)))) (insert-beg (car (nth 1 buffer-undo-list))) (insert-end (cdr (nth 1 buffer-undo-list))) (insert-len (- insert-end insert-beg)) (edit-trailing-edges-p (mulled/ov-1st-line/edit-trailing-edges-p ov)))

      (setq mulled/ov-1st-line/.str-to-be-modified remove-str)
      (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov
                                      (+ remove-at (if edit-trailing-edges-p insert-len 0))
                                      (+ remove-at (if edit-trailing-edges-p insert-len 0))
      (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov
      (mulled/ov-1st-line/mod-hook-fn ov

(ad-activate 'yas/expand-snippet)

(defadvice yas/skip-and-clear (around mulled/yas/skip-and-clear-hook-fn (field)) (mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-with-mod-hook-fix (lambda () ad-do-it))) (ad-activate 'yas/skip-and-clear)

(defadvice yas/mirror-update-display (around mulled/yas/mirror-update-display-hook-fn (mirror field)) (mulled/mod-hook-fix/run-with-mod-hook-fix (lambda () ad-do-it)))

(defadvice yas/on-field-overlay-modification (around mulled/turn-on-yas/mirror-update-display (overlay after? beg end &optional length)) (ad-enable-advice 'yas/mirror-update-display 'around 'mulled/yas/mirror-update-display-hook-fn) (ad-activate 'yas/mirror-update-display) (unwind-protect ad-do-it (ad-disable-advice 'yas/mirror-update-display 'around 'mulled/yas/mirror-update-display-hook-fn) (ad-activate 'yas/mirror-update-display))) (ad-activate 'yas/on-field-overlay-modification))

(defun mulled/experimental/install-yas-support () (if (featurep 'yasnippet) (mulled/experimental/install-yas-support-aux) (add-hook 'yas/minor-mode-hook 'mulled/experimental/install-yas-support-aux)))