English 88, Modern and Contemporary American Poetry (original) (raw)
reference material and general poetry resources
- PennSound
- Kelly Writers House
- Cary Nelson's_Modern American Poetry_ site with alphabetized links to poets
- about Poetry site maintained by Bob Holman and Margery Snyder
- glossary of poetic terms used in English 88
- Poetry Foundation
- Electronic Poetry Center(Buffalo)
- Ubuweb, edited by Kenny Goldsmith
alphabetical index of materials and links
- Conrad Aiken, The House of Dust
- Albany Poetry Workshop
- Will Alexander
- Richard Aldington, "Daisy"(1915)
- Julia Alvarez, "Audition"
- Ammiel Alcalay at the Kelly Writers House
- William Anastasi, "Free Will" (1968)
- Laurie Anderson,"From the Air"
- events by Eric Andersen
- Sherwood Anderson on Stein
- Jim Andrews' site - vispo.com
- Bruce Andrews: "if the social is made coherent by discursive arrangements..."
- Bruce Andrews on athematic informal music
- Louis Cabri describes the Bruce Andrews/Rod Smith PhillyTalks exchange
- Bruce Andrews' mapping of Gil Ott (1999)
- "Animal Cruelty or Art?" (April 1996)
- anthologies
* Jed Rasula, excerpt from article about modern poetry anthologies- Apollinaire, "There Is"
- Rae Armantrout, "Falling"
- Rae Armantrout, "The Way"
- Rae Armantrout discusses "The Way" with Charles Bernstein and readsthe poem
- The Armory Show
- the Armory Show of 1913 (site created by Jennifer Estaris)
- Arrasedited by Brian Kim Stefans
- John Ashbery
* Ashbery's influence on four language poets
* John Ashbery, interview
* John Ashbery, "What Is Poetry?" - and student's imitative response
* Ashbery's "The Grapevine"
* Ashbery's "Some Trees" (and Steven Robinson's paraphrase)
* Gertude Stein per John Ashbery, in a review dated 1957- audio files of poetry
- more audio files
- audio files of poetry comp. Joel Kuszai
- Martin Auer's "Nine Rooms"
- Is the avant-garde poetry community sexist?
- [](<li)Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), "Kenyatta Listening to Mozart"
- Barefoot Poetry Press of South Africa
- baseball poem praised as Poundian by Babette Deutsch in Poetry in our Time (1956)
- Michael Basinski, "Venedian Beseechers"
- Erica Baum
- the beats
* Burroughs and Gysin cut-ups: "Open Letter to Life Magazine" from Minutes to Go
* Beat Poetryhome page
* the beat revolution ("chapter" of readings in English 88)
* Beat Generation listserv - information on how to subscribe
* see individual entries under Ginsberg, Corso, Kerouac, Ferlinghetti
* Herbert Gold's review of Kerouac and commentary on the beatnik "movement" (1957)
* on beat journalism- Michael Benedikt, The Body (first published, 1968)
- "below the word"
- Caroline Bergvall, "Ambient Fish"
- Charles Bernstein, "Dysraphism"(brief passage)
- Charles Bernstein commentary on All Things Considered about National Poetry Month
- Charles Bernstein's home page
- Ted Berrigan's poem "3 Pages"
- Ted Berrigan's "3 Pages"
- Elizabeth Bishop reading "Filling Station" (courtesy of The Factory School Library of Recorded Sounds)
- Erwin Blumenfeld - holocaust survivor and dadist photographer
- Maxwell Bodenheim (as remembered by Ben Hecht)
- Arna Bontemps bibliography
- Arna Bontemps poems
- book arts / small press
* Beatrice Coron - papercutting & books
* Ye Olde Font Shoppe - poetry chapbook publishing
* Barefoot Poetry Press of South Africa
* Granary Books
* small press roundtable
* Small Press Distribution- Brooks, Cleanth; Penn Warren, Robert: Understanding Poetry: An Anthology for College Students - revised, 1950 (excerpts)
- Gwendolyn Brooks dies (December 2000)
- Joan Brossa, surrealist
- Lee Ann Brown's "multiplicity sisters" exercise for her students
- Lee Ann Brown reviewed by Robert Hass
- Basil Bunting reading from Briggflatts
- Burroughs: Burroughs and Gysin cut-ups: "Open Letter to Life Magazine" from Minutes to Go
- John Cage
* John Cage quotations
* a John Cage filmography
* John Cage, "Empty Words" (August 8, 1994)Audio .au format | length: 45 sec. || Size: 500K || hear it
* See a brief informal description of the 1995 Cage "exhibit".
* Rejoinder to Cage and response to the rejoinder (June 1996)
* John Cage, "Writing through Howl"- Cathleen Calbert, "Listening to My Mother in the Alzheimer's Wing" (2001)
- John Cayley, programmatologist
- The neo-futurists of Chicago
- Paul Celan - in an article by John Festiner about poetry and the Holocaust
- Paul Celan set to music
- chapbooks (see "book arts")
- Chomskybot - a randomly selected arrangement of a paragraph of words by linguist Noam Chomsky
- concrete poetry
* Sackner Archive
* Edwin Morgan and Timm Uhlrich
* The Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry
* visual poetry
* DiMoCoPo is digital moving concrete poetry, text moving in time and space. DiMoCoPo is experiments with sound, computer voices and scripts for them to read. DiMoCoPo is as real time as presently possible, with fast start animations and sound and text-to-speech. DiMoCoPo takes literature into the digital future incorporating organic and analog aesthetics.
* EyeRhymes (University of Alberta, Edmonton)
* Ubuweb - "Ubuweb wants to be free," by Kenneth Goldsmith
* Henry Targowski, author of concrete poetry, including Space Transfer(1969), Printed Matter (1972), Stereometrie (1973; Available Space, Amsterdam, Holland)- Cid Corman
* Cid Corman, poetry on the radio (Poetry, Oct. 1952)
* Cid Corman, "Enuresis"
* Origin on the web (edited by Bob Arnold)
* audio recordingof a conversation with Cid Corman at the Kelly Writers House, November 19, 2001
* photograph of Cid Corman in 1995 (courtesy Fran Ryan)- Gregory Corso, "The Mad Yak"
- Cowboy poets
- Robert Creeley in the Wall Street Journal(9/99)
- Creeley - short bio
- cubismdefined
- cubism: notes toward teaching Hemingway's_A Moveable Feast_, including passages about Hemingway's linguistic cubism in relation to Stein's
- Sobiloff, Hy: "Cubism"
- cut-up method: Burroughs and Gysin cut-ups: "Open Letter to Life Magazine" from Minutes to Go
- Dada with reference to Tzara
- Tristan Tzara, "How to Make a Dadaist Poem"
- Dali, Salvador, is asked about Freud
- Tina Darragh at the Kelly Writers House
- Kevin Davies on the poltiics of avant-garde poetry
- Joy Davidman, "Near Catalonia"
- anti-modernism from the right: Donald Davidson, from "Grammar and Rhetoric: The Teacher's Problem" (1953)
- Alan Davies, from "Life"(published in hole #3)
- Peter Davison
- James A. Decker Press of Prairie City, Illinois
- Miriam Allen deFord attacks modernism's "cult of incomprehensibility"
- David Cornel DeJong, "Commuter"
- Tom Devaney, "Fifty Lines for Al Filreis on his 50th Birthday" (March 2006)
- Tom Devaney, "Poem (for Al Filreis)"
- a note on diastic computer programming
- digital writing
* Joel Weishaus' archive, Center for Digital Discourse & CultureVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
* the alphabet machine
* Jim Andrews' site - vispo.com
* Ubuweb
* mez and Talon Memmott, sky scratcher
* New Media Poetry: Aesthetics, Institutions, and Audiences" (conference of Oct. 2002)
* John Cayley, programmatologist
* Ray Kurzweil's cybernetic poet- Emily Dickinson
* #556
* 1129 and 632
* Emily Dickinson online archive hosted by IATH at the University of Virginia
* Emily Dickinson, two poems
* Dickinson as she appeared in Edmund Stedman's An American Anthology, 1878-1900 (1900)
* parody of Dickinson
* Ron Silliman on Dickinson
* "I taste a liquor never brewed" as anthologized by Oscar Williams
* Dorothy Aldis on Dickinson in 1930
* Emily Dickinson, brief bio
* Hortense Landauer, "For Emily Dickinson"
* Lee Ann Brown's "multiplicity sisters" exercise for her students
* Susan Howe, My EmilyDickinson (brief excerpts)- Annie Dillard, "Signals at Sea"
- Linh Din, "The Dead"
- W. S. DiPiero, "The 1950s"
- documentary poems, a list gathered by Jena Osman
- John Donne, "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"
- Ed Dorn's parody of Williams
- Ed Dorn - obituary
- Ed Dorn (per Kevin Davies) on the poltiics of avant-garde poetry
- Rita Doveat the White House (1998)
- Marcel Duchamp, eyechart(1919?)
- Robert Duncan web site
- Duration Press, including an archive
- Cornelius Eady, "Nature Poem"
- Max Eastman's critique of Gertrude Stein, from his anti-modernist essay, "The Cult of Unintelligibility" (1935)
- Alex Edelman's analysis of English 88 inventiveness
- electronic writing
* Ed Barrett of M.I.T.--his work in progress includes A Poetics of Cyberspace
* Chomskybot - a randomly selected arrangement of a paragraph of words by linguist Noam Chomsky
* Earthquake Collage compiled by Robert Sward
* Political Babble Generator - randomized political speeches
* Computer-generated writing
* DiMoCoPo is digital moving concrete poetry, text moving in time and space. DiMoCoPo is experiments with sound, computer voices and scripts for them to read. DiMoCoPo is as real time as presently possible, with fast start animations and sound and text-to-speech. DiMoCoPo takes literature into the digital future incorporating organic and analog aesthetics.
* Shelly Jackson
* Nicholas Clauss
* William Poundstone- Announcementsfrom the Electronic Poetry Center
- T.S. Eliot listserv information
- parody of Eliot
- Anita Endrezze is a poet, writer, and artist. She is half-Yaqui Indian and half European.
- Dan Masterson's Enskyment
- Maggie Estep (short bio)
- Maggie Estep, quicktime movie of MTV performance of "The Jerk I'm Obsessed with":
THE ENTIRE POEM || Quicktime Movie (.mov) || 13.7 Megs
FIRST 30 SECONDS || Quicktime Movie (.mov) - 3.5 Megs
- Maggie Estep, "Sex Goddess of the Western Hemisphere"
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti, "Baseball Canto"
- John Festiner on poetry and the Holocaust
- Robert Fitzgerald, "Cobb Would Have Caught It"
- fluxus
* Fluxus
* Craig Saper on fluxus at the Kelly Writers House
* Ken Friedman, "Thirty Events and Objects" (1959-1994) - a sampling
* Ken Friedman, "Renter's Orchestra" (1991)
* Ken Friedman, "Card Trace" (1958)
* Fluxfilmsby Paul Sharits (filmography draft by Adam Jameson)- Norman Fischer, "I'd Like to See It" (from Turn Left in Order to Turn Right) [comment]
- Bill Ford on Filreis on Wallace Stevens
- Kathleen Fraser
- free verse
- Catherine French, "Alphabet"
- freshpoetry.com features reviews of small press poetry, spoken word, poetic rap & hip hop
- Ken Friedman:
- Ken Friedman, "Thirty Events and Objects" (1959-1994) - a sampling
- Ken Friedman, "Renter's Orchestra" (1991)
- Ken Friedman, "Card Trace" (1958)
- Robert Frost
* Robert Frost, "Mending Wall"
* Frost reading "Mending Wall" (courtesy of The Factory School Library of Recorded Sounds)
* Frost in Newsweek, 1956
* The first line of "Mending Wall" recited as pure iambics; and recited as Frost might have
* Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" at the Supreme Court- Baroness Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven
* Baroness Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven, "A Dozen Cocktails, Please"
* The Baroness look in 2002
* jacket blurb by Filreis for Irene Gammel's biography of the Baroness
* William Carlos Williams, chapter from his Autobiography on The Baroness- futurism
- neo-futurists of Chicago
- Kristen Gallagher in a webcast symposium on Williams's "To Elsie"
- David Gascoyne obit, November 2001
- Albert Gelpi's critique of postmodern poetry
- Allen Ginsberg
* Ginsberg, portion of a letter to John Clellon Holmes written from the "madhouse" in 1949
* John Cage's "Writing through Howl"
* birth of the beat generation: 45th anniversary of "Howl" at the Six Gallery
* How Allen Ginsberg Thinks His Thoughts(from the New York Times, Tuesday, October 8, 1996)
* Edith Ginsberg obit (October 2000)
* Ginsberg as last seen
* "Sixteen Ginsbergian Things to Do in Class," by Jon Slotkin (Mar. 1995)
* The "Disinformation Dossier" on Ginsberg
* Allen Ginsberg, "America"
* Allen Ginsberg web site
* Allen Ginsberg, "Is About" (1996)
* Allen Ginsberg's FBI filesummarized by Herbert Mitgang in Dangerous Dossiers (1988)
* Allen Ginsberg, "Howl"
* A page from the typescript of Ginsberg's Howl
* Allen Ginsberg, "A Supermarket in California"
* Allen Ginsberg, "Sphincter"- Louis Ginsberg, "Waterfalls of Stone"
- Dana Gioia, "Can Poetry Matter?" (essay)
- Jorie Graham: review of The Errancy by Bonnie Costello
- Michael Gold on Gertrude Stein, "A Literary Idiot" (from the Communist New Masses)
- "Grist on-line" for all manner of on-line poetry materials
- Kenneth Goldsmith - general introduction (and announcement of September 2000 reading at the Kelly Writers House)
- film on Kenneth Goldsmith
- Kenny Goldsmith, English version of introduction in Icelandic
- mp3 audio recording of the above
- Kenneth Goldsmith - biographical profile
- an interview with Kenneth Goldsmith conducted by Marjorie Perloff
- Tony Green (look for his "accumulations" in particular)
- Tony Green: a sliding accumulation
- Tony Green, "Sliding Accumulation" (collection of Al Filreis)
- David Greenhood, "Bread Winners" (1935)
- Robert Grenier, "But"
- Grenier, Robert - on Stein
- Barbara Guest, "Roses" (published in Moscow Mansions, 1973)
- Woody Guthrie, "Deportee"
- haiku exercises
- haiku master, Nick Virgilio
- Carla Harryman, "Toy Boats"
- George Hartley, "Textual Politics and the Language Poets"
- Robert Hass
* Robert Hass reviews Lee Ann Brown
* Robert Haas / Robert Hass confusion- H.D. site
- H.D., "Sea Rose"
- H.D., "Red Rose and a Beggar"
- Lyn Hejinian on "Happily"
- Hemingway: ideas for teaching Hemingway's_A Moveable Feast_, including passages about Hemingway's linguistic cubism in relation to Stein's
- William Heyen, "My Holocaust Songs"(1991)
- Hemingway, a brief excerpt from "On the Quai at Smyrna," a vignette from In Our Time (1925)
- Dick Higgins, "metadramas"
- Dick Higgins, "New Song in an Old Style" (1967)
- George Hitchcock, "War"(1952)
- Tong Hoagland, "Reading Moby-Dick at 30,000 Feet"
- Clellon Holmes on the Beats, 1952
- on beat journalism
- Susan Howe: Susan Schultz's essay
- Fanny Howe, "One Night in Balthazar" ( PDF)
- How2- an online poetry mag, edited by Kathleen Fraser among others
- Susan Howe, My EmilyDickinson (brief excerpts)
- William B. Hunt's hundred-word prose poems, "The Presentations"
- Imagism briefly defined
- imagism per Edward Dahlberg
- The Invisible Library - a collection of pseudobiblia, artifiction, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, fictitious books, and books within books
- Randall Jarrell
* Randall Jarrell
* two Jarrell editions reviewed, June 1999
* Randall Jarrell on wartime correspondentErnie Pyle- LeRoi Jones, "Kenyatta Listening to Mozart"
- June Jordan - webcast recording of a reading and interview/conversation (April 2001)
- James Joyce's Ulysses originally reviewed in the New York Times
- Joyce's Ulysses: William McFee, letter to the editor of the_Nation_ complaining about modernism as sissified (1927)
- Daniel Kane's "poets chat" project - interviews with poets including John Yau, Ann Lauterbach, Rae Armantrout, Bernadette Mayer and others
- Kayak: from the 2nd issue, John Thomas's "Pocket Memo"
- The Kelly Writers Houseat the University of Pennsylvania
- X. J. Kennedy, "Nude Descending a Staircase (1959-60)
- X. J. Kennedy on The New American Poetry (in a review of 1961)
- Jack Kerouac
- Myung Mi Kim, from Dura
- Kenneth Koch - an interview conducted by David Kennedy, 1993
- Petr Kotik
- Aaron Kramer - web site
- Aaron Kramer, "The Death of President Roosevelt" (1945)
- Aaron Kramer bibliography
- Alfred Kreymborg: Mark Van Doren's reviewof Kreymborg's Troubadour (1925)
- Ray Kurzweil's cybernetic poet
- Hortense Landauer, "For Emily Dickinson"
- language writing
* Charles Bernstein's home page
* Kathleen Fraser summary of language poetry
* Albert Gelpi's critique of postmodern poetry
* George Hartley, "Textual Politics and the Language Poets"
* Jerome McGann, "Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes"
* Ron Silliman on political poets
* Silliman on Dickinson
* language writing and related materials ("chapter" of English 88 readings)
* Brian Kim Stefans responds to an attack on language poetry as institutionalized (1999)
* report on relations between four language poets and John Ashbery- Denise Levertov obituary (Dec. 1997)
- Ruth Lechlitner, "Linesfor an Abortionist's Office"
- Dennis Lee, author of Un, explains how and I why he wrote that book-length poem (here's another version)
- Meridel LeSueur on belief as action(1935)
- Andrew Levy - Al Filreis's response to Levy-Mac Low
- Trudy Lewis, "Auntie Em"
- Nathaniel Mackey, "Song of the Andoumboulou: 23"
- magazines (a short selection)
* Poetry
* Spout Poetry Magazine
* Untitled- magnetic poetry on the web (via java applet)
- Mike Magee's "Pledge" from Morning Constitutional (1999) [Note: click on "Handwritten Press," then choose "primary texts" at far right, then choose "Morning Constitutional" in Adobe Acrobat format.]
- Mike Magee reading three poems on WXPN-FM's "Live at the Writers House" in November 1997
- Edwin Markham, "Lincoln, The Man of the People" (excerpt)
- Leo Marks - World War II spy code-maker (using poetry as source-text)
- William Matthews on Mingus
- William McFee, letter to the editor of the Nation complaining about modernism as sissified (1927)
- Jerome McGann, "Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes"
- Thomas McGrath, "War Resisters'Song"
- Jackson Mac Low
* Jackson Mac Low
* an English 88 class session on MacLow's "A Vocabulary for Peter Innisfree Moore" (December 2008) (mp3)
* Mac Low interviewed by Gil Ott, 1979
* Jackson Mac Low wins prize
* Jackson Mac Low, fluxus works
* "Jackson Mac Low: Poetry as Art," by Charles Bernstein
* Jackson Mac Low: Jessica Smith, "The Page Is Not a Neutral Surface" (with reference to Mac Low's "A Vocabulary for Peter Innisfree Moore")
* on Mac Low's scored piece for Peter Innisfree Moore
* audio: Jackson Mac Low, "Phoneme Dance In Memoriam John Cage" (1993)
* "Performance Instructions preceded by Description and Compositional Method for A Vocabulary for Peter Innisfree Moore" (1974-75)
* Jackson Mac Low, "1ST LIGHT POEM: FOR IRIS -- 10 JUNE 1962"
* a note on diastic computer programming
* Jackson Mac Low biography
* Jackson Mac Low, poem-performance of 960 words (and letters) derived from the name of a deceased friend (August 11, 1975)Audio .au format | beginning of piece -- length: 45 sec. || Size: 750K || hear it
Audio .au format | another clip -- length: 68 sec. || Size: 1,000K || hear it
"A Vocabulary for Jackson Mac Low", December 9, 2004 (in memoriam)- Mike Magee's "Final Word" for English 88 at Penn, an imitation of Stein
- William Meredith
- mez and Talon Memmott, sky scratcher
- Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Two Sonnets in Memory"
- Edna St. Vincent Millay commemorative stamps
- Henry Miller's "Patchen: Man of Anger and Light"
- Mingus: William Matthews on Mingus
- modernism--rise of ("chapter" of English 88 readings)
- William McFee, letter to the editor of the Nation complaining about modernism as sissified (1927)
- modernism, rise of: audio mini-lecture
- William Vaughn Moody, "Gloucester Moors" (excerpts)
- Moody's "Gloucester Moors": audio mini-lectureon this poem in the context of "twilight Victorianism" and the coming rise of modernism
- William Vaughn Moody, "I Am the Woman"
Marianne Moore
* Marianne Moore and Langston Hughes, 1952
* Al Filreis on Marianne Moore's letters in wartime, "Mending the Break in Time"- an article about Peter Innisfree Moore (2004)
- Jennifer Moxley, "Invective Verse"
- Museum of American Poetics
- National Poetry Month
- neo-formalism of the 1950s ("chapter" of readings in English 88)
- neo-formalism: Ira Sadoff's "Neo-Formalism: A Dangerous Nostalgia"
- The New American Poetry, ed. Donald Allen
- New Criticism and poetry: Brooks and Penn Warren's Understanding Poetry: An Anthology for College Students - revised, 1950 (excerpts)
- the New York poets ("chapter" of English 88 readings)
- the New York School: review of David Lehman's The Last Avant-Garde
* see entries under Ashbery, O'Hara- New Zealand poets - sound files [](<li)at NZ EPC
- Lorine Niedecker - brief bio
- John Timpane's review of Niedecker's Collected Works (2003)
- Niedecker, "I rose from March mud"
- Niedecker, "Don't tell me property is sacred"
- Lorine Niedecker, "Grandfatheradvised me"
- Niedecker photographic portrait
- Lorine Niedecker, "You are my friend"
- Melanie Nielson's renga
- John Frederick Nims' "vituperative political style"
- John Frederick Nims, "The Academy Disporting" (c. 1959)
- review of Alice Notley's The Descent of Alette
- Alice Notley, "I, the People" from Parts of a Wedding (1986)
- Alice Notley, "I the People" (another copy)
- Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe
- Frank O'Hara on painter Larry Rivers
- on O'Hara's "Personism" manifesto
- Frank O'Hara's energy per Ron Silliman
- O'Hara, "The Day Lady Died"
- Oldenberg: editorial published in Pennsylvania Gazette criticizing Oldenberg's "Button" sculpture
- George Oppen, "the prudery/ Of Frigidaire"
- George Oppen - two statements
- books by Oppen
- Jena Osman
* Jena Osman's list of documentary poems
* Jena Osman, "Dropping Leaflets"
* Jena Osman, on Dickinson's "Step lightly on / This narrow spot" from An Essay in Asterisks (Roof Books, 2994) [PDF file]- In memoriam, Gil Ott, Al Filreis (February 6, 2004)
- Gil Ott interviews Jackson Mac Low, 1979
- Gil Ott - Bruce Andrew's mapping of Gil Ott (1999)
- The Oxford Book of English Verse
- Kenneth Pachen site (by Marcus Williamson)
- Patchen's "And What with the Blunders"
- Henry Miller's "Patchen: Man of Anger and Light"
- Perelman on his poem "Chronic Meanings"
- Bob Perelman, on modernism as an going project
- Bob Perelman, "Must Works of Art Reflect Only Marketplace Values?"
- Bob Perelman reading his poem "Chiam Soutine," in four parts, before a live audience at the Writers House on February 8, 1999
- Perelman in a webcast symposium on Williams's "To Elsie"
- interview with Perelman
- Bob Perelman, "The Marginalization of Poetry"
- Perloff
* an interview with Kenneth Goldsmith conducted by Marjorie Perloff
* praise for Perloff - an introduction at the Kelly Writers House, October 1999
* Poetry On & Off the Page(1998) briefly considered
* review of Marjorie Perloff's book on Wittgenstein, by Romano (Nov. 1996)
* Another review, by Linda Voris
* (see Wittgenstein, below)- Carl Peterson, "Poem against the Instructor of Writing"
- PhillyTalks: Louis Cabri describes the Bruce Andrews/Rod Smith PhillyTalks exchange
- PhillyTalks at the Kelly Writers House
- photography of poets: Van Vechten, Carl - photograph collection - Van Vechten, an American modernist, made photographic portraits of many modernist figures, including a number of poets
- dadist photographer: Erwin Blumenfeld
- Pablo Picasso
- Robert Pinsky, History of My Heart
- Robert Pinskyat the White House (1998)
- "Sylvia Plath, Forever an Icon" (New York Times, November 9, 2000)
- The Poetry Kit (listings of current articles about poetry, poetry festivals, prizes, etc.)
- Poetry Magazine: search the Poetry index (for the past 6 years)
- Poetry Society of America
- Poetry Society of America crisis (September 2007)
- Poetry Tonight--and related sites: Dr.Mojo , PIF Magazine ,Poetry Store
- Poets & Writers
- Postmodern Culture: introductory information
- procedural poetry on the net: netnews verse.
- "procedural" poetry as World War II spy code
- publishers of poetry
* Barefoot Poetry Press of South Africa
* Sun & Moon Press- Ezra Pound
* audio of Pound reading from the Cantos
* Edward Dahlberg on Pound's imagism
* baseball poem praised as Poundian by Babette Deutsch in Poetry in our Time (1956)
* Pound, "The Encounter"
* Pound and the Bollingen Prize controversy- printing (see "book arts")
- poetry on radio
* Cid Corman on his "This Is Poetry" broadcast, 1952
* "Live at the Writers House" on WXPN-FM- Carl Rakosi, "ZZZZZZ"
- Carl Rakosi, "In What Sense I Am I"
- Carl Rakosi, "In What Sense I am I"
- Carl Rakosi,"Oh, Sestina" (text and recording of the poet reading the poem)
- Carl Rakosi, reading and conversation, October 2002
- Jed Rasula, excerpt from an essay entitled "The Empire's New Clothes:Anthologizing American Poetry in the 1990s"
- Carter Revard(b. 1931) - a site created with help from Native American Authors Project
- renga - a form of Japanese collaborative poetry dating back to the twelfth century. It is made up of linked stanzas of set syllabic structure with a different author responding to the previous stanza.
- Joan Retallack, "The Woman in the Chinese Room.....A Prospective"
- Joan Retallack - a reading from her poetry and a discussion of relations between innovative poetry and experimental teaching - recording of a program webcast Wednesday, February 28, 2001, at the Kelly Writers House
- Kenneth Rexroth on the student movement, 1960
- Adrienne Rich, "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers"
- Adrienne Rich, "Wait"(2003)
- Lola Ridge,Sun-up and Other Poems (the complete text)
- Lola Ridge, "The Ghetto" and other poems (the complete text)
- Larry Rivers: per Frank O'Hara
- Edwin Rolfe, "Season of Death" (1935)
- Harold Rome and the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, "Sing Me a Song with Social Significance" (1937)
- Jerome Rothenberg
- Rothenberg, "A Paradise of Poets"
- Jerome Rothenberg, a Writers House Fellow
- Jerome Rothenberg--an introduction to a reading by Rothenberg and Pierre Joris, with thoughts on modernism at mid-century
- Muriel Rukeyser, "Metaphor to Action"
- The Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry
- Sackner Archive
- Ira Sadoff, "Neo-Formalism: A Dangerous Nostalgia"
- Leslie Scalapino's O press
- Richard Schechner, Dionysus 1969 (1969)
- Isidor Schneider, "Dawn" (c. 1929)
- Fluxfilmsby Paul Sharits (filmography draft by Adam Jameson)
- Lytle Shaw explainsthe connection between his "The Confessions 2" and "The Snow Man"
- Eli Siegel
- Ron Silliman, brief biography
- Ron Silliman on political poets
- Jessica Smith, "The Page Is Not a Neutral Surface" (with reference to "A Vocabulary for Peter Innisfree Moore")
- Rod Smith: Louis Cabri describes the Bruce Andrews/Rod Smith PhillyTalks exchange
- William Jay Smith, "Epigrams"
- William Jay Smith, "The World below the Window"
- Robert Smithson, "A Heap of Language" (1966)
- Gary Snyder - basic materials for the counterculture
- Sobiloff, Hy: "Cubism"
- sonnet
- Sonnet Central
- Susan Sontag on style
- Stephen Spender in 1960
- Gary Soto, "How Things Work"
- Spanish Civil War--poems about Spain
* Joy Davidman, "Near Catalonia"
* introductory materials- Spicer readings
- Jack Spicer, "Thing Language"
- Jack Spicer's lecture, "Poetry in Process and Book of Magazine Verse" (1965)
- spoken word poetry
* spoken word poetry defined
* see Estep, Maggie
* Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe
* freshpoetry.com features reviews of news about spoken word poetry, poetic rap and hip hop
* cottonmouth, texas - "Anti-Social Butterfly" - reviews and other links- surrealism: Salvador Dali is asked about Freud
- Brian Kim Stefans responds to an attack on language poetry as institutionalized (1999)
- Brian Kim Stefans' experiments with shockwave design
- Gertrude Stein
* Stein, "Christian Berard" portrait (PDF)
* Stein: "irritated by the limitations of the medium"
* Williams on Stein
* Stein on the noun
* Stein on doing nothing
* Stein a naturalist?
* Stein on composition
* Sherwood Anderson on Stein
* Edith Sitwell on Stein
* Creeley on Stein
* Gertrude Stein, "Any one doing something and standing"
* Elisabeth A. Frost, "Signifyin(g) on Stein: The Revisionist Poetics of Harryette Mullen and Leslie Scalapino"
* An interview with Gertrude Stein
* Max Eastman's critique of Gertrude Stein, from his anti-modernist essay, "The Cult of Unintelligibility" (1935)
* Gertrude Stein, "A Very Valentine" and "Let Us Describe"
* Stein, Gertrude: "Reflections on the Atomic Bomb"
* Gertrude Stein on similarity & difference
* W. G. Rogers on Stein: not what it is, but what it does
* ad for Lectures in America, 1957
* Wallace Fowlie on Stein: a contract between words and thought
* Gertrude Stein on narrative
* Gertrude Stein on textual movement
* Stein: photograph by Carl Van Vechten
* Brief biography of Gertrude Stein
* Gertrude Stein, "If I Told Him (A Completed Portrait of Pablo Picasso)"Audio .au format whole poem -- Length: 3.5 min. || Size: 2,300K || Hear It
Audio .au format excerpt -- Length: 30 sec. || Size: 370K || Hear It
* Gertrude Stein, "Water Raining"
* Gertrude Stein, on composition
* Robert Grenier on Stein
* Ideas for teaching Hemingway's_A Moveable Feast_, including passages about Hemingway's linguistic cubism in relation to Stein's
* Mike Magee's "Final Word" for English 88--in imitation of Stein
* Gertrude Stein selections
* Gertrude Stein, Tender Buttons
* Gertrude Stein, "Readings"
* Gertude Stein per John Ashbery, in a review dated 1957
* Gertrude Stein, "Is Dead" (1936)
* Michael Gold on Gertrude Stein, "A Literary Idiot" (from the Communist New Masses)- Gerald Stern
- Gerd Stern- general introduction to his work (and to USCO and "happenings") and to his program at the Kelly Writers House, September 2000
- Wallace Stevens
* Hartford Friends of Wallace Stevens, a site that includes information about the Wallace Stevens listserv
* Stevens web site - general
* "The Idea of Order at Key West", sound recording arranged by Jim Andrews of vispo.com (with this shockwave piece, you can listen to the poem cut-up or normally)
* Wallace Stevenspoems
* Filreis Stevens page
* Bill Ford on Filreis on Stevens
- Susan Stewart, "May 1988"
- the "objective" photographic art of Alfred Stieglitz
- Sun & Moon Press
- Robert Sward's home page
- Robert Sward papers at the University of Washington (St. Louis) Poetry Archive
- Genevieve Taggard, "Interior"(1935)
- Allen Tate, "Narcissus as Narcissus"
* (To be read with Tate's critique of liberal "identification" with war, an article about U. S. journalists who covered the Gulf War.)- Mervyn Taylor, "A Mistake"
- Teachers & Writers Collaborative
- Sara Teasdale, "The Look"
- Telepoetics
- John Timpane's review of Niedecker's Collected Works (2003)
- John Thomas, from "Pocket Memo"
- Dada with reference to Tzara
- Rodrigo Toscano, reading "Premise No. 1" on "Live at the Writers House," September 1998
- Tristan Tzara, "How to Make a Dadaist Poem"
- ubuweb
- Ubuweb - "Ubuweb wants to be free," by Kenneth Goldsmith
- union songs: Harold Rome and the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, "Sing Me a Song with Social Significance" (1937)
- Louis Untermeyer, very selective bibliography
- Untitled, a poetry magazine for the Internet
- ut pictura poesis
- Mark Van Doren's reviewof Alfred Kreymborg's Troubadour (1925)
- Van Vechten, Carl - photograph collection - Van Vechten, an American modernist, made photographic portraits of many modernist figures, including a number of poets
- Peter Viereck, THE DIGNITY OF LYRICISM: Form Yes, Formalism No, chapter 31 of_The Unadjusted Man: A New Hero for Americans_(Boston: Beacon Press, 1956)
- vispo.com - Jim Andrews' site
- _Voices & Visions_documentary series
- Shawn Walker, some poems
- Shawn Walker in a webcast discussion of "To Elsie"
- Barrett Watten's bibliography (with links), "Beyond the Demon of Analogy"
- The Kelly Writers Houseat the University of Pennsylvania
- Bruce Weigl, "Rapture" (1992)
- Walt Whitman
* Walt Whitman links
* Walt Whitman remembered by Mother Bloor
* "The Poetry of Barbarism" by George Santayana, partly about Whitman
* Walt Whitman, "The Sleepers
* Walt Whitman, four manuscript notebooks at the Library of Congress
* Walt Whitman's style according to communist critic Samuel Sillen in 1955
* Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass" in its entirety
* Walt Whitman, biographical profile
* John Wieners, in memoriam (by Tom Raworth)- Oscar Williams, "The Last Supper"
- William Carlos Williams
* "This Is Just To Say" - Flossie Williams's reply
* "Late for Summer Weather"
* Williams, "The Quality of Heaven"
* Williams, "Lines"
* Williams, "Smell!"
* Williams, "Catholic Bells"
* William Carlos Williams on "a new line"--from Paterson 2
* William Carlos Williams,"Item" - 1935
* on "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower"
* William Carlos Williams, "Danse Russe"
* Williams, "At the ballgame"
* William Carlos Williams, "The rose is obsolete" (from Spring and All of 1923)
* Williams, "Young Woman at a Window" in two versions
* William Carlos Williams, "A poem is a small...machine"
* William Carlos Williams, "To Elsie" from_Spring and all_; and commentary on "the white trash" mentioned in the poem
* Williams's "To Elsie": James Clifford's introduction to The Predicament of Culture
* When considering Williams's attitude toward the cultural (including ethnic and racial) melange that he finds both fearful and alluring in Elsie, you might want to consider the story of the legal problem of the Golden Hill Paugussetts of Connecticut, a Native American tribe that found itself in the position of having to certify its authenticity legally-- raising the question of what it is to be "native" and what kind of question that is.
* recording of a live webcast symposium on "To Elsie" led by Al Filreis, Bob Perelman, Kristen Gallagher, and Shawn Walker with thirty far-flung virtual participants from the Kelly Writers House on July 8, 1999
* William Carlos Williams,"so much depends"
* William Carlos Williams, chapter from his Autobiography on The Baroness
* William Carlos Williams, "This is Just To Say" - a student comment - (3/95)
* Ed Dorn's parody of Williams
* another parody of Williams- Ludwig Wittgenstein--comprehensive site (see also: Perloff above)
- Wyeth, John Allan - civil war vet writes WWI poetry
- John Yau, "830 Fireplace Road"
- The Yasusada hoax per The Guardian
- The Yasusada hoax per Lingua Franca
- John Yau - interview with Daniel Kane in part about Yau's poem "Hoboken Palace Gardens"
- Zeugma--a workshop for poets
- Andrew Zitcer (and others), "Aural Text Framework" (2001)
- Louis Zukofsky, "[The men in the kitchens]"
- Magdalena Zurawski, from "Ten Imaginary Love Poems for Joan of Arc": "1: "Joan, Never Read or Write"
Document URL: http://www.english.upenn.edu/\~afilreis/88/home.html
Last modified: Tuesday, 15-Dec-2015 19:41:51 EST