Spice Girl Melanie C: Life as I know it (original) (raw)

SPICE Girl Melanie, 36, lives in London with her partner Thomas and their baby daughter Scarlet.

If I could change anything about myself I’d... be 10 years younger. You notice things, especially being a mum, like, “Whose bum is that?”

The most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me is... write a song. Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers wrote Emit Remmus – which is “summertime” backwards – after we met. It’s on their Californication album.

Not a lot of people know this but I’m very good at... cooking. I do a mean wild mushroom risotto.

You may not know it but I’m no good at... household chores. I’m terrible at ironing but luckily my boyfriend is very good.

I’m having a bad hair day when I have porridge in it. I have to put it up in a bun

To wake myself up I... have a cup of tea

Last thing at night I always... watch TV. I like snuggling up with a bit of comedy so I go to bed with a smile on my face. I’m really loving Outnumbered – the kids in it are amazing.

If I have time to myself I... have a massage.

When I’m feeling down I... look at my little girl. Just seeing her cheeky little face and watching her figuring stuff out is amazing. She’s my tonic.

My “happy place” is... home. I spent a long time travelling and being away from everybody but now home is where my roots are and I just love that.

My best friend is... my mum. We’ve always been close but even more so since I had a child.

The best thing my parents taught me is... never do anything you feel uncomfortable with.

If I can, I always try to avoid... confrontation. We never rowed as a family so I’m not that kind of person.

It’s not good for my image but... I don’t care what other people think of me.

My biggest influence is... Madonna. She was a big inspiration when I was growing up. I had the back-combed hair, rosary beads and lace gloves.

My greatest weakness is… crisps. I’m quite relaxed about my diet now and if there’s a packet around, they will go.

If I could pass any law it would be... to stop all wars. Fighting is never the way to solve a problem – all it does is create them. I’d also change the laws around childcare to give mums and dads more flexible working hours.

I drive... a Lexus hybrid.

The song I can never get out of my head is... Peppa Pig, do do do do…

When I was a child I wanted to be... a pop star or a gymnast.

My biggest regret is... I don’t have any. They’re just wasted energy.

My proudest moment... was giving birth to my little one. And I’m proud to be working with UNICEF on their Big Kiss Campaign to protect mothers and babies in the developing world from tetanus. It doesn’t cost a thing for people to support it – you just visit the Pampers website, and for every hit they receive, Pampers will donate one life-saving vaccine to UNICEF. It’s that simple.

The shop I can’t walk past is... Whistles. It’s a weekly indulgence.

The most expensive thing I’ve ever frittered money on is... holidays. But to me that’s all been money well spent.

I know I’m having a bad hair day when... I have porridge in it. I have to put it discreetly into a little bun.

My perfect Sunday is… seeing family and friends. I try to get together with the other Spices whenever Mel and Victoria are over. Because we all have children now, we like them to spend time together and that encourages us all to hang out. Depending on how many Beckham boys are there, it can be complete mayhem. They’re brilliant children – really well behaved – but quite raucous.

Melanie C supports the Pampers Big Kiss campaign. To get involved, visit www.pampers.co.uk/bigkiss.