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What will be needed to realize the vision of a world free from hunger and malnutrition? After shedding light on the nature of the challenges that agriculture and food systems are facing now and throughout the 21st century, the study provides insights into what is at stake and what needs to be done. “Business as usual” is not an option. Major transformations in agricultural systems, rural economies, and natural resources management are necessary. The present study was undertaken for the quadrennial review of FAO’s strategic framework and for the preparation of the Organization Medium-Term plan 2018-2021. * Thumbnail Image
Book (series)
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024
###### Financing to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms
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Behind the new-look Non-Wood News is the usual wealth of information from the world of NWFPs. The Special Features section covers two different aspects of NWFPs: a specific product (bamboo) and a developing market (cosmetics and beauty care). Bamboo is versatile: it can be transformed, for example, into textiles, charcoal, vinegar, green plastic or paper and can also be used as a food source, a deodorant, an innovative building material and to fuel power stations. Reports indicate that natural c osmetics and beauty care are a huge global market, with forecasts indicating an annual growth of 9 percent through 2008. The Special Feature on Forest cosmetics: NWFP use in the beauty industry builds on this and includes information industry interest and marketing strategies (consumers are being drawn to natural products and thus their content is emphasized). As can be seen from the articles on shea butter in Africa and thanakha in Myanmar, many societies have always used and benefited from nat ural cosmetics. This issue includes other examples of traditional knowledge, such as the uses of the secretions of a poisonous tree frog in Brazil and the use by the traditional healers in India of allelopathic knowledge.

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The evolving Asian experience

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Agribusiness incubation (ABI) has emerged as a transformative strategy for revitalizing rural livelihoods, engaging youth in agriculture, and promoting sustainable technologies. This publication examines the pivotal role of ABIs in reshaping the agrifood system by providing essential support services and fostering collaboration among smallholder farmers and emerging entrepreneurs. As countries in the Asia Pacific implement diverse ABI models, the successful experiences from the Republic of Korea, India, the Philippines, and Viet Nam offer valuable lessons for addressing rural poverty, attracting youth, and mitigating climate change challenges. By analysing these case studies, this report aims to equip policymakers and stakeholders with insights to establish effective ABIs, thereby promoting inclusive agribusiness and driving rural transformation. Furthermore, the publication contributes to the growing literature on ABIs, underscoring their potential to revolutionize rural and agricultural sectors. Prioritizing the establishment and expansion of ABIs is crucial for fostering sustainable growth and resilience within these communities, ultimately paving the way for a more equitable and sustainable agrifood system. * Thumbnail Image
Book (stand-alone)
Unveiling the agricultural landscape of the Comoros
###### An analysis of agricultural production and yields
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The Comoros, a small island developing state (SIDS) ranking among the poorest nations in Africa, faces many challenges that make it particularly vulnerable to food insecurity: as an isolated, net food-importing country with a small landmass, limited agricultural land and high exposure to natural disasters, the Comoros' food security is particularly vulnerable to external shocks. While a net food importer, agriculture is a key sector and source of income, contributing 30 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015. This makes the Comoros a rare exception among SIDS. To date, the lack of data on the Comorian agricultural sector has limited the scope of analyses. This study seeks to explore a dataset on agriculture, food security and poverty that was collected in the Comoros throughout 2021. The objective is to provide a preliminary overview of the agricultural sector in the Comoros, particularly agricultural production and crop yields using descriptive statistics. * Thumbnail Image
Book (series)
Report of the seventh meeting of the Global Record Informal Open-Ended Technical and Advisory Working Group
###### Panama City, Panama, 19 March 2024
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Latin America is at a strategic point in rural development, as recent shocks have exposed deep-rooted challenges in rural policies, particularly regarding inequality and employment. Slow economic recovery, climate change, food system transitions, and rapid technological change further complicate these issues. In response, this paper argues for a new generation of policies focused on three key areas: (i) strategies to protect lives and promote resilient livelihoods, (ii) specialized policies for family farming, and (iii) strategies for rural investments and development planning. It emphasizes that these efforts must prioritize inclusion and avoid reinforcing past inequalities, ensuring the most vulnerable do not bear the brunt of future rural transformations. * Thumbnail Image
Book (stand-alone)
Comprehensive analysis of disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina
###### Second edition
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This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional disaster risk reduction (DRR) system for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy, and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments, and the availability of agricultural insurance for farmers. It concludes by providing recommendations for capacity-building interventions to strengthen the current system to reduce the adverse impacts of natural hazards, in particular, floods, landslides and droughts, and climate change on agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.