Fichet Bauche: Safes, Security cabinets & Vaults (original) (raw)

Our selection sold online

AFII 450L security cabinet closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Security cabinet AFII 450L

Anti-indiscretion security cabinet

AFII 750L security cabinet closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Security cabinet AFII 750L

Anti-indiscretion security cabinet

InviKtus 1200L fire, burglary, and explosion resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Kelnet electronic lock

InviKtus safe 1200L

Burglar, fire and explosion-proof safe

InviKtus 400L fire, burglary, and explosion resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Kelnet electronic lock

InviKtus safe 400L

Burglar, fire and explosion-proof safe

InviKtus 140L fire, burglary, and explosion resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Kelnet electronic lock

InviKtus safe 140L

Burglar, fire and explosion-proof safe

Helios 160L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Helios safe 160L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Helios 80L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Helios safe 80L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Helios 40L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Helios safe 40L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Carena 120L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Carena 80L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Carena 40L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra lock

Complice 40L burglary resistant in-wall safe closed front view, equipped with a key lock and 3-tube mechanical combination lock

Complice in-wall safe 40L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 20L burglary resistant in-wall safe closed front view, equipped with a key lock and 3-tube mechanical combination lock

Complice in-wall safe 20L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 10L burglary resistant in-wall safe closed front view, equipped with a key lock and 3-tube mechanical combination lock

Complice in-wall safe 10L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 80L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Complice safe 80L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 40L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Complice safe 40L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 20L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Complice safe 20L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice 10L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a Nectra electronic lock

Complice safe 10L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice Style 40L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a key lock and 3-tube mechanical combination lock

Complice Style safe 40L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Complice Style 20L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with a key lock and 3-tube mechanical combination lock

Complice Style safe 20L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton Room 10L safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton Room 30L safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S1 20L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S1 40L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S1 safe 40L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton S1 60L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S1 80L burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 20L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 safe 20L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton S2 30L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 safe 30L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton S2 45L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 safe 45L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton S2 55L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 safe 55L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

Newton S2 80L fire and burglary resistant safe closed front view, equipped with an electronic lock

Newton S2 safe 80L

Burglar and fire resistant safe

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Our entire range of safes, strongboxes, strong doors, deposit and transfer safes is available on request.


InviKtus, Helios, Atrius, Carena, Millium, Complice ranges

Security door

Optura and Optema ranges, 530 FX bank compartments

AFII 750L security cabinet closed front view

Enigma, Diva, Celsia, AFII ranges

Deposit and transfer safe

Millium DFX, DTM, double door, Complice piggy bank ranges

Innovation is part of our DNA.

When Alexandre Fichet, inventor of the first non-removable lock and the first safe, met Auguste-Nicolas Bauche, inventor of the fireproof safe, to give birth to Fichet Bauche, it was with the idea of creating ever more innovative products. Today, our research and development teams and PhD students are still working hard to invent tomorrow’s solutions.

200 years pictogram


200 year expertise

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