iPhone 4 arrives in SA (original) (raw)

Johannesburg - The iPhone 4 will be launched in South Africa on Wednesday by both Vodacom Group [JSE:VOD] and MTN Group [JSE:MTN].

The product was launched in June in the USA, UK and some other European countries as well as Japan.

Sources at Vodacom have confirmed a launch party at its Vodaworld campus in Midrand, Johannesburg on Tuesday night with a midnight launch of the iPhone 4.

MTN has also confirmed that it will be stocking the Apple device, exclusively available from Vodacom until now. MTN is rumoured to be also planning a midnight launch on Tuesday night, but would not confirm or deny this.

Prices for the iPhone 4 are not available at time of writing, but both Vodacom and MTN will provide the device via contract, or as a cash purchase.

Apple has been at the centre of controversy since launching the iPhone 4 over an antennae design that causes a loss of signal if the device is held in a particular way. Nevertheless, consumers have flocked to the iPhone 4 with Apple selling more than threee million units by the end of July.

- Fin24.com

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