Forbes Celebrity 100 (original) (raw)

Every year Forbes ranks the top 100 most powerful celebrities, using a complex formula that takes into account not just income--Jedi Master George LucasGeorge Lucas easily comes in first money-wise, with $250 million in 2001 earnings--but media attention, quantified by magazine covers, television and radio mentions and, not least of all, popularity on the Net.

After everything is tallied up and sorted out, Mission Impossible boy toy Tom CruiseTom Cruise tops our Celebrity Power Rankings, with golf sensation Tiger WoodsTiger Woods landing second. Britney SpearsBritney Spears is the most powerful woman on this year's list, with a power ranking of four, just ahead of

Bruce WillisBruce Willis

, who, along with former

Walt Disney Co.

studio boss

Joe RothJoe Roth

, is the subject of Forbes magazine's latest cover story.

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