Fortran 90 + (original) (raw)

Fortran 90 +

-- Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran 2000 --

A WEB site on the way to more public domain utilities.

Contents :


ORDERPACK 2.0 — General and Specialized Ranking and Sorting Routines

Some links


Fortran 90 and later variants (currently Fortran 95) aid scientific and technical programmers working with vectors, matrices, and other higher dimensional arrays containing binary, integer, real, and complex data. Scientific programmers wish to write straightforward code performing computationally challenging tasks. Straightforward means code which closely follows the mathematical underpinnings of the task. It also means code that follows good programming practices. In addition, scientific programmers need excellent file handling capabilities to read and write data. Most scientific programmers rely heavily on numerical libraries, such as IMSL and NAG, in computing their results.

While Fortran 90 and later variants have made life much easier for scientific programmers than Fortran 77, the language still lacks depth in public domain utilities. The following package, ORDERPACK 2.0, illustrates the type of important but uncommon routines needed to complete the Fortran programming environment. ORDERPACK 2.0 performs both conventional sorting and ranking as well as the rarer specialized ordering tasks such as partial sorting, partial ranking, unique sorting, unique ranking, inverse unique ranking, etcetera. These partial sort and ranking routines can greatly accelerate many computations when users need only the m largest or smallest elements out of a n element vector. As an example of the speed, in 100,000 trials of picking the smallest 9 elements out of 500 total elements it took in total only 2.7 seconds for the the 100,000 partial and unique rankings on a 600 Mhz PC using CVF 6.1a. A similar experiment involved 100 trials of simulating a random vector of length 1,000,000 and ranking the 20 smallest elements (keeping duplicates). On a 460 Mhz AlphaStation with Compaq Fortran 90 V5.2, taking care to increase stacksize, partial ranking by itself took 2.3 seconds, _i.e._23 milliseconds per vector.

ORDERPACK 2.0 Unconditional, Unique, and Partial Ranking, Sorting, and Permutation Fortran 90 source code.

Note that ORDERPACK 2.0 is F-compatible.

Illustrative Application

In spatial-temporal applications one often wishes to know the nearby observations (say the _m_closest) subject to having these nearby observations also prior in time to the observation itself. Many of the ways of forming purely spatial neighbors such as those based upon Delaunay triangles do not function well in a spatial-temporal setting. However, partial ranking always works and can function with many more dimensions. Since the number of neighbors, m, is much smaller than the number of observations, n, the partial ranking algorithm saves a great deal of time relative to full ranking. For 7,000 observations, the partial algorithm saves almost a factor of 200 in terms of time over the full algorithm. Finding all the neighbors for 100,000 observations takes less than 8 minutes on a 600 Mhz PC, thus making spatial-temporal methods feasible for large data sets on desktop machines. Documentation Complete Application (source code, pc executable code, data, documentation)

Last updated: 2013/11/06

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