FPSO FLEET (original) (raw)

What is an FPSO?

"FPSO" stands for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading. An FPSO system is an
offshore production facility that is typically ship-shaped and stores crude oil in tanks located in
the hull of the vessel. The crude oil is periodically offloaded to shuttle tankers or ocean-going
barges for transport to shore. FPSO's may be used as production facilities to develop marginal
oil fields or fields in deepwater areas remote from the existing OCS pipeline infrastructure.Where have FPSO's operated to date? FPSO's have been used to develop offshore fields around the world since the late 1970's.
They have been used predominately in the North Sea, Brazil, Southeast Asian/South China Seas,
the Mediterranean Sea, Australia, and off the West Coast of Africa.
FPSO's in operation/Available 83 FPSO's under under construction worldwide. 15