sites with writings about, writings by, and interviews with Stan Brakhage on the Internet (original) (raw)

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If you are unfamiliar with Stan Brakhage, see my Stan Brakhage: A Brief Introduction (also available in a Portuguese translation), my longer general introduction, and my short biography. Please help me maintain this page! If you would like to propose an addition, or spot a broken link, please email me. I'm not guaranteeing the accuracy of these sites; the fact that I've indicated a few that have notable factual errors doesn't mean all the rest are mistake-free.

The Web is so easy to use that many have a tendency to look first there for knowledge on any subject. This is a serious mistake; a good library, used well, with intra-library loan also used, is an unsurpassed resource. P. Adams Sitney's Visionary Film, and Brakhage's own books, especially Metaphors on Vision and Essential Brakhage, are strongly recommended. And please keep in mind that the best way to understand Brakhage's work is by viewing as many of his films as possible � again and again and again. Fred Camper

Stan Brakhage on the Web

This page is organized into three general categories:
Seeing Brakhage's Films Commentaries on Brakhage Brakhage on Brakhage

Seeing Brakhage's Films

Essential Information
Brakhage Filmography
Projecting Brakhage films
Prints are available for purchase from Marilyn Brakhage (email her at

[If you know of a screening, **please** email me the information. See also my index of past and future screenings.]
Continuing series in Boulder, Colorado.

Principal Distributors of Brakhage Films on Film
Film-Makers' Cooperative (New York).
Canyon Cinema (San Francisco).
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
The Lux Centre for Film, Video + Digital Arts (London).
Lightcone (Paris).
Mistral Japan.

Brakhage Films on DVD
DVD Release of 26 Brakhage films from Criterion, which has just added an extensive Focus section on Brakhage, with additional articles and interviews. (See also my comments and other reviews.)

Frame Enlargements on the Web
My Brakhage stills page, which has frame enlargements from 13 of his films plus ordering information for the special issue of Chicago Review on Brakhage's work, for which these stills were made.
My review of Brakhage's late films includes strips from Panels for the Walls of Heaven, Ascension, Ressurectus Est, and Max.
Strip of Dog Star Man

Principal Distributors of Brakhage Films on Video
[Well, I am personally troubled by an excess of viewing films on video. Please at least read my argument to get some idea of what you are losing.]
Mystic Fire Video.
Facets Multimedia (Chicago).
Re:Voir (Paris) distributes a tape of hand-painted films.
Creativebase (London).
Alapage (Montm�lian, France).
Mistral (Japan).

Commentaries on Brakhage

My Writing on Brakhage on the Web
General Articles:
General introduction to Brakhage's work, written for the Criterion DVD, this is my best attempt at a general introduction to Brakhage (also available in a Spanish translation).
Stan Brakhage: A Brief Introduction, also available in a Portuguese translation, written for the 5th Belo Horizonte International TIM Short Film Festival, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
A short biography of Brakhage, commissioned by Criterion for their Web site.
Stan Brakhage: A Short Introduction, Senses of Cinema 26, May-June 2003.
Three Myths About Brakhage.
"Sanitized for Our Protection," a review of two films about artists: Brakhage, by Jim Shedden; and Dem Deutschen Volke (English title: Wrapped Reichstag), on the project by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, directed by Jörg Daniel and Wolfram Hissen, Chicago Reader, December 3, 1999.10, 1999.
Senses Working Overtime: Remembering Stan Brakhage, Reader, April 18, 2003. This limns Brakhage's years in Chicago through the words of people who knew him, mostly former students who are filmmakers or artists working in other media today, mostly former students who are filmmakers or artists working in other media today, including Mimi Brav, Tom Mapp, Louis Hock, Bill Brand, Rob Danielson, and Nora Jacobson.

Articles on Specific Films:
Mothlight and Beyond, on Brakhage's Mothlight and his films in general, La Furia Umana, September 30, 2011.
A Musical Way of Seeing, Reader, April 16, 1993: a review of a program of recent Brakhage films, including comments on Boulder Blues and Pearls and . . ., Untitled: For Marilyn, Delicacies of Molten Horror Synapse, Agnus Dei Kinder Synapse, and City Streaming.
Program notes on Stan Brakhage's Arabics, written for a 1997 showing at L.A. Filmforum.
"Glimpses of Greatness: New Films by Stan Brakhage," _Chicago Reader,_September 10, 1999.
"End Games � Stan Brakhage: New Films," _Chicago Reader,_May 18, 2001.
A Review of Stan Brakhage's Last Films, originally published in a slightly different version in the Reader, May 16, 2003, under the title Scenes From the Afterlife.
Program notes for a show I curated for Ithaca College, April 20, 2003, including comments on most of the 12 films, including The Process and The Riddle of Lumen.
Brakhage, Stan: Brakhage Remembered: Trilogy and Dark Night of the Soul, a capsule review, Reader, November 21, 2003.
Brakhage, Stan: Program notes on The Art of Vision, originally written in 1966.

Very Short Capsules on Specific Films:
Chicago Reader capsule reviews, some only a sentence long, of The Act of Seeing with one�s own eyes , Anticipation of the Night, The Animals of Eden and After, Birds of Paradise, The Cat of the Worm's Green Realm, Cat's Cradle, Centuries of June (co-made with Joseph Cornell), Christ Mass Sex Dance, Commingled Containers,The Dante Quartet, The Dead, The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him, Interim, Interpolations 1-5, The Jesus Trilogy and Coda, Moilsome Toilsome, Murder Psalm, Romans III, Sirius Remembered, Song 7, The Text of Light, Unconscious London Strata, Visions in Meditation #2: Mesa Verde, Window Water Baby Moving, The Wonder Ring, a general review of some late 90s films, and Jim Shedden's documentary Brakhage.

General Articles, Including Obituaries, listed in approximate order of preference.
Obituary by P. Adams Sitney, and perhaps the best short introduction to Brakhage's work; originally written for Cahiers du cinema, it is posted here in the English original.
A good general introduction by Brian Frye, with an extensive filmography that's fairly complete until the last year.
Descriptions of most of Brakhage's films, as provided by him, are now on-line as part of the on-line Canyon Cinema rental catalog; see the whole catalog for the films Brakhage made in collaboration with others.
Focus on Stan Brakhage, with articles by Paul Arthur, Ed Halter, David Hyde, and an interview with Brakhage by Bruce Kawin, on the Criterion Web Site in conjunction with the DVD.
Stan Brakhage dossier in the online journal Offscreen.
Serious Mothlight: For Stan Brakhage (1933-2003), by Nicole Brenez & Adrian Martin.
[Quibbles: Most of Brakhage's films, and most certainly including Dog Star Man, have narratives of some sort, though often buried, although perhaps they do lack "narrativity," in that term's academic usage. And there's a third book of lectures, the first to be published, The Brakhage Lectures.].
The New York Times, March 12, 2003, by A. O. Scott.
[Correction: The title of Brakhage's book is Metaphors on Vision This was reprinted in shortened form in the Chicago Tribune, March 17, 2003.].
Village Voice, March 12, 2003, by J. Hoberman.
Film Comment Online, May 2003, by Steve Anker.
[Comments: This is mostly a very sensitive article, but it is marred by many factual errors that are in some cases bizarre. Anker begins by writing that cancer "raged within" Brakhage for "over eight years," but Brakhage seems to have been cancer free between 1996 and 2001. If some cancer remained after his treatment in 1996, it was having little ill effect, and thus was hardly "raging." Cancer was only diagnosed again on February 28, 2002, though it was probably causing some or all of his pain in 2001. The correct year for The Text of Light is 1974. It's not the pigments he used "in his last films" that caused his cancer, but the pigments based on coal tar dyes he used for much of his career. After the 1996 cancer he found other pigments that had no coal tars. By "Hammed and Menken," I think Anker means "Hammid and Menken." Some of the claims about technical firsts seem questionable. The "Song cycle" consists of 31, not 30, films. The correct year of 23rd Psalm Branch is 1967. The correct running time of Murder Psalm is 16 minutes, not an hour. It's 23rd Psalm Branch that is the "antiwar meditation," not Murder Psalm. While calling both films "stridently political" is a subjective judgment, I regard it as a major misrepresentation of both films' form and content, as I believe Brakhage would have. Unfortunately some of these mistakes made it into the shorter version of the obit that appeared in the print edition, Film Comment, May/June 2003.]
This includes: A Remembering Brakhage, a reminiscence by Peter Rist; The 400 Year Plan, a reminiscence by Donato Totaro, a very useful transcript of Brakhage's remarks at two 2001 screenings in Montreal; an essay on Brakhage and John Coltrane by Brett Kashmere, and Brakhage�s Silent Legacy for Sound Cinema, by Randolph Jordan.
Chicago Sun-Times article, March 16, 2003, by Bill Stamets.
[Comments: A good general introduction to Brakhage's work. A few quibbles: Some of Brakhage's films do have stories. "By Brakhage" is usually hand-scratched, as is "SB"; it's "Stan Brakhage" that's usually printed. The Garden of Earthly Delights is neither hand-painted nor hand-scratched, but consists of collaged nature materials in the manner of Mothlight. And I've been writing on Brakhage since 1966, not 1968.]
Article on Brakhage through the eyes of advocate and collector Brad Poulsen, with many useful insights, by Katherine Monk, Vancouver Sun, Monday, March 24, 2003.
[Corrections: Brakhage lived a greater proportion of his life in a house high in the Rocky Mountains � the postal address was Rollinsville � than in Boulder. Most of his early films have sound; it is most of the post-1957 films that are silent.]
Washington Post, March 16, 2003: a fine personal tribute by curator Paul Roth.
[A good introduction. Correction: The date of Brakhage's bladder cancer was 1996. ]
Variety, Tuesday, March 11, 2003, by Robert Koehler.
[Corrections: The actual cause of death was the cancer that was spreading throughout his body. Nuptiae is not a record of a wedding of Brakhage's, and is a James Broughton film that Brakhage photographed. Otherwise this obit is very good.]
indieWIRE, March 10, 2003, by Eugene Hernandez.
The Guardian, March 15, 2003, by Ronald Bergan.
[Comments: Perhaps the most extensive obit at the time it appeared, and the only one so far that sees the irony in the cancer that killed him, this seems to be mostly cut and pasted from other obits. Mothlight was made by placing objects on perforated tape with the same dimensions as 16mm film, and then striking prints from that collaged original. The description of the end of Dog Star Man is a bit off. The correct title is 23rd Psalm Branch.]
Short bio with (too?) many general links on Wikipedia.
A page of Brakhage resources, with links to a filmography, short biography, short essay (beware of possible factual errors).
A very brief general biography on the site of Zeitgeist Films (which distributes the documentary, Brakhage, by Jim Shedden).
A page on Brakhage in connection with his award of an honorary degree from Bard College, with statements on his importance.
General article on the occasion of Brakhage's September, 2002 move from Colorado to British Columbia.
Artcyclopedia page, with a few links.

Information on Brakhage's Films, Papers, Move to Canada, Illness, and Death
Letter on Brakhage by Phil Solomon, August 19, 2002.
A December 24, 2002 letter by me to FrameWorks, about the return of Brakhage's cancer and the Criterion transfers of his films in preparation for the upcoming DVD.
A letter from Phil Solomon on Brakhage's condition as of March 1, 2003.
[Here's a note I posted on this page on March 3, 2003]: Stan Brakhage is very, very ill. Cancer has spread to several parts of his body, including his liver. His doctors have told him that radiation treatments and chemotherapy are not indicated. His wife Marilyn has asked that people not try to contact them, as she was recently overwhelmed by phone calls. Fred Camper, March 3, 2003.
Announcement of Brakhage's Death on March 9, 2003. [This email is the first news many of us received that Brakhage had died.]
Announcement of Brakhage's Death, and Statement on his Life, by Marilyn Brakhage
Announcement of Brakhage's Funeral in Victoria, British Columbia, on March 14.
Account of his funeral, by Phil Solomon, together with Solomon's remarks at the funeral.
Memorial Service in Boulder, Colorado, March 23, 2003.
A letter from Phil Solomon on the disposition of internegatives of Brakhage films, prints Brakhage owned, and his papers, April 30, 2003.

Articles on Brakhage
A short essay by Bart Testa on Brakhage's importance.
Qualities of Light: Stan Brakhage and the Continuing Pursuit of Vision, by Paul Arthur (a shorter version of an article that appeared in Film Comment, September/October 1995).
Before the Beginning Was the Word: Stan Brakhage's "Untutored" Images, by Paul Arthur.
The Metaphysics of Taboo: Brakhage Faces Birth and Death, by Ed Halter.
Stan Brakhage: A Reflection, by Bruce Elder, in the online journal Logos, preceded by a short unsigned introduction.
The Many Joys of Watching the Films of Stan Brakhage, by David Hyde.
Finnish site with unsigned general essay on Brakhage.
Beyond Illusion: Holography and the Media Arts, a talk by John Hanhardt with a discussion of Brakhage and his work's implications for the future.
In French: "Dossier Stan Brakhage," a collection of articles on his films, including some early films rarely written on, such as Reflections on Black and Daybreak and Whiteye.

Journalistic Articles on Brakhage
Between the shadows and the light falls Stan Brakhage, by Ben Corbett, from Boulder Weekly (generally sympathetic, some factual errors).
Brakhage blazes on into avante-garde," by Nathan Charlan: general article from a University of Colorado student newspaper (2000).
Brakhage: Cinematic Dream Catcher, by John Wilkens (general profile).
Professor's artistic vision on film frame-by-frame, by John Moore, Denver Post, May 31, 200. (Beware of factual errors, among them, Brakhage's doctorates are honorary, and hand-painting is not "called step-printing.")
Visionary like no other," a general introduction to Brakhage, by Margaret A. McGurk, from the Cincinnati Enquirer (2000).
Vision Quest, by Phil Anderson.

On-Line Books About Brakhage
Montage, Realism and the Act of Vision, by Victor A. Grauer, a book completed in 1982, with extensive (and for those parts that I've read so far, excellent) material on Brakhage. Its author writes, "The book covers a wide range of issues but is centered on the work of Stan Brakhage."

Writing on Specific Films
"Eden and After: Stan Brakhage's 'A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea", by Adrian Martin, with a brief comment on Blossom - Gift/Favor, also known as Blossom Gift Favor.
"Two Glimpses of a Filmmaker Who Put Poetry on the Screen," a review of The Mammals of Victoria and The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him by A. O. Scott, The New York Times, August 13, 2004.
[This is generally intelligent and insightful. Two small corrections: Brakhage moved to Victoria almost exactly six months before his death, and the correct title is The Mammals of Victoria.]
Evoking Memories of Childhood Through Visual Poetry, review of A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, review by Dave Kehr in The New York Times, February 6, 2004.
Review of A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea (scroll down), by Saul Austerlitz.
God's Vision: The Last Films of Stan Brakhage, by Patrick Ciccone, Columbia Daily Spectator, April 11, 2003.
[Correction: Though the writer had no way of knowing this, the text he quotes from and attributes to Stan Brakhage was actually written by Marilyn Brakhage.]
The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him, by Paul Arthur.
Short notes on Flesh of Morning and The Dante Quartet, by Adrian Danks.
On The Act of Seeing with one's own eyes, an abstract of a paper by Louis Schwartz.
Chicago Reader capsule reviews by Jonathan Rosenbaum of Dog Star Man and Ellipses, Reels 1-4.
A few comments on The Text of Light. with a still.

Conversations About Brakhage
Michael McClure talking to Steve Anker, previously published in Chicago Review, No. 47:4 & 48:1 (Spring 2002); the issue itself can be purchased online, or ordered now for $10.00 including shipping within the U.S. by sending a check to Subscriptions Manager, CHICAGO REVIEW, 5801 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago IL 60637.

[Look to other categories on this page for a number of other filmographies and bios as well.]
Short bios in Italian and English, with a partial filmography with Italian translations of English titles.

Short Articles and Blurbs
Stan Brakhage Rocks, by Emma Wunsch, The Washington Free Press.

Syllabus of a Course on Brakhage
Course taught by Phil Solomon, University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 2002.

Other Sites With Information (Alphabetical by Author)
Cosmic Baseball Association, general information.
A brief note with information by Bryce Edmonds.
An amusing essay on the influence of Brakhage on such films as Toxic Avenger, by Lloyd Kaufman.
Descriptions of some handpainted films of the 90s, with short statements by Stephen Dwoskin and Nathaniel Dorsky.

Books and Films About Brakhage
Chicago Review, No. 47:4 & 48:1 (Spring 2002) is a book-length journal with a number of Brakhage letters and other writing, as well as critical writing, including a long essay of my own; Brakhage's Contradictions, a long article on his work in general and some of his recent films, especially A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, The Mammals of Victoria, "..." Reel 2, and "..." Reel 3; the issue itself can be purchased online, or ordered now for 8.00plus8.00 plus 8.00plus4.00 postage for shipping within the U.S. by sending a check to Subscriptions Manager, CHICAGO REVIEW, 5801 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago IL 60637.
On R. Bruce Elder's book, The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, and Charles Olson.
Review of R. Bruce Elder's books, The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, and Charles Olson and A Body of Vision: Representations of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry, by Peter Urquhart.
Jim Shedden's documentary, Brakhage.
Review of Shedden's Brakhage, by Bill Wees.
Article on Shedden's documentary, Brakhage, by Gemma Files (Warning: some factual errors.)

Reviews of and Comments on the Criterion DVD, by Brakhage, listed in approximate order of preference.
My own comments, and a report of a film/DVD projection comparison test.
Brakhage's Adventures in Cinematic Perception, by Nathan Lee.
A director who painted on film, by David Sterritt.
by Brakhage: an anthology, by Bryant Frazer
by Brakhage: an anthology, by Matt Langdon. A generally intelligent and sympathetic review, with production details.
"By Brakhage: An Anthology," by Brett Kashmere
Weirdo genius filmmaker Brakhage on DVD, by Mark Robison, Reno Gazette-Journal, July 3, 2003. An okay review, with one small error: the writer misheard "chance operations" in one of the Brakhage interviews as "chance opportunities."
BY BRAKHAGE: AN ANTHOLOGY, by Michael Jacobson. A generally intelligent review, though the references to Brakhage and Dada might be questioned.
Desist Film: By Brakhage- An Anthology, by William Crain.
Comments by Robert Harris, with too much credit given to me.
Review by Wade Major. Small correction: There are cinematic techniques ("tricks") not used in Dog Star Man which do show up in later Brakhage films, including various uses of the optical printer.
by brakhage: an anthology, by Mike Restaino. A reasonably sympathetic review from a critic who admits he's never been able to sit through all of Dog Star Man. One error: none of the films on by Brakhage are from Brakhage's 8mm work.
Review by Dave Jesteadt.
Unsigned review. One might quibble with a few points, especially the description of the couple in Wedlock House: An Intercourse as being "played by Brakhage and his wife at the time, Jane": this is not a fiction film; the couple are Brakhage and Jane, and not meant to be taken as actors playing roles.'s short in-house review, followed by customer comments.
Additional reviews of the DVD on the Rotten Tomatoes site.
By Brakhage: An Anthology: The Criterion Collection, by Gregory P. Dorr. The writer, almost totally unsympathetic to avant-garde film, has some idiotic comments, but still finds a few films to love.

Personal Memorial and Appreciation Pages and Web Log Discussions
A discussion on MetaFilter.
Kurt Easterwood's comments.
A memorial page on Tom Raworth's site.
A personal reminiscence by a former student, Rick Silva.

Additional Obituaries, and Other Articles Occasioned by Brakhage's Death
[I have also indexed obituaries that are no longer online, or are available online only with registration.]
National Public Radio, March 15,2003, by Pat Dowell. (Scroll down or search for "Brakhage.")
[Comment: This is worth hearing. There are short quotes from Brakhage and Phil Solomon. It's the first U.S. obit I know of to make the point that Brakhage never received adequate income for his work.]
The Toronto Star, March 12, 2003, by Geoff Pevere.
[Corrections: Dog Star Man was completed in 1964, and has as many as four layers of superimpositions.]
AScribe, March 11, 2003.
LA Weekly, March 14-20, 2003, by Paul Malcolm.
[Comment: Perhaps as befitting a newspaper in Los Angeles, this story makes too much of Brakhage's "love" of Hollywood movies. He also called them a "drug" that he needed, and said of a major and much-praised production shortly before he died that it stood against everything his films have represented. Also, "under the thrall of neorealism" doesn't convey that Brakhage was already under the influence of Cocteau's films and Eisenstein's writings.]
Chicago Sun-Times, March 11, 2003, by Bill Stamets.
[Comments: Brakhage has also signed his films "by Brakhage," and on many the titles are printed "by Stan Brakhage" rather than hand-scratched. Mothlight was made by placing objects on perforated tape with the same dimensions as 16mm film, and then striking prints from that collaged original. Jane Brakhage is now called Jane Wodening.]
Denver Post, March 11, 2003, by John Moore.
Rocky Mountain News, March 11, 2003, by Robert Denerstein.
Daily Camera, March 11, 2003, by Matt Sebastian.
Washington Post, March 13, 2003, by Adam Bernstein.
[Comment: Mothlight was made by placing objects on perforated tape with the same dimensions as 16mm film, and then striking prints from that collaged original. The Wonder Ring is not about the closing of the Third Avenue El, but was meant as a record of it before it was demolished.]
The National Post (Canada) ran the Associated Press wire service story on March 12, 2003, shorter versions of which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, March 11, 2003, the Vancouver Sun, March 12, 2003, The Daily Telegraph (Australia), March 12, 2003, and The Globe and Mail, March 12, 2003.
[Error: This story makes it seem as if Brakhage attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago as a student ("earned three doctorates"). In fact, he taught there, flying in every other week from Colorado.], March 12, 2003.
[Repeats error mentioned above.]
CBC, March 11, 2003.
[Error: This story makes the School of the Art Institute of Chicago story even worse by saying he actually "enrolled." Also, Dog Star Man is in five parts, not four.]

And in French:
Le Monde, March 12, 2003, by Dominique Noguez.
[Corrections: Brakhage began making films at age 19, not 20. The Songs were filmed in standard-8mm, also known as regular-8mm, not super-8. The title of the 1971 film referred to as dealing with death ("mort") is The Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes. Comment: I have never believed that very much of Brakhage's work represents an attempt to recapture the "ututored" seeing of a child. He himself wrote in Metaphors on Vision, "One can never go back, even in imagination." Aside from the solid colors in the first reel, most of Scenes From Under Childhood seems to me about a child's learning to see, and as soon as learning enters into it the seeing cannot be untutored.]
And in Dutch:
Deventer Dagblad, March 10, 2003, a shorter version of which can be found on

On-Line Discussions
The Frameworks Archive contains many discussions on Brakhage.

My Lecture-Screenings of Brakhage Films
I will be curating and speaking on four-program series of Brakhage films in Poland and Hong Kong, and just completed a similar Brakhage series in Brazil.
Other events of my own that included Brakhage films include a screening and discussion of "..." Reels 1-3; a lecture-screening including films by Arthur Lipsett and Stan Brakhage; Nature and Cinema; an introduction to avant-garde film; Creation and Murder Psalm, shown as part of programs I'm curating in Naples, Italy, October 21-22, 2002.

Art Inspired by Brakhage
Artist's Statement, by Jon Lybrook and Virtual Gallery of Lybrook's images (still film images modified by chemicals).

Brakhage on Brakhage, and Other Artists as Well

Brakhage's Writing, Available for Purchase
Essential Brakhage, a book-length anthology of his writing on filmmaking, including sections from Metaphors on Vision and the complete A Moving Picture Giving and Taking Book.
Telling Time: Essays of a Visionary Filmmaker, a collection of otherwise hard-to-find essays from Musicworks, some about the relationship of film to music.
Chicago Review, No. 47:4 & 48:1 (Spring 2002) has a number of Brakhage letters and other writing, as well as critical writing; it also includes Brakhage's Contradictions, my long article on his work in general and some of his recent films, especially A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, The Mammals of Victoria, "..." Reel 2, and "..." Reel 3. The issue itself can be purchased online, or ordered now for 8.00plus8.00 plus 8.00plus4.00 postage for shipping within the U.S. by sending a check to Subscriptions Manager, CHICAGO REVIEW, 5801 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago IL 60637.
Film at Wit's End: Eight Avant-garde Filmmakers, book by Brakhage.
The book, The Films of Jack Chambers, edited by Kathryn Elder, includes an essay on Chambers by Brakhage, as well as considerable other writing on the extraordinary Canadian artist and filmmaker.
Brakhage's writing available in back issues of MUSICWORKS.

Brakhage's Writing and Lectures on the Web
The opening paragraph of Stan Brakhage's first book, Metaphors on Vision, in the original English and Portuguese translation.
Transcripts of "The Test of Time", 20 radio programs on film, music, and literature broadcast in 1982, also available in the original radio show form as mp3 sound files.
Selected quotes, from Film Comment Online.
Brakhage's notes on his film, The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him.
Brakhage notes on The Text of Light and his hand-painted films, with a short note by Robert Haller.
On Michael McClure

Interviews with Brakhage
Christian Science Monitor, by M.S. Mason (2001)
Interview with Stan Brakhage, by Bruce Kawin.
Indie Wire interview with Brakhage and Nick Dorsky, by Ed Halter.
Reason Magazine interview, by Jesse Walker.
Interview, by Jerry Johnson, preceded by a short introduction.
Brakhage page at the University of Colorado Web site, with his voice answering interview questions on computers and the Internet.
Brakhage at Sixty, interview from the journal my mind's eye. The interviewer was Suranjan Ganguly, and this also appeared in Film Culture, Summer 1994.
Brakhage describes showing his films to Andrei Tarkovsky at the Telluride Film Festival in 1983.

Brakhage Miscellany
Brakhage's list of his ten favorite movies.

Materials in Library Special Collections
Brakhage materials in the Boultenhouse (Charles) and Parker Tyler Papers, New York Public Library; see also Box List and main page.
Brakhage papers at the University of Connecticut.

This page is organized into three general categories:
Seeing Brakhage's Films Commentaries on Brakhage Brakhage on Brakhage

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