PS Review of Freemasonry (original) (raw)

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Masonry at work The Masonic Magazine on Freemasonry and Research into Freemasonry made by Freemasons Masonic research papers Bookmark and Share print page Masonic Music book-reviews books alerts Masonic Newsletter news alerts rss news feed Subscribe to me on YouTube Facebook Follow Me on Pinterest lightglobe I am a Master Mason. How Can I Contribute a Paper? editor's logo The Masonic Magazine on Freemasonry and Research into Freemasonry made by Freemasons PS Review of Freemasonry is the oldest, most popular and famous Freemasons’ online magazine written by Master Masons of a Grand Lodge of Ancient, Accepted Free Masons. Masonic Education Initiative MASONIC CURIOSITIES: ORIGIN OF THE WORD FREEMASONSThe first-known use of the word Freemasons - in the form Free Masons - occurs in City of London Letter-book H of 9 August 1376, though the word is in fact deleted in favour of Mason. Masons and Freemasons were interchangeable during the 15th and 16th centuries and Freemasons were generally meant to denote hewers or setters of freestone, Masons being used to embrace all stoneworkers. Ashmole in his diary wrote that he was made a Free Mason and referred in 1686 to the "Fellowship of Free Masons". James Anderson when writing his 1723 Constitutions did not use the single word - Freemasons - once. Whatever the reasons, the 1723 Constitutions contain approximately 126 references to Masons, 12 to Free Masons, 10 to Free and Accepted Masons, 9 to Free-Masons, one to Accepted Free Masons and none to Freemasons. And such is the tenacity of tradition that to this day the most of the Constitutions are addressed to Free and Accepted Masons and not to Accepted Freemasons. The earliest-known anti-masonic leaflet, of 1698, warns the public against "those called Free Masons" - almost certainly what we now know as speculative Freemasons. top masonic paper 1813 ARTICLES OF UNION: The Physical Documents. by RW Bro Yasha Beresiner LL.B. 1813 ARTICLES OF UNION The United Grand Lodge of England will this year celebrate the bicentenary of the Union between the Ancients and the Moderns Grand Lodges in 1813. The Union was formally celebrated on 27 December, in accordance withI. There shall be, from and after the day of the festival of Saint John the Evangelist next ensuing (i.e. 27 December 1813) a full, perfect and perpetual union of and between the two Fraternities of Free and Accepted Masons of England . . . represented in one Grand Lodge, to be solemnly formed, constituted and held, on the said day . . . Continue Reading » CRAFT IN SPIRIT by Julian Rees Pilgrimage: A Journey Towards Light After the prayer in the first degree, the aspirant is led round the temple by the Deacon in a clockwise manner, past the Master in the east, and halting at the Junior Warden and Senior Warden for an examination.In times gone by, in all pursuits of self-discovery and self-improvement, as well as spiritual quests, a pilgrimage was necessary. In the ancient world, the deities who controlled certain areas of life were unable to operate outside those areas. Their power to favour or to destroy only operated within their own area. So a man from the mountains who found himself in the plain and was in need of divine help, had to make a pilgrimage back to his place of origin in order once again to be one with the deity controlling the mountainous regions. Pilgrimages therefore are journeys with a sacred or spiritual intent, and since the whole of Freemasonry is a journey, we have here a little pilgrimage, a part of that total journey.continue reading» Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry is written by Master Masons and Masonic ScholarsThe Masonic Magazine where Freemasons find educational material for Masonic lodge lectures and their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge after initiation. A free Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, a comprehensive tool for the Freemason looking for more light and an open door to the world of the Free Masonry for non-Freemasons.The premier Educational Resource for the Freemason available in 5 languagesPS Review of Freemasonry is the oldest, most popular and famous Freemasons' online publication written by Master Masons of a Grand Lodge of Ancient, Accepted Free Masons. Freemasons recognized as regulars by the United Grand Lodge of England or by a Grand Lodge of the United States of America, Prince Hall Masonry included.PS Review of Freemasonry has been established on July 17, 1996 and since then eminent Freemason Scholars, members of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076 United Grand Lodge of England, Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council, the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Research Society USA and The Philalethes Society USA, have published their Masonic papers on this site. Masonic Research Alain Bernheim 33° - Papers in English and French. Continue Reading » Masonic Engravings A Collection of Antique Masonic Engravings. View » Masonic Video Yasha Beresiner - Origins & Development of Royal Arch Masonry in England. View video » Masonic Art Calendars A Collection of Masonic "Calendriers d'Art" by Ferenc Sebök View » Eminent Masonic Scholars Masonic Research Papers. Continue Reading » top masonic paper The Importance of Plot’s Natural History Of Stafford-Shire 1686 by RW Bro Yasha Beresiner LL.B. book PlotThis volume contains the earliest recorded account of accepted masonry and is considered the most implicit report on the fraternity available for the period at the end of the 17th century. It is printed in paragraphs 85 to 88 inclusive, on pages 316 to 318 of the tome.This text is referred to as the Plot Abstract. Its importance lies with regard to its content i.e. the summary of the legendary history, the description of contemporary freemasonry, and the criticisms of the fraternity and as to the sources from which Plot may have derived his information, most importantly, what he refers to as the ‘large parchment volum they have amongst them . . .’The purpose of this article is not to analyse the text and its content but rather to identify and clarify the reasons behind the importance of this volume in the context of Masonic bibliography and history. Continue Reading » Researching Freemasonryin the 21st Century:Opportunities and Challenges by Prof. Pierre-Yves BeaurepaireProfesseur d'Histoire ModerneUniversité de Nice Sophia-Antipolis Masonic academic research today has reached a turning point. Carried on for decades by academics belonging to the Masonic order or philosophically near to it, Masonic scholarship continually sought out legitimacy from university and scholarly authorities. The research centres, chairs, seminars, and applications for high level international projects have multiplied, often with the support of Masonic Grand Lodges. In parallel, these obediences created, welcomed or financed their own research institutes or conference centres. They understand the importance of their heritage: archival materials, pictures and artefacts represented a powerful support for the organization, illustrated by the often remarkable public artistic exhibitions.However, the assessment remains mixed.Masonic studies remain isolated and still suffers from a recognition problem. It is therefore collectively that we need to think of the question of the bonds which still link Masonic research to the patronage of Grand Lodges and to all kind of Masonic institutions. There also exists an equally difficult second challenge: the ritual invocations to Georg Simmel or Jürgen Habermas aside, how can we integrate Masonic studies into research on public space, social networks and networking, history of ideas, studies of individual trajectories or of the birth of a political culture for Latin Masonry (what do you mean by "Latin"? Latin America? Not clear for English-speaking audience), without making lodges and their members a simple pretext, but by considering them as such and for themselves? The positivist, factual, chronological history of Freemasonry has undoubtedly its own interest. It constituted even a necessary stage. But from now on Masonic research must not only integrate the academic and professional rules of a researcher in the humanities and social sciences, but...Continue reading» Geometric Properties of Masonic Symbols - Sacred Geometry Freemasonry and GeometryThe synchronicity of the universe is determined by certain mathematical constants which express themselves in the form of 'patterns' and 'cycles' in nature. Mathematical and geometric constants are confirmation that certain proportions are woven into the very fabric of nature. Recognising the significance of this simple fact offers us the means to understand how and why such matters were considered sacred. They and everything around us, are the product of the delicate balance between chaos and order.A collection of research papers by Bro. William Steve Burkle KT, 32°, Scioto Lodge No. 6, Chillicothe, G.L. of F.&A.M. of masonic paper Read papers StarRed Special Project 2012 TurkeyGRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF TURKEY Logo SymposiumFirst International Masonology SimposiumFreemasonry and BrotherhoodResearching Freemasonry by Scientific Methods hot masonic paper Read Selected Papers King Solomon's Temple - A Landmark Symbol for the Freemasons Collection of papers exploring the Masonic symbolism of King Solomon's Temple. References to the construction of King Solomon's temple at Jerusalem have been included in the rituals of the operative Freemasons since ancient times. In each of the several degrees of Freemasonry, the candidate Freemason progressively represents the various types of stone used in the building. hot masonic paper King Solomon's Temple A Seeker After theInner Meaning of FreemasonryEssays and Short Papers by W. Bro. Julian Rees, Masonic Author, PJGD of the UGLE. "Freemasonry teaches moral lessons and self-knowledge. Here Masons take their stand. From this point, we as Freemasons start our journey, our quest for self-knowledge, a path leading us to the inmost parts of ourselves, our own psyche and soul".hot masonic paper Julian Rees - Masonic Papers The Influence of Plato's Republicon Freemasonry and Masonic Ritual a book by V.W. Bro. Stephen MichalakD,G. Lecturer, G.L. of South Australia&N.T. Plato’s philosophy is at the core of modern Freemasonry. The Author provides evidence of the correspondences between Plato’s writings and our Emulation Ritual. A researched interpretation of Emulation Ritual Freemasonry from the perspective of Greek philosophy and mythology.Masonic Book Plato's Republic and the Masonic Ritual A GUIDE FOR THE NEW ESOTERIC FREEMASON by Bro William Steve Burkle KT, 32°, KCRBEThe body of Freemasonry is comprised of many types of individuals whose Masonic pursuits vary according to that individual’s personality and interests. Freemasonry has been very aptly been compared to a complex tapestry composed of many colorful overlapping individual threads which taken as a whole form a larger picture. Brother Mason Pratt developed a list of different “Brands” of Freemasons based upon behavioral characteristics which included: “Socialite”, “Historian”, Ritualist”, “Philosopher”, “Masonic Law”, “Symbolism”, and “Collector”. I would add to this list the brands “Charitable” and “Fiduciary”. I suspect that most of us can think of Brothers in our own Lodge who fit one of these diverse profiles. Esoteric Freemasons usually fit into one or more of these “Brand” categories, although “Historian”, “Ritualist”, “Symbolism”, and “Philosopher” are the most common. Every initiated Freemason however is a potential Esoteric Mason, since all Freemasons seek illumination (light) through the initiation process. It is this quest for light revealed through the comprehension of hidden spiritual knowledge which distinguishes the Esoteric Freemason and defines Esoteric Masonry. Esoteric Freemasonry is not for everyone, not even for everyone who receives the gift of illumination. This is in no way a reflection upon the character or works of Masons who for various reasons find themselves disinclined to pursue the esoteric path. Unfortunately, there are many Masons who pronounce that there simply is no esoteric content at all to be had in Freemasonry, even though Masonic Ritual is ripe with evidence to the contrary.continue reading» Freemasons and Freemasonry - Top Stories top masonic paper THE CRAFT IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES: an Analytical Reviewby WBro Kent Henderson, KCSJ, PJGD, UGL Victoria, AustraliaFellow, Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research CouncilThe purpose of this paper is to examine the causes of Islamic antipathy towards the Craft, locate them within an historical perspective, and discuss the surrounding issues. top masonic paper A HISTORY OF BRITISH FREEMASONRY 1425-2000 by Dr Andrew Prescott, Director of the University Research Centre University of Wales, Lampeter. ...the history of British Freemasons will only begin to make sense if we interpret it in the light of wider history... top masonic paper EXPLANATION OF THE MASTER'S WORDS by W.Bro. David Barrett, Grand Marshal of the G.L. of Israel.A probable derivation to the origin and a revealing explanation of The Words given today during the 3rd Degree Raising in Freemasonry top masonic paper THE POLITE REVOLUTION The Formation of American Grand Lodges, 1777-1806by W.Bro. S. Brent Morris 33° Grand CrossDirector of Membership Development Supreme Council 33° SJ, USAManaging Editor, The Scottish Rite Journal, Supreme Council 33° SJ, USAThe independence of American Freemasonry -as that of the American colonies- established a pattern that has inspired many followers. top masonic paper THE INITIATION IN THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE by RW Bro. Leon Zeldis 33, Past Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council of the AASR of the State of Israel. The Initiation in the craft degrees of the AASR is completely different from the ceremonies currently performed by most lodges in the English-speaking world. top masonic paper LECTURES FOR LODGE AND CHAPTER by W.Bro. Gary Kerkin, Grand Lecturer, the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of New Zealand. Ten lectures for presentation in a Lodge or Chapter for educational purposes. top masonic paper MASONIC EDUCATION COURSE by W.Bro. Kent Henderson, PJGrand Deacon, A.F.& A. Masons of Victoria, Australia.The course is structured in three Sections, with four parts to each section. Papers of Hamill, Cryer, Henderson and others. For the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. top masonic paper SOLVE ET COAGULA: ALCHEMICAL SYMBOLISM OF THE DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE by Bro. Gregory H. Peters 32, Burlingame Lodge No. 400, Grand Lodge of California, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite in the Valley of BurlingameA look at the historical usage of the Double-Headed eagle and an examination of the underlying Alchemical and Hermetic symbolism. top masonic paper AN EXPLORATION OF MONASTIC AND MASONIC ORDERS by Bro. Karel Musch, Middelpunt Lodge 280, Grand East of The Netherlands.In the XVIIIth century various Masonic Lodges were erected in Benedictine monasteries. Now keeping in mind the attitude of official Roman-Catholic Church towards Freemasonry this seems rather interesting. Latest News - Conferences, Events & Exhibitions Click to read all the News. Subscribe rss News Feed GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ALPINA: dates de travaux en 2013Basel Declaration: withdrawal of GLNF's recognition - French VersionBasel Declaration: withdrawal of GLNF's recognition is official and effectiveExhibition: Game, Set and Lodge: Freemasons and SportA new Masonic museum opened in Florence, ItalyThe 2012 Symposium of the Masonic Restoration Foundation12th Annual California Masonic Symposium29-26 May, ICHF 2013 - 4th Int'l Conference on the History of FreemasonryGroupe de Recherche Alpina - Confèrence de Alain MartiManchester Association for Masonic Research - 2012 ProgrammeThe Quatuor Coronati Lodge #2076 EC Education Initiative 2012/13The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2012 ReportU.S. mainstream Grand Lodges suspend recognition to GLNFFreemasonry in Afghanistan - Swisher LodgeUGLE's The Future of Freemasonry Report 2012 - Read the ReportMarch 27 - Conference at the Free University of Brussels - Music and FMSymposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism - April 28, 2012 Masonic artwork top masonic paper Masonic Poems and Tracing Boards by W.Bro.Ferenc Sebök ALL ABOUT FREEMASONRY - for Non-Freemasons Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest secular fraternal societies. Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Freemasons are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons' customs and tools as allegorical guides. The essential qualification to become Freemason is a belief in a Supreme Being. A Freemason's duty as a citizen must always prevail over any obligation to other Masons, and any attempt to shield Freemasons who as acted dishonourably or unlawfully, or to confer an unfair advantage on other Free Masons is contrary to this prime duty. The Freemasons refer to those who are not Freemasons as "cowans" because in architecture a cowan is someone apprenticed to bricklaying but not licenced to the trade of masonry. Most Popular Papers hot masonic paper ISLAM AND FREEMASONRY hot masonic paper FREEMASONRY and FREEMASONS IN AUSTRALIA hot masonic paper ENGLAND AROUND 1717 - The foundation of the first G.L. of Freemasons in context hot masonic paper THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON IN THE VOLUME OF SACRED LAW AND CRAFT RITUAL hot masonic paper ANTI-MASONRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD. Integralisms, Business and Media hot masonic paper PRINCE HALL FREEMASONRY REVISITED hot masonic paper ARTICLES OF UNION BETWEEN THE TWO GRAND LODGES OF FREEMASONS OF ENGLAND hot masonic paper IS THERE A MASONIC MYTHOLOGY? hot masonic paper MORALITY AND FREEMASONRY hot masonic paper WHY TO JOIN FREEMASONRY: THE VALUES hot masonic paper TRUE BELIEVERS: Freemasonry, Revolutionary Thought and the Rise of Simon Bolivar hot masonic paper MOZART AND THE AUSTRIAN FREEMASONS hot masonic paper THE GOD CONSPIRACY - THE POLITICS OF GRAND LODGE FOREIGN RELATIONS hot masonic paper A BRIEF HISTORY OF SOME ASPECTS OF MODERN FREEMASONRY IN GENEVA hot masonic paper FREEMASONRY AND THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR: ANOTHER HOAX hot masonic paper THE "MASONIC" ONE DOLLAR: FACT OR FICTION? Most Popular Books Masonic Book MORALS and DOGMA by Bro. Albert PikeMORALS and DOGMA of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry , prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States: Charleston, 1871. Masonic Book GOULD'S HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD by Robert Freke Gould.This edition in six volumes embraces not only an investigation of records of the organizations of the Freemasons in England, Scotland, Ireland, the former British Colonies, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, but includes additional material especially prepared on Freemasonry in Europe, Asia and Africa also contributions by distinguished Freemasons covering each of the States and the District of Columbia of the United States, Canada and Latin America. Masonic Book ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY by William PrestonPreston's work was exceptionally influential and was, together with the Book of Constitutions, one of the books owned by Freemasons in England. Masonic Book AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY and its kindred sciences by Albert Gallatin MackeyFor the first time online on a Masonic site the "real" two volumes of such a basic work on Freemasonry by Mackey. Full text and images. Masonic Book AHIMAN REZON by Laurence DermottThe Book of Constitutions of the Antient Grand Lodge of England. A must to understand Masonry history. Found a lost copy of the Francken MS in Lahore, Pakistan. **Currently this is the major masonic discovery of the 21th century. The copy is autographed.On October 29, 2009, Bruno Gazzo, editor of PS Review of Freemasonry received three emails from a gentleman calling himself Naveed Ahmed from Lahore, Pakistan. "I recently acquired a Masonic manuscript but.... [ **» read more ]( Restricted Access Area Masonic Exposures 1723 The "Post Boy" Sham Exposure 1724 The Whole Institution of Masonry 1725 The Whole Institutions of Free-Masons Opened 1725c. Institution of Free Masons 1725 The Grand Mystery of Free-Masons Discovered 1727c. The Mason's Confession (Dundee Manuscript) 1730 Masonry Dissected by Samuel Prichard 1760 Three Distinct Knocks 1762 Jachin and Boaz 1802 Finch's Masonic Treatise 1826 Morgan's Exposure of Free Masonry 1831 Manual of Freemasonry by Richard Carlile PS Review of Freemasonry Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant news and papers published on this site Subscribe Now PS Review of Freemasonry DVD & Books Alerts are email updates of the latest DVD & Books reviewed Subscribe Now The NewsletterFreemasons only "What's new" on PS Review of Freemasonry A Special Masonic Research Paper Masonic Conferences, Exhibitions & Events The password for Restricted Area top masonic paper Read the Latest Newsletter ALL ABOUT FREEMASONRY - for Non-Freemasons Freemasonry is an esoteric society only in that certain aspects are private; Freemasons state that Masonry is not, in the 21st century, a secret society but a "society with secrets". Some Freemasons describe Freemasonry as a "confidential" society in contrast to a secret society. Most modern Freemasons regard the traditional concern over secrecy as a demonstration of their ability to keep a promise and a concern over the privacy of their own affairs. Lodge meetings, like meetings of many other social and professional associations, are private occasions open only to members. The private aspects of modern Freemasonry deal with the modes of recognition amongst members and elements within the ritual. In reality, Freemasons are proud of their true heritage and happy to share it, offering spokesmen, briefings for the media, and providing talks to interested groups upon request. On this site curious non-masons can find out the real secret lives of the Freemasons as far as what are the secrets of Freemasons. top masonic paper FREEMASONRY FAQs top masonic paper What is Freemasonry top masonic paper Who can become a Freemason top masonic paper Joining Freemasons top masonic paper How Freemasons Work