(original) (raw)

********************************************************************** FTSC FIDONET TECHNICAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ********************************************************************** Publication: FTS-1024 Revision: 1 Title: Raw ifcico mail transfer protocol Author: Michiel Broek, 2:280/2802 Issue Date: 27 August 2003 Review Date: 27 August 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Status of this document ----------------------- This document is a Fidonet Technical Standard (FTS), issued by the FTSC for the benefit of the Fidonet community. This document is released to the public domain, and may be used, copied or modified for any purpose whatever. Abstract -------- This specification defines raw ifcico - a protocol to handle a session between two Fidonet Technology systems over a reliable connection. Assumption that the connection is reliable makes possible to eliminate error-checking. Table of contents ----------------- 1. Background 2. Definitions 3. Protocol Overview 4. Frame Format 5. Protocol Commands and Their Arguments 6. Protocol States 1. Finite State Machine Notation 2. Send files batch 3. Receive files batch 7. License 8. Glossary 9. References 10. Acknowledgements A. Author Contact Data B. History --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Background ------------- The raw ifcico protocol is in use for a long time, and was developed for Eugene G. Crossers ifmail package by Stanislav Voronyi stas@uanet.kharkov.ua. This document attempts to document the current practice for communication between two Fidonet systems via a reliable channel, provide technical reference for Fidonet software developers and eventually improve Fidonet connectivity. 2. Definitions -------------- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT" and "MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as specified in [FTA-0006]. However, for readability, these words may sometimes not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification. Although it should not impact minimal realization of raw ifcico protocol, it must be noted that Protocol Extensions may override, update or obsolete requirement levels indicated by the above keywords in chapters from 3 to 6 inclusive. Calling party in this document is referred to as the Originating side and called party is referred to as the Answering side. Originating side here is the party that initiates the connection between two systems. Mailer in this document is a software that implements the protocol. Words "frame", "packet", and "block" when used in this document refer to raw ifcico frames, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Other definitions that are not local to this document can be found in the Glossary. 3. Protocol Overview -------------------- The raw ifcico protocol can only be started when two mailers initiate a EMSI protocol handshake and the called system presents the TCP EMSI compatibility code. If the calling system also supports the raw ifcico protocol it will transmit the TCP compatibility code to the calling system to initiate the raw ifcico session. Mailers should only present the EMSI TCP compatibility code when the connection is made over data transparent bi-directional channels with reliable transmission. Whenever TCP/IP socket is used, the unregistered port number for raw ifcico 60179 SHOULD be used. After a successfull EMSI handshake, the calling system starts sending all files to the called system. When all files are sent, the calling system receives all files from the called system. If the calling system allowes requests made by the called system and the called system made file requests, then the calling system will send all requested files to the called system. Normally this will not happen because the calling system does not accept requests during outbound sessions. 4. Frame Format --------------- Raw ifcico is defined in terms of sending and receiving specifically formatted data blocks. We call them frames. Command frames carry protocol commands and may change protocol state. Data frames are usually appended to files being received by mailers or may be discarded, depending on the protocol state. The particular way of mapping an octet stream or a datagram stream of the transport layer into raw ifcico frames may depend on the underlying protocol suite. At this time, we define such mapping for TCP/IP socket connection which can also be used for similar transports as well. The socket stream is being split into raw ifcico frames in the following manner: 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210 +--------+--------+--------+--------+---- ...... ----+--------+ | 0xc6 | Type | MSBlen | LSBlen | DATA | 0x6c | +--------+--------+--------+--------+---- ...... ----+--------+ |<- Frame header ->|<- frame data ->|<- end->| upto 2048 octets If Type is 0x87, this is a command frame. If Type is 0xe1, this is a data frame. 16 bits marked MSBlen and LSBlen carry the size of the DATA part in octets with the LSBlen marked being the least significant. That is, the actual length of a raw ifcico data frame is SIZE+5. The size of the DATA part may vary between 1 and 2048 octets. A correct realization should never set SIZE to 0. Upon receiving of a packet header with the SIZE field set to 0, the total length of the incoming packet must be treated as 5, this packet must be dropped, and the event should be logged. The standard implementation uses data blocks of 1024 octets. Command frames carry command arguments. Command arguments are an arbitrary symbol string that may be null-terminated. Treating of a null character in the middle of a command depends on realization (with the options being "treat as whitespace" or "treat as end-of-line"). The terminating null character (if any) is either stripped or used by mailers internally as an end-of-line marker. Because reliable connections can be slow, the receiver should use a very relaxed timeout on the data to receive. The receiver should wait for each character of a frame for 120 seconds. 5. Protocol Commands and Their Arguments ---------------------------------------- The following commands are defined: S <timestamp%2> This is transmitted by the party that is in sendfiles mode to give the information about the file to transmit. The command arguments are separated by spaces. The filename is a 8.3 filename. The size is a unsigned long integer that represents the filesize in bytes. The timestamp is a Unix timestamp in seconds since 1 januari 1970 and is rounded up to even seconds. This is to make it compatiblei with DOS file systems that cannot store the file timestamp odd seconds. RS In response to the send file command, the receiving system can send this command (Receive Skip) to indicate that this file is already received and must be skipped. RN In response to the send file commmand, the receiving system can send this command (Receive Not), to refuse this and any further files. The session should be terminated. ROK [] In response to the send file commmand, the receiving system should send this command (Receive OK) to tell the sender to start sending the file. The optional parameter offset can be given with an offset from which point to start sending the file. If no offset is given, the offset must be assumed zero, start from the begin of file. EOF This command should be send to the receiver to indicate End Of File, no more file datablocks will follow. FOK This command is transmitted in response to the EOF command by the receiving system to indicate that the transmitted file was received without errors. FERROR This command is transmitted in response to the EOF command by the receiving system to indicate that the transmitted file was received with errors. The sending system must mark the file as not transmitted so it can be send in another session. SN This command is transmitted by the sending system to indicate that the last file is send and no more files will follow. RN This command is transmitted by the receiving system to acknowledge the SN command. 6. Protocol States ------------------ 6.1 Finite State Machine Notation --------------------------------- .-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----. |State| State | Predicate(s) | Action(s) |Next| | # | Name | | | St | |-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----| | fnn*| | | | | `-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----' State # - Number of this state (e.g. R13). f - FSM initial (Window, Sender, Receiver, ...) nn - state number * - state which represents a lower level protocol which is represented by yet another automation. State Name - Descriptive name of this state. Predicate(s) - Conditions which terminate the state. If predicates are non-exclusive, consider them ordered. Action(s) - Action(s) corresponding to predicate(s) Next State - Subsequent state corresponding to predicate(s) 6.2 Send files batch. --------------------- tcpsndfiles (Sender) .-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----. |State| State | Predicate(s) | Action(s) |Next| | # | Name | | | St | |-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----| | S0 | Send | | Send 0xaa 0x55 | S1 | | | sync | | octets | | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S1 | Sync | 1 Received octet 0xaa| wait for next | S2 | | | wait 1 | 2 Received other | again | S1 | | | | 3 120 seconds nothing| error | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S2 | Sync | 1 Received octet 0x55| send files | S3 | | | wait 2 | 2 Received other | again | S1 | | | | 3 120 seconds nothing| error | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S3 | Send | 1 more files | Sendfile | S4 | | | files | 2 all are sent | End of batch | S9 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S4 | Sendfile| | Send S command | S5 | | | info | | | | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S5 | Ackfile | 1 Receive RS | skip file | S3 | | | | 2 Receive RN | fatal error | err| | | | 3 Receive ROK | send data | S6 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S6 | Senddata| 1 End of file | signal EOF | S7 | | | frame | 2 more datablocks | continue | S6 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S7 | Send EOF| | wait for ack | S8 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S8 | Waitack | 1 Receive FOK | next file | S3 | | | | 2 Receive FERROR | next file | S3 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S9 | Finsend | | Send SN command | S10| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | S10 | Finack | 1 Receive RN | Batch completed | OK | | | | 2 Timeout | Batch error | err| `-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----' 6.3 Receive files batch. ------------------------ tcprcvfiles (Receiver) .-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----. |State| State | Predicate(s) | Action(s) |Next| | # | Name | | | St | |-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----| | R0 | Send | | Send 0xaa 0x55 | R1 | | | sync | | octets | | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R1 | Sync | 1 Received octet 0xaa| wait for next | R2 | | | wait 1 | 2 Received other | again | R1 | | | | 3 120 seconds nothing| error | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R2 | Sync | 1 Received octet 0x55| Wait command | R3 | | | wait 2 | 2 Received other | again | R1 | | | | 3 120 seconds nothing| error | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R3 | Wait | 1 SN | End of batch | R7 | | | command | 2 S file command | Receive file | R4 | | | | 3 Garbage | Report | err| | | | 4 120 seconds nothing| Report | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R4 | Start | 1 File allready rcvd | Send RS command | R3 | | | receive | 2 Fatal error | Send RN command | err| | | | 3 Ready for receive | Send ROK cmd| R5 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R5 | Receive | 1 Data frame | Append to file | R5 | | | frame | 2 Command EOF | Received EOF | R6 | | | | 3 Garbage | Report | err| | | | 4 120 seconds nothing| Report | err| |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R6 | Rcvd | 1 File ok | Send FOK | R3 | | | EOF | 2 File errors | Send FERROR | R3 | |-----|---------|----------------------|----------------------|----| | R7 | Finack | | Send RN command | OK | `-----+---------+----------------------+----------------------+----' 7. License ---------- Quoted from the ifmail readme: Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Eugene G. Crosser THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS AND COME WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. This is Open Source(tm) software. Except for the modules borrowed from other packages (which may be subject to different licensing policy), you may use this software for any purpose, commercial or noncommercial, including, but not limited to, modifying it and distributing with or without fee modified or unmodified copies, provided that the above copyright notice is retained. 8. Glossary ----------- Many entries in this glossary are provided courtesy of Butterfly Glossary of Internet and Data Communication terms and RFC-1983. connection-oriented Data communication method in which communication proceeds through three well-defined phases: connection establishment, data transfer, connection release. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. data link layer The OSI layer that is responsible for data transfer across a single physical connection, or series of bridged connections, between two Network entities. flow control A technique for ensuring that a transmitting entity does not overwhelm a receiving entity. IP (Internet Protocol). The Internet Protocol, defined in STD 5, RFC 791, is the network layer for the TCP/IP Protocol Suite. It is a connectionless, best-effort packet switching protocol. network layer Layer 3 of the OSI reference model. Layer 3 is the layer at which routing, addressing and connection management take place. OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model A seven-layer structure designed to describe computer network architectures and the way that data passes through them. This model was developed by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1978 to clearly define the interfaces in multivendor networks, and to provide users of those networks with conceptual guidelines in the construction of such networks. port A port is a transport layer demultiplexing value. Each application has a unique port identifier associated with it. physical layer The OSI layer that provides the means to activate and use physical connections for bit transmission. In plain terms, the Physical Layer provides the procedures for transferring a single bit across a Physical Media. reliable transmission a type of transport service that: * recovers from errors by retransmitting errored frames * delivers frames in correct sequence (also known as stream-oriented) * usually is used in connection-oriented mode session layer Layer 5 of the OSI reference model. Coordinates session activity between applications, including application-layer error control, dialog control, and remote procedure calls. socket Software structure operating as a communications and point within a network device. TCP Transmission Control Protocol. An Internet Standard transport layer reliable protocol defined in STD 7, RFC 793. It is connection-oriented and stream-oriented. TCP/IP protocol suite Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. This is a common shorthand which refers to the suite of transport and application protocols which runs over IP. transport layer Layer 4 of the OSI reference model. The transport layer is responsible for reliable network communication between end nodes. It implements flow and error control and often uses virtual circuits to ensure reliable data delivery. unixtime number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Jan. 1, 1970. 9. References ------------- [FTS-0001] A Basic FidoNet(r) Technical Standard, Revision 16. Randy Bush, Pacific Systems Group, September 30, 1995. FTS-0001. [FTS-0008] Extending FTS-0001 to include Bark requests, Revision 3. [FSC-0056] Joaquim H. Homrighausen, EMSI/IEMSI protocol definition. May 3, 1991. FSC-0056. [FSC-0088] Compatibility and Link Qualifier Extensions for EMSI Sessions, Revision 1. Robert Williamson. [FTA-1006] Key words to indicate requirement levels, Fidonet Technical Standards Committee administrative. FTA-1006. 10. Acknowledgements -------------------- This document is partially based on extracts from RFCs and FTSC publications too numerous to be acknowledged individually. Ifcico is written by Eugene G. Crosser crosser@average.org; 2:5020/230@fidonet The raw ifcico protocol is written by Stanislav Voronyi stas@uanet.kharkov.ua B. History ---------- Rev.1, 20030810: Initial release. /stas@uanet.kharkov.ua/crosser@average.org</timestamp%2>/stas@uanet.kharkov.ua