The program at the Gallery Dreiklang 2007 (original) (raw)


The Dreiklang Gallery

" Luftschlösser auf Wolke 7"
Striche- Farbe, Töne - Worte
Wanja Belaga stellt seine neuen Bilder aus, improvisiert am Klavier und liest aus seiner Anekdotensammlung
Weitere Information zum Künstle, Musiker und Schriftsteller
Presse: [HNA-1.12.09](aktuell%5F2009/Wanja Belaga.html) and from Carola Heider-Leporale


The Dreiklang Gallery

Project 'My Dream'
The joint exhibition of the pupils of the Vocational School Hann. Münden and the pupils of the Suresnes Art School will open at the Gallery Dreiklang on October 31st at 6 pm. At the opening there will be a recital of French and German composers by the well-known pianist Sunghoon Simon Hwang who has won many international competitions. Please see

20.10.09 - 20.11.09

Cheboksary, Center for modern art, National Museum of the Chuvash Republic, Russia

13/14 u. 19/20 Sept

The Dreiklang Gallery

Open Studio The district of Göttingen organiyed an painter on two weekends. Participants are painter Nina Geling, skulptor Ekkahart5 Bouchon and as guest photographer K.O.W. Müller


The Dreiklang Gallery

"Living threads"
Gobelin-pictures from Margarita Isotova, S.-Peterburg
"Once I ' ve understood that I can' t live in blind walls any more. And I ' ve put in my house Light Angels, the Maiden - Freedom and Paradise Birds. The rigid mechanical world became soft and loving. I ' ve made the way through a wall in own soul..."
[Presse ](aktuell%5F2009/Kunst am feinen Faden.html)


The Botanik Garten Frankfurt a. M.

[](VariablenKunst/images/Variablen%5FKunst %2811%29.jpg)

The Day of the Open Haus of the Botanic Garden of Frankfurt
The sculptors Antoine Carvalho, Mannheim and Ekkahart Bouchon work on some sculptures (wood), show there own works and make relief pictures with children jn


The Dreiklang Gallery

"A sekond before waking up " an exentric tragic comedy. Expressive free dance theatre "Peobrazhenie" (transformation), Nihzni Nowgorod. Her entire life, full of love, passion and hatred is passing before her eyes in a moment. Those who have allways been with her are staying behind the rim of the dream. ... whos is she going to stay then? Actors Alina Trushlova and Sergey Topkov, violinist Pawel Tomilow. Musik by Stockhausen; Director Anatoly Malofeew
[Presse](aktuell%5F2009/Starke Gefuehle.html) und TV

20.06.-16.08. 2009

Stadthalle Deidesheim (20.06.-29.06.) und Museum "Alte Mühle" Himmerod (11.07.-16.08.)

[](VariablenKunst/images/Variablen%5FKunst %2811%29.jpg)

"Bridge of time "
The international exhibition of enamel-ceramics-skulptur-textil from Creativ-Kreios-International e.V. Wordwide Artist.
The Dreiklang Gallery (Nina Geling und Ekkahart Bouchon) take part in it..


The Dreiklang Gallery

"Born in the fire":
Enamel fantasy by Nikolai and Valentina Vdovkin, Stavropol region, Russia.
The creative fire is incomprehensible. It glows in the soul of the artist and gives him the energy to transform. A concert is to take place at the start of the exhibition.
[HNA-9.06.09](aktuell%5F2009/Im Feuer geboren.html) and ТВ


Eshibition room of Maxim Gorki Museum in Kasan, Tatarstan

"Fairy World"
Exhibition room of Maxim Gorki Museum in Kasan, Tatarstan
As though the artists were good magicians, who by their works of art can revive the reception of the Christmas Tale in the hearts with love in the hearts. Nina Geling and Ekkehart Bouchon present their works of art in the capital ort Tatartstan the city on the Wolga where Nina was born.
Fotos & __Opinions of visitors_h


State Academy Baron Alexxander Stieglitz for Art and Design in St Petersburg

"St Petersburg meetings"

an international enamel exhibition in the gothic and antique rooms for applied art of the State Academy Baron Alexander Stieglitz for Art and Design in St Petersburg. Among the 5o participants is Gallery Dreiklang with Ekkahart Bouchon.


UNESCO Kenozero National Park, Russia

Kenozero National Park Authority and its associated partners invite all artists and landscape architects to participate in an international drawing contest of sketches of art-objects for an open-air exposition Landscape Theatre “Northern Equator”. More information and photos from Tamara Sawodskova

14.03.09 18:00

The Dreiklang Gallery

Claire Huangc, piano - Born in Rochester, New York, 18 year old pianist Claire Huangci has already won numerous competitions at the national and international levels, including the World Piano Competition and the Kosciuszko Chopin International Piano Competition. As the first prize winner of many competitions, she performed in Carnegie Hall in 1999, had a successful debut with Philadelphia Orchestra in 2003, and appeared as a soloist with a number of other orchestras.. more information


museum voor vlakglas- en emaillekunst, Ravenstein, Holland

Russische Emaillekunst
met werk van 15 Russische kunstenaars
vrijwel alle kunstenaars zullen tijdens de opening aanwezig zijn
een fotopresentatie kun u hier bekijken
The Dreiklang Gallery (Nina Geling und Ekkahart Bouchon) take part in it..

28.02 - 15.03.2009

The Dreiklang Gallery

Jubilee Exhibition: 170 years of Photography and 150 years 1. Photo Parlour in Nischni Novgorod
Photographs of the 19th-20th century from the collection of the Museum of Russian Photography; Nihzni Nowgorod
A concert is to take place at the start of the exhibition: russian romances and folk songs with Elmira Kuguscheva (soprano) HNA-02.03.09[](aktuell%5F2009/Russland für Auge und Ohr.html)

ab 2009

Grundschule am Wall

Together:Why together? Because each of us is not only a unique part of the universe, but he also has in himself a reflexion of this world. Connections between us and our surroundings, our family, town, country, nature and cosmos are the connections with an unstable balance. That is why our own fate depends on its harmonisation. The art project generates emotionally positive contacts between each individual participant of the art project and his or her surroundings.Fotos

ab 2009

Berufsbildende Schulen Münden

Project 'My Dream'
With different working steps the unconscious dream of the participants is visualized in artistic representation. Simultaneously, the conscious desires and aspirations are transformed into collages and both works of art are compared with each other. We are planning to exhibit the results of the project in Dreiklang Gallery and in the School of Art in Suresnes, the French town twinned with Hann. Münden.

31.01-22.02. 2009

The Dreiklang Gallery

[](aktuell%5F2009/image/Heilige Buerokratie.jpg)

«Sacred bureaucracy". The professional caricaturist and lightning sketcher Iouri Didenko: „The analysis of art can be as nonsensical as a “pinaple-analysis”. How do individual pineapple molecules actually taste like?
“Narrative, illustrative” are almost derogatory terms in the art scene. I on the other hand always illustrate my thoughts. My art objects – Flora and Fauna of the human spirit. To live the live of a pineapple – this is a worthy objective, to deconsecate: that is my own utopia”. More about the artist. Mehr zum Künstler
A concert is to take place at the start of the exhibition. Amir Tebenikhin, piano and Sofia Gaissina, flute.The press

till 21.01.2009

The Dreiklang Gallery

„Colour happiness”
the exhibition of the painter Nina Geling and the sculpture Ekkahart Bouchon.
Visitors can discover the colour happiness in more then 100 works: aquarelles, relives, and wooden sculptures. The two Artist have discovered by the meeting of the email artist Michael Selishchev the art of email as a new element for pictures and wooden sculptures.

till summer 2009

The Dreiklang Gallery bei " villa Musenkuss"

[](aktuell%5F2008/Villa Musenkuss%5F3.html)

Despite all crises which seem to shake the world at this moment, we continue to nourish our environment with positive emotions. We have been doing this for quite some time, and we have produced more and more good things, the reason for which it has become quite crowded in our gallery Dreiklang. And suddenly, just before penance day, an angel named Abdallah appeared. He handed to us the keys of one of his houses in the old town. This house is 150 years old, his grandfather was born there, but for 15 years, it has been empty. We opened this old house under the name "Villa Musenkuss" to the public to observe our paintings, sculptures and reliefs. Positive emotions guaranteed [](aktuell%5F2008/Villa Musenkuss%5F3.html)
!["Da zieht die Kunst ein"](aktuell%5F2008/Villa Musenkuss.html); ["95 Kunstwerke warten"](aktuell%5F2008/Villa Musenkuss%5F2.html), [Kunst füllt das Fenster](aktuell%5F2009/Kunst füllt das Fenster.html)[](Kunst füllt das Fenster)