Our Core Values (original) (raw)

GAO’s Core Values encompass mission values (Accountability, Integrity, Reliability) and people values (Valued, Respected, Treated Fairly).

Accountability : GAO helps the Congress oversee federal programs and operations to ensure accountability to the American people. GAO's analysts, auditors, lawyers, economists, information technology specialists, investigators, and other multidisciplinary professionals seek to enhance the economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and credibility of the federal government both in fact and in the eyes of the American people. GAO accomplishes its mission through a variety of activities, including financial audits, program reviews, investigations, legal support, and policy analyses.

Integrity: GAO takes a professional, objective, fact-based, nonpartisan, nonideological, fair, and balanced approach to all of its activities and sets high standards for itself and its work. Integrity is the foundation of reputation, and GAO's approach to its work assures both.

Reliability: GAO produces high quality reports, testimony, briefings, legal opinions, and other products and services that are timely, accurate, useful, clear, and candid.

Valued: GAO seeks out and appreciates each person’s perspectives by seeing everyone as an individual and tapping into everyone’s skills, talents, and life experiences.

Respected: GAO strives to treat everyone with dignity by listening, hearing, and acknowledging everyone’s viewpoints, keeping an open mind, and embracing differences.

Treated Fairly: GAO fosters a work environment that provides opportunities for all staff to excel by acting with honesty and integrity, treating all equitably, checking for bias, supporting equal access to opportunities, and trusting others to do their part.