gasathj | DIGITAL CIVILIZATION (original) (raw)

A new style of life

“But where shall wisdom be found?
And where is the place of understanding?

List of published articles

GASATHJ is a new free journal for discussing Generative Art in the digital civilization. We will try to do our best with honesty following our many years of experience and work with the emphasis not only on digital technology but also trying to perform an art process.
Honesty toward ourselves as artists, toward our friends, toward all people around the world, especially for young people. Our personal hope is that these intentions will not be only empty words, but very experimental proposals.
Many thanks to all friends that accepted our invitation to be members of the Editorial Board and gave their active contribution to the journal. We hope that they too will enlarge the board to people of varying backgrounds with an open approach to interdisciplinarity.
In our time of incredible transformations, we still believe that our own ability as human beings is to generate art as a new and different expression of our life time.
This is _hard_…. It is GASATHJ.
GASATHJ is a name hard to pronounce in all languages. This might remind us of how difficult it is to communicate an art process. Gasathj sounds the needs of a time, a generative time. But in the significance of its name, there is also a common denominator: the ability to evoke in all languages the ethereal materiality, as the forms of our dreams.

Enrica Colabella
Celestino Soddu

Editorial Board:
Alec Groysman
Anthony Viscardi
Ben Baruch Blich
Daniel Bisig
Matteo Codignola
Daniela Scialanga
Brian Evans
Brigid Burke
Celestino Soddu
Enrica Colabella
Kevin McGuire
Laurel Johannesson
Marie-Pascale Corcuff
Mikael Christensen
Ming Xi Tang
Jan Kubasiewicz
Jean-Paul Courchia
Peter Beyls
Philip Galanter
Robert Spahr
Tatsuo Unemi
Yoshiyuki Abe

Past Events:
Annual Generative Art conferences:
December 2023 - XXVI Generative Art International Conference organized by ARGENIA Association.
The ebook of the XXVI GA conference, like the previous ones, is available for free at

The next Conference is in Venice, at the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, on the 17-19 of December 2024. Visit the website for more info,

other recent events:
19 September 2019 - Event in Rome
The 4th Multiplier Event of Erasmus+ program @POSTASIS, Virtual Artistic Laboratory
The ebook of the seminar is available for free at

7 June 2019 - Event in Rome
Participants: Alejandro Lopez Rincon, Andrea Wollensak, Arne Eigenfeldt, Asako Soga, Celestino Soddu, Chung Yun, Elena Partesotti, Enrica Colabella, Gabriel Maldonado, Harun Gezici, Krzysztof Pawlik, Jay Hardesty, Jônatas Manzolli, Małgorzata Dancewicz, MariaIda Gaeta, Michele Leigh, Nicola Baroni, Nicolas Reeves, Robert Spahr, Roger Alsop,Yiannis Papadopoulos
The ebook of this seminar "Generative Art, Futuring Past" is available for free at

about the Journal GASATHJ:

GASATHJ is the Generative Art, Science and Technology hard Journal.
As it has always been throughout the history of man, ART is focused on an interdisciplinary approach to creativity involving Science and Technology.
GENERATIVE is the focus on creative processes with constant renewal. As in nature, the discovery and the increasing complexity process performs endless variations and not only a defined result. This concept is the main structure of Generative Art.
Hard is the character of the journal: hard work for gaining through the process a good result.
It's also hard to establish a free space of discussion and exchange, a space open to different points of view and to enhance and support a real and deep investigation in Art&Science as a subjective interpretation of our world toward a common goal.
Why a Journal
The "Generative Art" community was born in 1998 with the 1st Generative Art International Conference. Following the direction of these annual meetings, GASATHJ will try to develop the focus on ART as an interdisciplinary approach to creative processes and the performing of code/idea.
The approach was without a pre-defined framework. The only selection was done by looking for an honest approach to investigation and the availability of each participant to open their work to the discussion, many times to hard discussions, as has happened during the GA annual conferences.
Further to the conferences, GASATHJ opens another door, another place for improving these exchanges:
1. a free space to communicate, explain, and discuss own subjective approach to Generative Art, Science and Technology;
2. a dedicated space for having "hard" discussions among different points of view;
3. a journal with a free divulging on the Generative Art network, but not limited to;
4. a journal able to answer all academic requests, through a double review of articles, ISBN number, and so on, but with an open-academic approach, that is free of pre-defined limits and constraints during the review process of each subjective proposal and approach.

Welcome to GASATHJ. And welcome to its 1st issue.
All the GASATHJ staff is focused on enlarging the discussion to your creative interpretation of Art-Science-Technology and the door is open to your articles. Further, the Editorial Board is open to additional members following their contribution to "hard" discussions during Generative Art conferences.

GASATHJ now and how it will be in the future.
Today, the 1st of May 2012, we are publishing on our website the first interdisciplinary and multi-media articles. The site allows free reading of the articles and a free interchange among users. It is open to subsequent submissions of new articles that will be reviewed by the Editorial Board before their publication. The second issue of GASATHJ is planned after the summer.
The articles will also be disseminated with an e-book published by Domus Argenia Publisher. The e-book will be sent for free to each registered user of, following their request. Or it will be possible to download it from the website.
A paper book of GASATHJ will be published on demand with a package that will include high-resolution images and movies and an original and unique artwork of one (or more) of the artists presenting their work with an article. The price will be defined by these artworks and the expenses.
This choice of unique artworks inside a publication arose from the customary format of the proceedings of the Generative Art conferences where each copy of the proceedings was different and dedicated to each participant, with a unique and un-repeatable artwork on the cover. All interested individuals can contact GASATHJ to book the hard copy of the Journal.

We are looking forward to your expression of interest in joining us in this new adventure, sending us your article, and participating in our discussions.

Celestino Soddu and Enrica Colabella
The founders of GASATHJ

You can read all of the full articles of the first issues of GASATHJ using the menu on the right.
The e-journal printing file of the 1st issue is ready for free downloading at .

You can send your proposal for an article in upcoming issues by e-mailing it to:
celestino.soddu at