YAMAKA-BHARATHA (original) (raw)



Madhusudan Bheemasena Rao



On this auspicious day of "Madhvanavami" I would like to present series of

postings on our� Guru Srimadhacharya's "Mahakaavya" in yamakalankara titled

"YAMAKA-BHARATHA". I have taken the material from the book titled "YAMAKA

BHARATHA" by DR.D.N.Shanbag .This book was published by my brother-in-law Sri

Ashok Huddar of Bharat Prakashan of Dharwar in memory of his father Late Sri

Bheemarao Huddar well known Publisher,so no copy right issues involved.I take

this opportunity to thank Sri Keshavarao Tadipatri for supplying me ITRANS

version of all shlokas and Sri� Srisha Rao for posting this to Dvaita List

In service of Harivayu Gurugalu,

Madhusudan Bheemasena Rao



Sri Madhvacharya's Yamakabharatha has been rightly judged as

"VishvaVismya"(amazing to the world) by Narayana Panditaacharya.As a poem, it

is an unequalled wonder of worthy of universal admiration. It is an epitome of

an epitome (Mahabaratha-tatparya-Nirnaya) of the voluminous epic Mahabaratha.

It is "Krishana Katha" being the cream of "Mahabaratha".It is a model

abridgement.It embodies "Ekaksharayamshlok" only of its kind in the whole

range of Sanskrit literature. It contains a verse affording more than twenty

meanings, all cogent and significant.This verse has pushed far behind

Sriharsha's verse having five different meanings. It is the rich and juicy

fruit of the spontaneous overflow ofindepth and inherent devotion of

Srimadhacharya to Lord Krishna.If Valmiki's sorrow(shok) took the form of a

verse(shlok), Srimadhacharya's devotion Bhakti poured in the form of "Krishna

Katha".It is not a figurative poem on the basis of its containing "Yamak" a

shabalankar.It contains an uninterrupted flow of the current Bhakti fit to be

realised by connoisseurs.As "Bhaktiras" is felt�predominantly ,the poem is

though called a "Chitrakavitha" can be classified as excellent poem. As a

master-poet Sri Madhvacharya has demonstrated to the world that "Yamalankar"

can be employed effectively to cause and enhance the beauty of a

poem.Moreover,for Bhaktas it is a devotional poem able to arouse and

accelerate "Krishnabakti" in their hearts.For "Paataks" it is a holy poem,the

recital of which has the power to yield desired fruits.For "Sadhakas" it is a

sacred� "Mantra" impelling them to advance on the path of their spiritual

progress leading to God-Realisation and final liberation. These and many more

are the unique features of SriMadhvacharya's "Yamakabharatha", a classic by


A work like the "Yamakabharatha" of Srimadhacharya,by its very nature cannot

be understood fully without the help of a commentary.The reasons are

obvious.The poet is not only a first-rate genius but is renowned philosopher

too. Besides he is an eternal and perfect devotee of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme

God. Sri Naraharithirtha ,direct disciple of Srimadhacharya has written two

commentaries one in verse and another in prose. In the book ,I am referring

to ,author Sri Dr.D.N.Shanbag has dealt extensively tika and tippani of Sri

Naraharithirtha and Sri Yadupati Acharya and also referred to works of Sri

Guttal Hayagrivacharya, Sri Bannanje Govindacharya,Agrahar Narayana tantri,

Sri HH Shri Vidhyadhishatirthaswamiji, Shri T.S.Raghavendran,Vidhwan A

Haridasa batta.I am proposing to post Summary of meanings of each verse/day

as it will be voluminous to post all tika and tippanis.Only verse no 78

containing only ba's will be dealt extensively.

OM dhyAyet.h paramAnandaM yanmAtA patimayadaparamAnandam.h |

ujjhitaparamAnaM dampatyAdyAdyAshramaiH sadaiva paramAnandam.h || 1||

This is the first verse of the "Yamaka Bharatha".Hereby Sri Madhvacharya

instructs one to meditate upon Lord Vishnu. Here the word "paramAnandam" is

repeated four times and the whole verse has been translated in two ways.

In the first Translation,

(i)That Lord Vishnu should always be meditated upon. He their Lord,is


to by Brahma who has rightly known him,together with gods performing duties

befitting to their stages like Brahmacarya or celibacy.He has none superior


him; He gives pleasure to all; He destroys the pride of the enemies; and He


of the form of bliss and is full of supreme bliss.

In the seocnd Translation,

(ii) Supremely blissful Lord Vishnu should always be meditated upon.He is

resorted to by Mother Lakshmi to secure bliss.He is her Lord and she has only

Lord Vishnu denoted by letter "A" as superior to her.He is full of unlimited

bliss.He bestows knowledge to those souls who has driven away internal


like passion through the performance of deeds fit for the four stages of

life,like Brahmacarya or celibacy.And he grants inherent and pure bliss to

deserving noble souls.

yasya karALoLaM chakraM kALaH paraH sa hi karALoLam.h� |

yasya gadA pavamAnaH san.h yo vyAso.abhavat.h sadApavamAnaH� || 2||

Before creation of the world,the teriffic disc revolving round in Lord

Vishnu's hand,was Kaala(=Durga) and His mace was Pavamana(=Vayu).Such Lord

Vishnu of independent functioning intending to create the world existing in

Himself,manifested in various forms.And He incarnated as Sage Vyasa in the

family of Vasistha.

yasya ramA na manogaM jagR^ihe vishvambharA.api na mano.agam.h� |

yasya pumAnAnandaM bhuN^kte yad.h dhAma kapatimAnAnandam.h� || 3||

Even the all-knowing Goddess Lakshmi,the supporter of the universe has not

comprehended the knowledge of Sage Vyasa.The person who eulogises the

Sage,enjoys permanent bliss.His form bestows bliss to Brahma,Rudra, Lakshmi

and Vayu.

parameshhu yadA tejaH parameshhu chakAra vAsudevo.ajaH� |

mAnadhi bibhratsu mano mA.anadhimA.a.asInna vAsudevo jaH� || 4||

Because He imparted excellent knowledge of the Lord to these gods who are

superior to even Indra and who bear minds full of knowledge,because His grace

has made Goddess Lakshmi superior in knowledge to even Brahma and other gods,

and because He is the prompter of presiding deities of nine organs,He is the

Unborn, is called Vaasudeva. He is not born as the son of Vasudeva to be

called Vaasudeva.

so.ajani devakyante yasmAdanukampanAvadeva kyante� |

avadan.h devakyaM te bhuvanaM hi surAH sadaivade.ava kyante� || 5||

This verse refers to popular belief of Lord Krishna's birth as the son of

Devaki and Vasudeva. It is made clear that He took birth near Devaki and not

from her woomb.The verse contains "devakyante" occuring at four places and it

can be interpreted in several ways.�

Putting all interpretations together the simple translation of this verse

turns out tobe

Lord Krishna took birth nearby Devaki to destroy demons.(So,He is not son of

Vasudeva).He is the highest limit of blissful gods,and He was prayed by gods

to show to pity on them.(So,He is not son of Vasudeva).He was prayed by gods

to protect the world created by� Brahma as the world is under His control and

as the destruction of blissful souls was approaching.(So,He is not son of


Sri Vaadirajaru in one of his compositions says

"Huttidaagle moolaroopava thOri attidha sujanara thApava"

nIto vasudevena svatatena sa gokuLaM suvasude.ave na� |

tatra yashodA tanayaM mene kR^ishhNaM svakIyamavadAtanayam.h� || 6||

Herewith begins a brief account of the important incidents in the life of Lord


That Krishna was taken to Gokula by his father being prompted by Him Who had

pervaded him.There,Yashodha together with Nandagopa, the Lord of vaisyas

owning abundant wealth,believed Krishna, the Controller of pure released

souls, to be their own son.

Sri Purandara daasaru sings this ignorance of Yashoda as

"Jagadodhdharana maganendu thiLiyutha magugaLa maaNikyana AdisidhaLeshode".

vavR^idhe gokuLamadhyAdyo devo vishvamad.hbhutAkulamadhyAt.h� |

tatra cha pUtanikAyA vadhamakarod.h yannijAH supUtanikAyAH� || 7||

Lord Krishna,the Lord of all worlds like heaven and others,grew all round only

in the eyes of the ignorant.(In reality He does not grow). He completely

destroys this universe which agitates in a wonderful way. There in Gokula ,He

killed� Putana, His real devotees when obtain low bodies due to evil actions

are purified by him.

adhunochchhakaTaM Lo LI pAdAN^gushhThena vAtapeshashakaTaM LoLI� |

atanod.h raxAmasya svAj~nAnAd.h gopikA saderaxAmasya� || 8||

Lord Krishna Who lies on the bed of Sesha,the lord of serpents,just shook His

body and killed Sakatasura merely by His toe. His mother Yashodha being

ignorant about Him,the Independent Person,Who is Infinite and is the Protector

of all including Goddess Lakshmi and god Vayu ,got performed rituals for His


mukhalALanaloLA tanmukhagaM jagadachashhTa sALanaloLAtat.h� |

nAdhyainmAyAmasya jagatprabhoH svadhikatatatamAyAmasya� || 9||

Yashodha,attached in kissing the mouth of Child Krishna,perceived in his mouth

entire universe both mobile and immobile ,well protected by� Him.Still, she

did not realise the greatness of Him, Who is the Lord of the world and Whose

excellent pervasion of qualities an d functions has filled all the places.

tasya susharmANyakaro dariNo gargaH saduktikarmANyakarot.h� |

avadannAmAnamayaM jagadAdiM vAsudevanAmAnamayam.h� || 10||

Gargacharya,who had in his hands Lord Vishnu Who is approached by liberated

souls, performed "Jatakarma" and other ceremonies laid down in scriptures on

Krishna,the Conch-bearer.He named Him as Vaasudeva , the Immeasurable,the

Prompter and the World Creator.

tasya sakhA balanAmA jyeshhTho bhrAtA.atha yannijAbalanA mA� |

yasya cha paryaN^ko.ayaM pUrvatano vishhNumajasaparyaM ko.ayam.h� || 11||

This verse refers to factual relation between Balaraama and Krishna.It is true

that Balaraama is considered as the elder brother of Krishna.But is it the

relation between the two? This verse clarifies the actual fact and shows that

Balaraama can not be elder to Krishna.Secondly Balaraama is not a helping

freind bearing equality with Krishna.To summarise,

"His elder brother and beloved freind was named as Balaraama.Lord Vishnu

(Krishna) has Goddess Lakshmi as his consort. He has Balaraama in his original

form as His bed. And He is worshipped by� even Brahma. How can Balaraama be

elder to such Vishnu (Krishna)?

tena hato vAtarayastR^iNachakro nAma ditisuto.avAtarayaH� |

haramANo vAlatamaM svAtmAnaM kaNTharodhinA.avAlatamam.h� || 12||

The demon by name Trnavarta arrived with the speed of wind and carried away

Krishna,Who can not be carried away by anyone,Who is always joined with

Lakshmi, Who is Immeasurable,Independent and All-Pervasive,but�Who had taken

the form of a little child. He was killed by Krishna by squeezing his neck and

making him bereft of breathing.

so.avanimadhye raN^gan.h aridarayug.h bAlarUpamadhyeraM gan.h� |

amushhannavanItamadaH svagokuLe gopikAsu navanItamadaH� || 13||

Lord Krishna,the Bearer of disc and conch crawled in His house in the Gokula

riding on the child wind-god.He stole butter kept high on hanging rope-slings

and became pleased by the praises of� Gopikas full of devotion.

tanmAtA kopamitA tamanusasArA.atmavAdavAkopamitA� |

jagR^ihe sA namanaM taM devaM tachchintayaiva sAnamanantam.h� || 14||

This verse refers to Yashoda's anger on knowing Krishana's stealing butter.She

pursued and caught Him.But this was possible only because of His own will and

not because of her superior strength.

His mother overpowered by anger pursued� Him as Vedas,describing Him, do so,to

extol Him.She could,as per His own will,catch� hold of Him.He does not bend

before anybody; He Himself bent towards her;and He is playful,Controller of

the world,as well as,is Infinite.

atha sA.antaritA.amAnaM vishhNuM vishvodbhavaM tadA.antaritAmAnam.h� |

anayad.h dAmodaratAM yo.aramayat.h sundarIM nijAmodaratAm.h� || 15||

Then,Yashodha,possessing ignorance (about the Lord) in her mind,tied His belly

with a rope and made Him 'Damodara",Who is Vishnu the All pervader,the Origin

of this Universe,Who has concealed in His belly Brahma,Lakshmi and Vayu,and

Who delights His beloved Goddess Lakshmi who is always engrossed in her

inherent joy and hapiness.

chakre so.arjunanAshaM prApnoti cha yatsmR^itiH sadA.arjunanA sham.h� |

tau cha gatau nijamokastenaiva nutena yannijo nijamokaH� || 16||

Lord Krishna,Whose rememberence brings happiness to pure souls,destroyed the

two Arjuna trees.By praising Him,Who delivers His devotees from wicked

contact,those two Gandharvas-Nalakubara and Manigriva departed to their own


atha vR^indAvanavAsaM gopAshchakrurjagatxitA.avanavAsam.h� |

tatra bakAsuramAraH shaurirabhUnnityasaMshritAsuramAraH� || 17||

Then,the cowherds of Gokula went and settled at Vrindhavana which was like

heaven to live in, together with Lord Krishna in whom resides the world.There,

Lord Krishna who delights Goddess Lakshmi and Who is always resorted to by

Vayu,destroyed demon Bakasura.

ahanad.h vatsatanUkaM yo.apAllokaM svayatnavatsatanUkam.h� |

so.apAd.h vatsAnamaraH sahAgrajo gopavatsavatsAnamaraH� || 18||

Lord Krishna is Immortal. He delights all good souls including Vayu and

Lakshmi. And He effortlessly protects the entire world consisting of Brahma,

Rudra and other beings who are inferior to Him. He protected like a

cowherd-boy together with His elder brother, calves. And He killed Vatsasura

who had taken the body of a calf.

sa vibhuH shrImAnahike nanarta yasya shramAnamA mA na hi ke� |

akaronnadyudakAntaM kAntaM nItvoragaM sa nA.a.adyudakAntam.h� || 19||

That Omnipotent Lord krishna danced on the hood of tiny Kaliya-serpent.

Thereby, there was no fatigue due to serpent-poision; because, He lies down

comfortably on the great serpent Sesa in the boundless ocean. That Supreme

Person sent Kaliya to an island named Ramanaka and made the place nearby river

Yamuna, poisonless and delightful.

hatvA dhenukamUDhaM balAt.h pralambaM cha kheT.h sadhenukamUDham.h� |

vrajamAvIdamR^itAshaH pItvA vahniM charasthirAdamR^itAshaH� || 20||

This verse refers to killing of Dhenukasura as well as Pralambaasura and to

drinking of wild fire� by Lord Krishna.Eventhough the killing of the two

demons had been accomplished by� Balaraama,here it is stated that feat was

possible for Balaraama because of the presence of Lord Krishna� in him.To


Lord Krishna,the Lord of Vinaayaka,the presiding deity of sky,Drinker of

nectar and� of truthful desire,having entered into Balaraama killed the

foolish demon Dhenuka as well as demon Pralamba.And He having drunk the wild

fire consuming both moveables and� immoveables, protected Gokula together with

herds of cows which had resorted to Him for protection.

giriNA raxA.api kR^itA vrajasya tena svaraxaraxA.api kR^itA� |

shakrAya vyaJNjayatA svAM shaktiM vishvamAtmanA.avyaM jayatA� || 21||

Vraja was also protected by raising the mountain,by Lord Krishna Who made

Indra the lord of clouds which torment by� their showers the cows which give

milk to the Blissful Lord,in order to manifest to Indra,His own might� and to

all people His own capacity of protecting the entire Universe.

reme gopIshhvarihA sa manmathAkrAntasundarIpIshhvarihA� |

pUrNA.anandaikatanuH sa vishvarukpAvano.ayapyanandaikatanuH� || 22||

Lord Krishna is of fully blissful body.He incarnates� in several forms only to

give pleasure� to others.He is the remover of� all diseases.And He is the

Destroyer of Sankhacudasura.Still He enjoyed� without any attachment,the

company of lovely cowherdesses who had been affected by passion and in whom

Goddess Lakshmi was residing.

atha hatayorgaLikeshyoH shvaphalkajaprApitaH purIM gaLikeshyoH� |

bhaN^ktvA dhanurAjavaraM jaghAna tenaiva cha svayaM rAjavaram.h� || 23||

Thereafter, Lord Krishna killed demons Arista and kesin and went with Akrura

to Mathura being extolled full-throated by both Brahma and Rudra,as He�is

their Lord.There,He broke Rudra's bow possessing Brahma's boon and with��its

mere piece, He� killed Kamsa's soldiers.

mR^idgan.h gajamugrabalaM sabalo raN^gaM vivesha sR^itimugrabalam.h� |

hatvA mallau balinau kaMsaM cha vimoxitau tatau lau balinau� || 24||

Lord Krishna,Who delivers devotees possessing excellent knowledge,from their

worldly bondage,entered the wrestling hall after killing the mighty elephent

Kuvalayapida.There,He killed two wrestlers Canura and Mustika as also�Kamsa

with his associates.And He freed His parents who had been blessed with a boon

by Him.

prAdAt.h sAndIpanaye mR^itaputraM j~nAnadIpasandIpanaye� |

gurvarthe.aj~nAnatamaH prabheditA nityasambhR^itAj~nAnatamaH� || 25||

Lord Krishna,who destroys the darkness of ignorance,Who is always�obeyed by

Goddess Lakshmi,the deity of learning and Who is worshipped by Brahma and

others,presented the dead son as preceptor's fee to preceptor Sandipini�who

taught sacred scriptures which throw light on the greatness ofthe Lord.

jitvA mAgadharAjaM toshhitamakarot.h sadA.a.atmayogadharAjam.h� |

anu kurvan.h nijasadanam.h chakre ramyAM puraM subodhanujasadanam.h� || 26||

Lord Krishna by conquering Jarasandha,the king of Magadha, pleased Brahma

who is always engaged in meditating on Him. And He built the lovely city of

Dvaraka as an abode for His Yadavas, imitating His own abode which�is a

faultless play-house for His released devotees having right knowledge.

prasabhaM sagajabalasya xatrasyochchaiH samabadharAjabalasya� |

mAnaM shishupAlavaraM hatvA bhaishhmImavApa shishupAlavaram.h� || 27||

Lord Krishna obtained forcibly Rukmini, the daughter of Bhismaka, after

destroying the excessive arrogance of Kshatriyas like Rukmi and others, who


been strengthened by their own four-fold armies and the army of Jarasandha


king of Magadha, who had become conceited on securing Sisupala

as the bride-groom for Rukmini and who had obtained the boon from gods like

Brahma who were Lord Visnu's children and were protectors of regions.

haMso DibhakashchapalAvamunA saMsUditau yavanakashcha palA� |

kIrtirvimalA viratA pratatA vishvadhipAvanIlAviratA� || 28||

The fickle-minded Hamsa and Dibika as well as Kalayavana were destroyed by

Krishna. And there became wide-spread His excellent and pure fame in which

Brahma and others were specially attached, which was sanctifying more than

anything else and which was continuously spread by god Vayu.

satyAjAmbavatIryA bhAryA vindAdyA bhAnusAmbavatIryAH� |

pradyumnaM modarataH prApa jyeshhThaM hariH sutaM modarataH� || 29||

Lord Krishna obtained Mitravinda and others as His wives among whom

Sathyabaama the mother of Bhaanu ,and Jambavathi the mother of Saamba were

prominent.He immersed in His own bliss,begot Pradyumna as His eldest son in


yatparivAratayeshA jAtA devA nR^ipAtmanA ratayeshAH� |

yadbharitaM vishhasarpaprabhR^iti dhvAntaM na mArutiM vishhasarpa� || 30||

This verse begins the story of Pandavaas.Here the perfect grace showered by

the Lord on Bhima,the incarnation of god Vaayu is referred to.Vaayu is the

over-lord of all deities who were born� to carry out the will of Lord Krishna

viz Protection of the good and destruction of wicked.To Summerise

Various presiding deities who are under the control of Vaayu,always devoted to

Lord Vishnu,were born as kings to serve Him,as His attendents.As Bhima was

filled with Lord Krishna,the poisonous serpents or food could not create any

adverse effects on him.

Kurupa garaLavanikke nereUndu thEguthali hasidarugalamyale bidaladhanoresidha�� (Quote from "Madhvanama" by Sri Sripaadaraajaru)

A Vayu namma kula Gururayanu

yena hiDimbabakAdyA raxodhIshA nipAtitA babakAdyAH� |

bhIme prItimameyAM vyaJNjayatA tena sheshhapAti mame yAm.h� || 31||

One should not mistake that Bhima on his own killed demons.It is here made

clear that it was Lord Krishna who caused destruction of the demons�through

the hands of Bhima,only to exhibit His immeasurable love and affection towards

Bhima.Bhima is dearer to Krishna than Sesha,Garuda and Rudra.To Summarise,

Lord Krishna,in order to exhibit His immeasurable love,exceeding even that

shown to Shesha,Rudra and Garuda,towards Bhima, made him kill demon-kings like

Hidimba and Baka,who eat flesh and human beings.

atha kR^ishhNAvaraNe tAn.h prAptAn.h rAj~no.ashR^iNot.h sadAvaraNetAn.h� |

drashhTuM yAtaH sabalastAM chAnaishhIt.h pR^ithAsutAMstataH sabalaH� || 32||

Lord Krishna,having heard that kings ignorant of(the prowess of)righteous

Bhima and others have gathered to win over Draupadi,went there together with

Balaraama to see her.And He united her with Pandavaas and led them all with

blessings �to Hastinavati.

tAnindrasthaLavAsAMshchakre kR^ishhNaH paro nijasthaLavAsAn.h� |

svabalodrechitamAnairjugopa dharmaM cha taiH parAchitamAnaiH� || 33||

Here it is clarified that Pandavaas departed to Indraprastha because of Lord

Krishna's command,and not due to the suggestion made by Kauravas.

Almighty Lord Krishna made them (Pandavas) reside at Indraprastha obeying

scriptures which are His own commands.He protected Dharma (righteousness)

through them who had achieved full respect due to His might and who had

destroyed� the pride of their enemies.

vAlivadhAnunayAya praNayI sakhyaM susandadhe nu nayAya� |

vAsavajena visheshhAt.h tenaiva punarnR^ijanmajena visheshhAt.h� || 34||

This� refers to Rama's killing Vaali,the son of� Indra in the Ramaavatara.

The loving Lord who devours(at Pralaya) even Garuda,Sesha,and others made

special freindship with the son of Indra who had taken human form as Arjuna,in

order to compensate the guilt of killing Vaalin and to show the� proper code

of conduct.

mAtuH paribhavahAnyai rAj~nA dyusadAmitashcha paribhavahA.anyaiH� |

abhavannarakamurAriryo.avAsIdat.h samastanarakamurAriH� || 35||

It is said that demon Naraka had offended Aditi by robbing her

ear-ornaments,and Lord Krishna on the request of gods and sages,killed


The Lord was requested by Indra and others to avenge the humiliation effected

to their mother Aditi.and He,the remover of worldly bondage of all,destroyed

the sinful demons named,Naraka and Maura.He,the husband of Sathyabhaama,dwelt

in the minds of all beings with His omnipotence.

nIto divi devavarai reme satyAsamanvito.adevavaraiH� |

sarvartuvane shashinA nishi satyAM vAsare vane.ashashinA� || 36||

Lord Krishna ,together with Sathyabhama,was taken to heaven by gods who had

obtained excellent boons from Him.There He sported with her in the

Nandana-garden which is fit for sport in all seasons, and throughout the

nights which were like days due to the spotless moon ever shining.

suratarumApA.aLimatAt.h prakAshayachchhaktimAtmanaH pALimatAt.h�|

suravaravIreshhu darI pradhAnajIveshvaraH pareshhudarI� || 37||

The Lord ,Bearer of the conch,showing His prowess,secured the divine

Parijaata-tree,on the request of His beloved Sathyabhaama,after conquering

Indra.He is the Lord of both Matter and Souls;He splits apart the arrows of

the enemies.

puramabhiyAyAridarI datvA bhadrAM pR^ithAsutAyAridarI� |

shakrapurImabhiyAtaH prAdAd.h vahnervanaM satAmabhiyA.ataH� || 38||

Lord Krishna,Bearer of the conch and disc and Destroyer of enemies,went to the

city of Dvaraka and gave Subhadra in marriage to Arjuna.Then He departed to

Indraprastha and offered Khandava-forest to Fire after protecting the noble

souls like Jaritaaris.

shivabhaktapravarAdyaM pumAn.h na sehe girIsha vipravarAdyam.h� |

taM svAtmendravareNa vyadhunod.h bhImena dhUtarudravareNa� || 39||

The Supreme Person,Lord Krishna,did not bear (the attrocities of) Jarasandha

who had become the foremost among� great devotees of Siva due to boons

obtained from Siva and sage Candakasura.The Lord caused his destruction

through Bhima,the greatest of Vaisnavas,and the foiler of Siva's boons

yasyA.aj~nAbalasAraiH pArthairdigbhyo hR^itaM dhanaM balasAraiH� |

jitvA xmAmavisheshhAM prasahya bhUpAn.h samastakAmavisheshhAm.h� || 40||

The Pandavas having conquered the whole earth by vanquishing all the kings

through their strength and might obtained by Krishna's command and through

their armies,gathered wealth from all quarters.

atha pArthAn.h kraturAjaM prApayadamareT.h sarudrashakraturAjam.h� |

pUjA tenAvApi chchhinnashchaidyaH sR^itiM gate nAvA.api� || 41||

After their world-conquest, Lord Krishna worshipped by gods,made them perform

the great "Rajasuya"sacrifice wherein deities Rudra,Indra ,Vayu and Brahma

were appeased.There,He obtained the prime worship and killed Sisupala who went

to hell,when Jaya (in his body) reached Him being rescued by Him as a boat.

nihatau saubhakarUshau shIto bhAtashcha yena tau bhakarUshau� |

ajayad.h rudraM cha raNe bANArthe.avanatipatitakachandraM charaNe�|| 42||

Lord Krishna killed Salva and Dantavaktra.He made the Moon cool and the Sun

bright.He conquered Rudra, in battle,who fell on the ground touching His feet

with the moon on his head,for the sake of Banasura.

asR^ijajjvaramugratamaH xayaprado lIlayA.adhivaramugratamaH� |

krIDAmAtraM vishvaM prakAshayannAtmanaH sa viharakamAtraM vishvam.h� || 43||

To show to Garuda,Rudra,Brahma and other deities that the whole world is

created by Him as a sport,the Lord,the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi created

"Vaisnavajvara with ease (to supress Rudrajvara).He removed the ignorance of

Rudra and He released Annirudhdha from Bana's prison.

yasyA.aveshorubalAnnyahanat.h pArtho.asurAn.h prajeshorubalAt.h� |

varadAnAdasyaiva jagatprabhorIraNAt.h samanugatanAdasyaiva� || 44||

Arjuna killed demons,Nivatakavacas and Kalakeyas who had obtained great

strength due to Rudra's boons.Arjuna had secured invincible might due to the

inner presence of Lord Krishna in him ,who had been� prompted by granting a

boon by Him,Who is the over-lord of the world expressed by all words (in this


yasyA.aveshAt.h sa balaH prachakarshha puraM prasahya veshAt.h sabalaH� |

kurupatinAma nu yamunA kR^ishhNA yenA.ahurarhyamatanu yamunA� || 45|||

Balaraama being indwelt by Lord Krishna in the form of Suklakesha dragged

forcibly (by his plough) the great city named Hastinapura. He released

Samba,and together with him received worship from Duryodhana,the lord of that

city.Then he dragged Yamuna by his plough to Gokula.He is praised as worthy of

worship by Rudra.

yad.hbalavAn.h krodhavashAnninAya nAshaM vR^ikodaraH krodhavashAn.h� |

lebhe.achAnyA gamyaM sthAnaM pushhpANi dhAma chAnyAgamyam.h� || 46||

Bhimasena,possessor of the grace of Lord Krishna, destroyed through

wrath,demons called Krodhavasa.Being requested by Draupadi,he reached the

proper place and obtained the "Saugandhika" flowers and reached Alakapuri

unattainable to others.

yadbalabhAravahatvAnnAchaladuragAdibhiH subhAravahatvAt.h� |

dharmAdarihA.api padaM bhImo yenaiva sAhasaM lihA.a.api padam.h� || 47||

Bhimasena ,eventhough destroyer of enemies due to the command of Lord

Krishna,didnot move even a step to get release when bound� down by Nahusa and

other serpents.He possessed the lusture of good study and hence did not move

even a step from the right conduct. He obtained the designation of Sahasa as

he sucked the merit of Nahusa,being his presiding deity.

na hi nahushho.alaM nahituM dharmo drauNistathetare.alaM nahitum.h� |

no rAT.hkarNau brahmavarI yena dhvasto.astramagrahIt.h subrahma varI� || 48||

Just as Yamadharma,Asvaththama and others were not able to bind Bhima,so too

Nahusa was not able to bind him down.Verily,it was Bhima who destroyed a host

of kings including Duryodhana and also Karna and Jarasandha who had obtained

Brahma's boons. Even Asvatthama had to discharge Brahmastra when he was

defeated by Bhima.

xAtraM dharmaM svavatA guruvR^ittyai keshavAj~nayA cha maM svavatA� |

sarvaM sehe manasA bhImeneshaikamAninA hemanasA� || 49||

Bhima of golden body,possesser of his own inherent strength,and absolute

believer in the over-all control of the Lord,tolerated with faith in the

Lord,all insults,just as to safeguard his proper conduct as a warrior, to

follow with reverence elders like Yudhisthira,and to obey the command of Lord


yad.hbhaktapravareNa protaH svasmin.h sa kIchakaH pravareNa� |

patitAstasya sahAyAH kR^ishhNArthe mAninaH samasya sahAyAH� || 50||

Bhima the foremost devotee of� the Lord� and the mighty one,killed Kicaka by

pressing his head to enter into his own body.And to protect Draupadi he

destroyed the Upakicakas who had come with Kicaka,the haughty,to assist him.

yad.hbhaktyA.anugR^ihItau pArtho bhImashcha gonR^ipau nu gR^ihItau� |

R^iNamuktyai suvyatyastyai kramasho vIrAvamuJNchatAM suvyatyastyai� || 51||

The brave Arjuna and Bhima who had been graced by Lord Krishna due to their

devotion, released respectively,cows and king Virata who had been captured by

Kauravas,to repay the debt of Virata, to reverse the order of the master and

the servant between Virata and Pandavaas,and to reveal their real identity.

yad.hbhaktyA.amitayA.alaM kR^ishhNA kArye vivesha kR^ishhNAkArye� |

yAmIrArddhatanutvAnnA.apA.ad.h bhImAdR^ite.api nA.apAd.h bhImAt.h� || 52||

Draupadi,due to unlimited devotion to the Lord,indulged in the act of calling

Krishna.In fact she being the wife of Bhima(Vayu),cannot be obtained by anyone

except Bhima,due to the will of the Lord denoted by letter A,the Supermost

Protector and the Terrible to the enemies.

yAM sprashhTumichchhantamajAtashatruM nyavArayat.h svasthamajAtashatrum.h� |

shaMrUpAne nityarateriyaM shrIriti sma deveD.hyaditeriyaM shrIH� || 53||

In heaven, Indra the lord of gods,prevented Yudhisthira,having no enemies

born,from touching Draupadi.She is called Sri as she is always attached to

Vayu of the form of bliss.In the world,she had been resorted to by Syamala and

other wives of Pandavas,as other Pandavas were connected with Vayu.

manasAmanasA.amanasA manasA yamanantamajasravedanuyA� |

vilayaM vilayaM vilayaM vilayannikhilaM tvashubhaM prachakAra cha yaH� || 54||

Draupadi with desireless mind,always remembered the Infinite Lord,fully

following Vayu, the resort of all minds,and born from Lord's nose. Lord Vishnu

on His part destroys fully the sin which swallows completely the merits of the

devotees and which causes sorrow and misery.

so.agAd.h dUtamukhena prabhuNedaM vartate yadUtamukhena� |

pArthArthe bahutanutAM yatra prAkAshayat.h svayaM savahutanutAm.h� || 55||

Lord Krishna went as a messenger to show Kauravas as fit to be destroyed.This

whole world exists� protected by the Lord by His perfect knowledge.Such Lord

showed there,for the sake of Pandavas, His universal form of full expanse of

infinite qualities.

gurukarNanadIjAdInavadhIchchaxurbalena janadIjAdI� |

shaktyA nijayA paravAn.h svajanAnudrechayannanantayA.aparavAn.h�|| 56||

Lord Krishna brought about destruction of Drona,Karna,Bhishma and others just

by the power of His eyes. He is even the devourer of Brahma.He bestows wealth

to His devotees.He does not have anyone superior to Him.He has enemies in the

form of His devotee's enemies.By His infinite might,He makes His devotees grow

and prosper.

yasya sunIta sahAyAnna ripUn.h mene.arjunaH sametasahA yAn.h� |

akarochchA.asu parAsupratatiM senAsu dhAvanAsuparAsu� || 57||

Due to Lord's driving� the chariot and as per His advice, Arjuna disregarded

all His enemies who had attacked him jointly, by advancing towards them. When

their armies were running away to protect their lives,he brought about rows of

soldiers falling down with their lives lost.

yena jayadrathamAraH pArthaH shatrUnavApatadrathamAraH� |

yadvirahAdapi dehe sa rathaH shashvat.h sthiteH sadAdapi dehe� || 58||

Arjuna,the killer of Jayadratha,pleased with the lusture of his chariot having

Krishna on it,destroyed his enemies.That chariot got burnt to ashes when

Krishna alighted from it.Even the embodied soul experiences pleasure and�pain

because of the constant existence of the Lord in the body.

yad.hbharito bharatAbhaH prabhurambhAbhAvito.abhibharatAbhaH� |

bhImo rabhasA.abhibhavI prasabhaM bhA bhAbhibhUrbhasA bhibhavI� || 59||

Only because Bhima was full of Lord's grace he was shining like the Lord,like

Vayu,and like king Bharatha;he made the race of Bharatha achieve fame;he was

nourished by Goddess Lakshmi;he was overshining all prominent warriors on the

battle-field;he overpowered all his enemies;he is the resort of all other

lustours beings like Rudra;he was accompanied by Abhimanyu and�Gatotkacha;he

overshines even the Sun; and he is approached even by Rudra to offer services.

yadanugrahi pUrNatvAd.h bhImaH sarvAnarInanahipUrNatvA.a.at.h� |

adahad.h bAhubalena krodhAgnAvAhitAn.h nijAhubalena� || 60||

Bhima,the foremost among God-blessed souls,the purifier of even the realised

souls, the destroyer of enemies by mere strength of his arms,having bowed down

to the Lord,burnt down all the enemies in the all-burning Nrisimha-fire having

kindled it by the Manyusuktha.

kR^ishhNAbhImAptatamaH shIrNaM yena svakIyahR^idayamAptatamaH� |

dhR^itarAshhTrasutAnavadhId.h bhImena sthApito manasi susutAnavadhIt.h� ||


Lord Krishna,the greatest well-wisher of Draupadi and Bhima,got Dhrutarastra's

sons killed and pounded to dust by Bhima,who destroyed the darkness of

ignorance which pervaded the hearts of his devotees,who installed Lord Krishna

in the minds of His devotees through whom Krishna established limits of


bhImavipATita dehAnadarshayat.h svAnarIn.h vipATitadehAn.h� |

kR^ishhNAyA hitakArI samyag.hdhIrapriyaH sadA.ahitakArI� || 62||

Lord Krishna, the Benefactor of Daupadi, the Beloved of god Vayu,

the Destroyer of evils of His devotees, showed to Draupadi, the fallen

enemies whose bodies had been broken by Bhima and whose limbs were

trying to ward off huge birds attacking to eat them.

atha hariNA pItabalaM drauNerastraM mahAriNA.apItabalam.h� |

dadhatA vAsomaraNaM nItaM chakre.abhimanyujaM somaraNam.h� || 63||

Then Krishna, the protector of Uttara's womb, destroyed the power of

the brahmastra discharged by Asvatthaman, through His Sudarsana disc.

Thus Pariksit, the son of Abhimanyu who had been the target of

Asvatthaman's brahmastra was bereft of death in the womb of Uttara

and was safely brought out by Krishna

tasya cha raxA sukR^itA janArdaneneshasheshhakexAsukR^itA� |

pArtheshhu premavatA nityaM bhartrA.asutAsuvipremavatA� || 64||

�King Pariksit was well protected by Lord Krishna, Who creates and

protects even Rudra, Sesa and Brahma by his mere eye sight,Who bears affection

to Pandavaas, Who is always their Lord and Who protects the wealth in the form

of cursing powers of brahmins devoid of self-control.

j~nAnaM paramaM prAdAd.h bhIshhmagataH sR^itivimoxacharamaM prAdAt.h� |

pANDusutAnAmadhikaM chakre vedaM guNottaraM svanAmadhikam.h� || 65||

Lord Krishna, Destroyer of Kauravas who refused to give to

Pandavas the kingdom due to them, residing in Bhisma imparted to Pandavas, the

supreme knowledge of the final goal viz.the release

from worldly bondage. Further, He (as Vyasa) composed superior Veda(in

the form of the Mahabharata) describing His� excellent qualities

and containing His one thousand names (Visnusahasranama).

tenAvApi sujAtairharimedhasturagavartane.api sujAtaiH� |

pANDusutaiH savasUkairAptairvyAsA.atmanA cha susavasUkaiH� || 66||

�Lord Krishna of the form of Vyasa, got the Asvamedha sacrifice

performed by Pandavas who were born in a noble family, who were experts

in making their sacrificial horse wonder in all directions without

obstacles, who had enough wealth for the sacrifice, who had resorted

to the Lord for their well-being and who possessed the necessary

knowledge of performing that excellent sacrifice.

tadanu sa pANDutanUjai reme xmAM pAlayan.h supANDutanujaiH� |

anupamasukharUpo.ajaH paramaH shrIvallabhaH sati kharUpo jaH� || 67||

Then, after the horse-sacrifice,Lord krishna of the form of

unparallelded bliss, the Unborn, the consort of Goddess Laksmi, who

resides in all things in the universe as Inner controller, enjoyed like

sport, getting the earth ruled by Pandavas possessing the pure body of

knowledge leading to final release.

sugatiM charamAmadadAnnijayogyAM j~nAnisutati paramAmadadAt.h� |

pArthAnAM sadadUnAM sa pitR^ipreshhyAdinAminAM sayadUnAm.h� || 68||

Lord Krishna,Destroyer of even Brahma and Devourer of Sesa,granted according

to what they deserve,the highest state of final release superior to what

obtained by gods,to Pandavas together with Yadus,the ever-moving Maruts,Rudras

and to Vasudeva,Udhdhava and others who were His father and messenger and so

on,only in name.

reme tatrA.apisukhI paramo.ananto nananda tatrA.api sukhI� |

prANenendirayA cha prayuto nityaM mahAguNendirayA cha� || 69||

Without being touched by sorrow,Lord Krishna� the Supermost,Infinite and

Blissful sported in heavenly regions with Pandavas and others.He manifested

supremely in Vaikunta being fully pervaded by Vayu and Lakshmi.He is always

pervaded by the lustrous form of Lakshmi,possessor of excellent qualities.

evaM sarvANi hare rUpANi shrIpateH suparvANihareH� |

pUrNasukhAni subhAnti pratatAni nirantarANi nisubhAnti� || 70||

In this way should be understood all the incarnated forms of Vishnu,the Lord

of Goddess Lakshmi,theSupport of gods and the Destroyer of demons,to be full

of bliss,extremely lustrous,all-pervasive,devoid of any difference among

themselves and� as residing in the hearts of lustrous deities like Lakshmi.

Verse 71 is the unique verse in the entire range of Sanskrit

Literature.Firstly,the next verse(72) is a reversal of this verse.

Secondly, Sri Narayanacarya(1600-1660) has shown how�this same verse

describes twelve incarnations of Lord Vishnu including that of Rama mentioned

in the verse.At the outset of its commentary of this verse Naraharithirtha's

tika justifies describing Rama,eventhough all the events described�in this

work� viz "Yamaka Bharatha" relate to the� story of the Mahabaratha and not

that of the Ramayana.Accordingly ,it should be� remembered that the

Mahabaratha does contain the story of Ramayana as narrated by sage


Sri Keshavarao Tadipatri will make next posting on verse 78 containing only


rAma rAma mahAbAho mAyA te sudurAsadA� |

vAda sAdada ko loke pAdAveva tavA.asajet.h� || 71||

O Rama,Fire to the wicked,Unlimited Person,MightymArmed One,Thy greatness is

beyond the reach of even Brahma and other gods.O Bestower of Knowledge to good

and Granter of dark hells to demons,in the whole universe,who except Brahma

,can resort fully Thy feet?

jetsavAtava vedApAke lokodada sAdavA� |

dAsarAdusuteyAmAhovAhA mama rAma rA || 72 ||

O Rama,Thou art the precious wealth of mine Thou,the Omni Conquer,Motivator of

the universe together with Vayu,Protector of Vedas,Full of merits and Bereft

of demerits,Bestower of knowledge to the entire world,Destroyer of devotee's

fear;Distinct from all else,Joy giver to Lord's servants,Swallower of

Sun,Controller of Rudra,Skanda,Vinayaka and Lakshmi,Unfit to be abandoned,the

Rider of Rudra.

devAnAM patayo nityaM no mataM yasya jAnate� |

tasmai deva namasye.ahaM bhavate.asuramAraye� || 73||

O Supreme God, I bow down to Thee.Thy teachings imparted as Budhdha,are not

understood at any time even by lords of gods.Thou art inimical to the

understanding of demons and givest right knowledge togods

samastadevajanakavAsudevaparAmR^ita� |

vAsudeva parAmR^ita j~nAnamUrte namo.astu te� || 74||

Obeisances to Thee,O Vasudeva(Kalki),Destroyer of wicked kings,Possessor of

bliss,knowledge,life breath,sports and liberation,Ever liberated,and of the

form of knowledge.

devAde devalokapa pUrNAnandamahodadhe� |

sarvaj~nesha ramAnAtha devA.ade.ade.ava lokapa� || 75||

Protect us,O Lord of Goddess Lakshmi.Thou art the First God,Protector ofgod's

worlds,Vast ocean of full and perfect bliss,Omniscient,Master of all,Indulged

in sports Indestructible,Protector of bliss of the liberated.

yo nirmame.asheshhapurANavidyAm.h��� yo nirmameshe shhapurANavidyAm.h� ||

yonirmamesheshhapurA.aNavid.h yAm.h� yo.anirmame.asheshhapurANavid.h yAm.h� ||


I resort fully to Lord Vedavyaasa,the incarnation of Lord Vishnu existing with

Goddess Lakshmi.He created Lakshmi and Bharathi as the presiding deities. He

is my creator.He perfectly sanctifies Lakshmi,Cupid and Shesha.He is

Omniscient,Passionless and is known through scriptures.He creates all embodied

souls.And He bestowed all Knowledge to perfectly selfless Sukacarya.

anantapArAmitavikramesha prabho ramApAramanantapAra� |

mahAguNADh.hyAparimeyasattva ramAlayAsheshhamahA.aguNADh.hya� || 77||

I bow down to Lord Vishnu,Infinite in space and time,Of immeasurable

strength,Overlord and Master of universe,Protector of Lakshmi,Perfect

Protector of Sesha,Indestructible,Full with excellent qualities,Infinite in

knowledge and strength,Indweller of Lakshmi,Possessor of inherent greatest

greatness,Owner of great gods like Brahma who serve Him as His servants.

bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA� || 77||

A good explanation to this is given in


As you are aware, Srimad Ananda Tiirtha's texts are often very cryptic

and difficult for the unschooled person to understand; this is a point

not often appreciated by outsiders -- quite naturally, of course.� His

statements and verses go completely above and beyond anything that an

ordinary scholar would consider even plausible, much less likely.

 For instance, consider the following verse from the yamaka-bhArata,

which is one of two commentaries on the mahAbhArata:

 ���� bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

���� bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

���� bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA

���� bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA bhA� || 77 ||

 This verse would surely defeat any lay person's attempt at a

translation, and even most scholars would be hard put to justify it in

terms of known rules of syntax and semantics.

 Sri Narahari Tiirtha explains it as follows:

 � dIptau j~nAne bha AdhAre bha audArya eva cha� |

� sandhAne bha upAdAne nikaTatve cha kathyate� |�

��bha sevyatve cha vidvadbhirUrIkaraNa eva cha� |�

��sampUrNatatibhAve bhA nAnAbhAve cha kathyate� |�

��vailaxaNye tathA.a.adhikye svAtantrye bha udIryate� |

� bha Anande bha sampUrNatatavAde cha kathyate� |�

��pUjyabhAve bha vistAre bha vinAshana Iryate� |�

��svAmitve nishchale bhAve ugre cha ud.hgAn.h eva cha� |�

��sammohane.atha saJNchAre bha vidAraNa Iryate� |�

��Alochane bha saundarya iti sarvavidAritam.h� ||

 Therefore, based on the illustrious commentator's expatiation, we may

take it that the eight-and-twenty uses of `bhA' mean as follows:

 � (1) bhA dIptau��������� -- bhA is for effulgence

� (2) bhA j~nAne��������� -- bhA is for knowledge

� (3) bhA AdhArabhAve���� -- bhA is for supportiveness

��(4) bhA audArye�������� -- bhA is for generosity

� (5) bhA sandhAne������� -- bhA is for determination

��(6) bhA upAdAne������� �-- bhA is for giving

� (7) bhA nikaTabhAve���� -- bhA is for closeness

� (8) bhA sevyatve������� -- bhA is for servability�

��(9) bhA UrIkaraNe������ -- bhA is for bringing others to submission

(10) bhA santatibhAve��� -- bhA is for unlimited qualities

(11) bhA nAnAbhAve������ -- bhA is for multi-facetedness�

�(12) bhA vailaxaNye����� -- bhA is for extreme difference

(13) bhA Adhikye�������� -- bhA is for superiority

(14) bhA svAtantrye����� -- bhA is for independence�

�(15) bhA Anande��������� -- bhA is for joyfulness

(16) bhA santatavachane� -- bhA is for being uncontradicted

(17) bhA pUjyabhAve����� -- bhA is for worshippability�

�(18) bhA vistAre�������� -- bhA is for extensiveness

(19) bhA vinAshane������ -- bhA is for destructiveness�

�(20) bhA svAmibhAve����� -- bhA is for Lordship

(21) bhA nishchalabhAve� -- bhA is for unchangingness

(22) bhA ugrabhAve������ -- bhA is for ferocity�

�(23) bhA ud.hgAte������� -- bhA is for being the cause/object of sacrifices

(24) bhA sammohane������ -- bhA is for causation of delusion

(25) bhA saJNchAre������ -- bhA is for mobility�

�(26) bhA vidAraNe������� -- bhA is for killing

�(27) bhA Alochane������� -- bhA is for being the object/cause of thought

(28) bhA sundarabhAve��� -- bhA is for beauty

 The term `mahAbhArata' can be analyzed in various ways, as well, as

suggested by various meanings of `bhA'.


 Shrisha Rao

Some additional information will be given here. This

famous 'ekAxarayamakashloka' is only one of its kind in

the whole range of Sanskrit Literature.

There is lot of discussion as to whether there are 28 "bhA"

or 32 "bhA". If it is 28, the chandas is "ushhNik.h". If it

is 32, the chandas is "anushhTubh.h" (vidyunmAla).

Sri Narayana Panditacharya quotes Sri Narahari tiirtha

"dIptau j~nAne bha AdhAre...sarvavidIritam.h" (given in

above URL) . This is how the verse is believed to have only

28 "bhA"s. Sri Bannanje notes that "pra. pAThe

pratipAdamashhTau bhAkArAH paThyante | vastutastu

saptAxarapAdamidaM chhandaH | dhAtupAThAt.h vyAkhyAne chedaM

sphuTIbhavati | tathA hi naraharitIrthIyaM..."

meaning "In the prevalent version, in every line 8 'bhA' are

read. But actually, this is according to the meter of 7 letters

per line. This is also evident from the commentary on verbal

roots and also the commentary by naraharitIrtha". But Sri

Naraharitiirtha in his TIka gives 32 meanings as follows.

"srIman.h (1) samdIpta (2) nAkAdupari paratamAkuNThalokeshhu

jIve bAhye sarvaj~na (3) bhUmiprabhR^iti cha paramAntA \-

.akhilAdhArabhUta (4)| nityaM chodAra (5) lokeshhvagaNita (6)

vibudhAbhIshhTa (7) moxAdidAne (8) sandhAne (9) karmaNA cha

svata uta rajasaH sannupAdAna (10) pAda || sarveshhAM

sajjanAnAmatinikaTa (11) suraiH sevya (12) chorIkaroshhi (13)

tvaM teshhAmishhTamanyAnnayasi (14) cha nikhilAstvaM hi

nAnAvatAraiH | nAnAbhAvena (15) vA.athA.akhilahR^idayaga

samnamya (16) sadbhiH samastAdvailaxanyeNa (17) muktAdhika

(18) suranikarAtsarvAdapi svatantra (19) || tasmAdAnandapUrNa

(20) anavaratavachanA(21)sheshhapUjyA(22)rchakAnAM muktau

vistArakarta(23)staditarakumatInnAshayasye(24)va nityaM |

svAmin(25)naddhobhayeshhAM satatamapi vibho nischala(26)

svAbhibhAva hyAmnAto naiva chAnyaH kathamapi bhavataH

svAmitAM hantumIshhTe | tasmAdudgeya (27) sarvaistha cha

kumatayo naiva gAyanti taM tvAM teshhAM saMmohakarta(28)

rnikhilahR^idayasanchArirUpA(29)surAMstvaM | sarvesho.ahaM

na chAnyo maditi nigadato dArayan(30)vIrasimhAlochye(31)

tthaM pramANairvidhibhavamukharaiH sarvasaundaryasAra (32) ||"

After explaining these 32 meanings in his TippaNi, he asserts -

iti sarvadvAtrimshatsaN^khyAkabhavarNaprameyamudIritamityarthaH |

It means that the verse contains 32 "bhA"s and not 28.

Sri nArAyaNaryaTippaNi introduces the verse as containing 32 "bhA"s.

"bhAbhetyAdibhiH dvAtrimshadbhirbhAshabdaiH ashhTaxarapAda \-

chatushhTayopetaM vR^ittam.h".

After quoting the passage, Sri nArAyaNaryaTippaNi gives 32 meanings.

Again in giving the meaning of "bhA"s in their groups of twos,

threes, fours and so on, Sri Narayana Panditacharya holds that

the verse contains 32 "bhA"s.

Sri yadupatikR^ita TIka holds that the verse contains 32 "bhA"s and

gives the 32 meanings.

A brief explanation of 32 meanings of "bhA" based on Sri

Naraharitiirtha vAkyarUpa TippaNi and Sri Naraharitiirtha shloka

rUpa TIka is

("he" meaning "Oh" should be added to each one)

1. srIman.h = Your Majesty

2. sandIpta = Shiner. The Lord shines everywhere within and without

this universe and inside all the souls including Gooddess Laxmi


3. sarvaj~na = Omniscient ("bha" = j~nAne, "A" = samantAt.h)

4. sarvAdhAra = All supporter (The Lord is all supporter of the

entire universe)

5. udAra = Generous (granting innumerable boons and fulfilling all

the desires of His devotees)

6. ananta = Infinite or immeasurable (The Lord is infinite in space,

time and qualities. "deshataH kAlato guNataschAgaNita)

7. abhIshTa = Desired (The Lord is most desired by His devotees)

8. abhIshTada (moxAdi rUpa abhIshhTadAne) = Fulfiller of desires

of His devotees (desires like moxa etc.)

9. sandhAtaH = Uniter (The Lord unites the souls with their actions

caused by rajoguNa and also with their instruments like body and


10. upAdeya = worthy of attainment (The Lord is the only One fit

to be attained by all good souls)

11. atinikaTa = Nearby (The Lord is always quite nearby all good

souls. "tadevAntikamantikAt.h" - dvAdasha stotra XI - 7 )

12. sarvasevya = Worhty of service (The Lord is fit to be served

by all including gods)

13. UrIkartaH = Receiver (The Lord receives or accepts all i.e.

the desires of all, including gods)

14. sarvanetaH = All-leader (The Lord leads all to their respective


15. nAnAbhAva = Multiform (The Lord has infinite forms. He resides

in the hearts of infinite number of souls and controls them)

16. namya = Worthy of obeisance (The Lord should be fully prostrated

upon having considered everything else as inferior to Him).

17. vilaxaNa = Distinct (The Lord is distinct from all else, both

sentient and non-sentient)

18. adhika = Supermost (He is superior to even liberated souls)

19. svatantra = Independent (The Lord is always solely Independent.

"svatantramasvatantramcha dvividhaM tattvamishhyate | svatatntro

bhagavAn.h vishhnuH" - tattvasaN^khyAnam.h)

20. Ananda = Blissful

21. santatavachana = Ever-expressed (The Lord is described,

expounded and lauded always by all scriptures. All words denote

the Lord primarily, and other objects are denoted secondarily)

22. pUjya = Worthy of worship by all.

23. vistR^ita = Wide spread (The Lord is All-pervader)

24. nAshaka = Destroyer (The Lord destroys the wicked because of

their evil thoughts and deeds)

25. svAmin.h = Lord (Vishnu is the Lord of the entire universe

and He does not have any Lord)

26. nischala = Immutable, Immovable (The Lord is same and

unchanging. He is avikAri and kUTastha)

27. udgeya = Praise-worthy (The Lord alone is fit to be praised

by all).

28. sammohaka = Deluder (The Lord deludes the minds of the

wicked who do not like to praise Him and pushes them towards


29. saJNchArin.h = Wanderer (The Lord wanders in the hearts of all)

30. vidAraka = All-cutter (The Lord cuts or tears all demons who

think that they are over-lords. Also He cuts asunder the veil of

ignorance of His devotees).

31. Alokya = Worthy of ponderance (The Lord alone is fit to be

pondered over).

32. sundara = Beautiful (The Lord is Most Beautiful)

In addition to these, 38 more meanings were given by others.

33. kAnta = Beloved

34. sampUrNanata = Fully prostrated upon

35. svapUjaka = Self-worshipper

36. vyApta = All-pervader

37. sampUrNa = All-full

38. darshaka = All-perceiver (asheshajanakR^itakarmasAxin.h)

39. samkIrtya = Narration-worthy

40. kathaka = Preacher (to Brahma and others)

41. smR^ita = Remembered (always by His devotees)

42. shruta = Heard (always by His devotees)

43. AhlAdaka = Delighter

44. upAdAnatAda = Maker of material cause (The Lord bestows the

��� capacity to serve as the material cause[upAdAna) to [prakR^iti]

��� primordial matter and others during evolution of the universe)

45. sattAprada = bestower of existence

46. kAnta = Lover (of all) or omnibenevolent

47. shAnta = Calm, Peaceful

48. rata = Sporter (Everything happens according to His lIla)

49. dAnta = Self-controlled

50. sambhUta = self-existent

51. vaktaH� = Speaker (He alone is real Speaker. Others become

��� speakers by the capacity to speak granted by the Lord)

52. Avaraka = Enveloper (He envelops and protects everything)

53. niyAmaka = Controller

54. bandhaka = Confiner (of the souls in worldly bondage

��� according to their deeds)

55. mochaka = Deliverer (of worthy souls from their samsAra)

56. sAxAtkAravan.h = Direct Perceiver

57. vishama = Adverse (to the wicked whom He destroys)

58. santatida = Giver of clusters of pleasures (bhaktAnAM sukha

��� santatiprada)

59. ugra = Terrible and Frightening (to the wicked)

60. vistArakartaH = Wide-spreader (The Lord spreads or increases

��� the knowledge and the worship of His worshippers)

61. dIptau = sphuradrUpa = effulgent form

62. UrIkaraNe = sajjanAN^gIkR^ita = Accepted by the good

63. santatibhAve = jagatpravAhabIja = Seed of world-flow

64. dIptau = prakAshamAna = Luminous

65. sandhAta = svarUpasukhasandhAtaH = Uniter of inherent bliss

66. santatavachana = satatavedAdipAThaka = Ever Reciter of vedas)

67. sampUrNa = Whole (without any parts)

68. sandhAta = Propeller of the dhArmic properties

69. nayana = Motivator (in various ways)

70. vistAra = Expander of the form of the liberated soul to its

��� fullest dimensions (and makes it enjoy perfect bliss befitting to

��� its inherent nature)

Thus many more meanings of "bhA" can be understood according

to one's knowledge and scholarship. All the meanings convey

one or the other quality of Lord, Whose qualities are infinite.

Sri Narayana Panditacharya has highlighted an interesting feature

of the verse that we can get cogent meanings by grouping "bhA"s

in groups of twos, threes and so on.

For ex.

bhAbhA = naxatrANaM AbhA = Splendor of stars

bhAbhAbhA = chandrasya AbhA = Splendor of the moon

bhAbhAbhAbhA = vidyutah AbhA = Splendor of the lightning

bhAbhAbhAbhAbhA = sUryasya AbhA = Splendor of the sun


Whether the verse has 28 "bhA"s or 32, the fact remains that

Sri Madhvacharya was a perfect devotee of Lord Vishnu and

the verse was an outburst of that indepth and perfect

devotion. It is aptly said by Dr. B.N.K Sharma "The work

appears to have been composed in a gush of ecstatic devotion".

Dr. Shanbhag has poetically expressed

"na mAdhavasamo devo na cha madhvasamo guruH |

tasya bhAbhAsamaH shlokaH na bhUto na bhavishhyati ||"

Source : Yamakabharata by Dr. D.N. Shanbhag

naiva paraH keshavataH paramAdasmAt.h samashcha sukhakeshavataH� |

so.ayaM shapathavaro naH shashvat.h sandhAritaH sushapathavaro.anaH� || 79||

There is none superior or equal to the Lord.He is the Supermost,the Rider of

Garuda and Motivator of even Brahma and Rudra.This overall supremacy of Lord

Vishnu is declared on oath as the verdict,by me the third incarnation of god

Vayu,the foremost to tread the path of Lord Vishnu,the Blissful.

kR^ishhNakatheyaM yamitA sushatIrthenoditA.anane yaM yamitA� |

bhaktimatA parameshe sarvodrekA sadAnutA.a.apa rameshe� || 80||

This,the most excellent story of Lord Krishna has been described through

"Yamakalankaras" and with authorities,by Srimadhanandatirtha who is the

foremsot devotee of the Lord� the Master of Goddess Lakshmi,and who always

sings glory of the Lord.Every Person,whose mouth this story enters,definitely

reaches the vicinity of the Lord.

iti nArAyaNanAmA.ava katIrthe pUjitaH surAyaNanA mA� |

pUrNa guNairdhika pUrNaj~nAnechchhAbhaktibhiH svadhikapUrNaH� || 81||

Thus has been worshipped through knowledge ,desire and devotion by

Srimadanandatirtha,the Lord having the name Narayana.He is Allfull.He is the

Supermost, possessing all qualities fully residing in higher deities like

Brahma,the support of gods.And He is the Supreme Person.O Lord,protect us


Commentaries on Yamaka Bharatha.

1)Narahari Thitha's Tika

This the first and foremost commentary on "Yamaka Bharatha.It is in verse.All

other Commentators openly acknowledged their debt to Sri� Narahari Thirtha.

2)Narahari Thirtha's Tippani: This is in prose.

3)Tammanna Bhatta's Tippani

4)Yadhupathi's tika:Yamaka Bharathatika by Sri Yadupati Acharya is quite

popular and mostly followed by students of the poem.He is the celebrated

author of "Nyayasudhatippani" a scholary gloss on the Nyayasudha of Sri


5)Bhagavat's YamakaBharatha Tika

This is also a good commentary composed by one named Bhagavat,disciple of

Bhaskari Venkatavarahacarya.Bhagavat also follows Yadupathi and mentions his

name too.So he must be later than Yadhupathi Acharya.

6)Narayana's Tika:This is a very scholarly commentary where the genius of the

author has been revealed in an outstanding manner.It is Narayana himself who

has given fourteen meanings of� "dEvakyante"(Verse 5) and it is who explained

the verse 71 rama rama mahabaho as describing not only the dashavataras but

also "hayagrivavathara" and "VEdavyasavathara".

7)Guttal Hayagrivacharya's "Lagutippani".

Five more (modern) writers have made their contributions as aids to understand

the mahakavya four in Kannada and one in English.

1)Sri Bannanje Govindacharya's Sri Krishnamrutha

maharnava,Nakastuthi,Mahabarathatatparya,Srikrishna padya

2)Agrahar Narayana Tantri 's� Yamaka Bharatha mattu Tantrasara

3)Sri H.H. Vidyadhishatirthaswamiji's Sri


4)Vidwan A Haridasabatta 's kannada translation is included in Sarvamula

grantagalu ,Sankirnagrantagalu.

5)Shri T.S.Raghavendran :Sri Yamaka Bharatham


I thank Sri D.N. Shanbag for permitting me to use the material from his recent

book titled, Sri Madhvacharya's YamakaBharatha,published by� Bharat Prakashana

,Dharwad .

I thank Sri NAPS rao for providing additional information on verse 53.

I thank Sri Keshavarao� for��excellent write up on verse 78. and finally I

thank List administrators and Srisharao for providing me an opportunity to do

this little service.

brahmAnthA gurava: sAkShAth iShtam dhaivam shriya:pathi:

aachARyA: shrImadhAchARyA: santhu mE janma janmani