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Copyright Guidance

computerguyAll colour photographs are copyright by Geoff Kirby unless otherwise credited. My pictures may be freely used for any non-commercial purpose but it would be nice if I could be acknowledged as the photographer.

If you want to use any of my pictures for commercial purposes feel free to do so and make a donation of your choice to either the Weldmar Hospicecare Trust for adults or Julia’s House Hospice for children.

Contact details are here for Weldmar and here for Julia’s House. Please donate generously to these great charities.

Photographs carrying an ammonite logo are owned by the Portland Museum and have been used here with the permission of the Museum Trust. These should not be copied without the museum’s permission. Contact is through the museum website which is reached here.

The small number of other photographs not covered above have been used here by permission of the copyright owners as identified and should not be copied without the owners permission.

The aerial photographs that appear as a key to each page are from a 1997 survey conducted on behalf of Dorset County Council. These pictures are the copyright of Dorset County Council 2000 and are reproduced here with the Council’s kind permission.

Thank You

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