Gerry Armstrong--Scientology Black Propaganda: "False Report Correction

Breckenridge" (original) (raw)





June 20, 1984

Gerry Armstrong is a former clerk for the Church of Scientology of California who,
as part of his duties, was entrusted with the care of thousands of pages of personal records
belonging to L. Ron Hubbard. In December 1981, Armstrong left the Church, and took with
him over 10,000 pages of records belonging to Mr. Hubbard, Mrs. Hubbard and the Church.
This included 5,000 pages of original documents for which no copy was left behind.

In August 1982, the Church filed suit against Armstrong for return of these documents.
Judge Paul Breckenridge, who presided over the case in the California Superior Court, admitted
that in taking the documents, Armstrong "may have engaged in overkill, in the sense that he
took voluminous materials, some of which appear only marginally relevant to his defense."
Armstrong pleaded "justification," claiming that his theft of the materials was necessary as
insurance against suits or attacks against him by the Church.

Apart from his comments on Armstrong's "overkill," Breckenridge's findings were
highly negative about the Church and Mr. Hubbard, showing the extent to which false reports
aired in the courtroom by Armstrong had impinged on him.

Since the case was heard, Armstrong has adopted a hippy life-style. He is the
self-proclaimed founder of the "Organization of United Renunciants." A November 1992 article
in the Marin Independent Journal featured a photograph of an apparently naked Armstrong, eyes
closed and smiling, sitting in a lotus position embracing a globe.

The article stated that "Gerald Armstrong has an idea for dealing with the national debt
-- write it off. Forget it. It doesn't exist."

"It's that easy.

"The novel prescription for fixing the fiscal fiasco is only part of Armstrong's larger
message that money should be abolished . ... Armstrong can count only a handful of friends as
converts, but he is trying to get the word out. Detailed proposals have gone out to Bill Clinton,
Ross Perot and Pete Wilson (no one has tapped him for an economic advisory post just yet). He
has also written to the New York Times and other mega-media.

"Ted Koppel has not called."

Section 1



"The Church or its minions is fully capable of intimidation or other physical or
psychological abuse if it suits their ends. The record is replete with evidence of such abuse."


Incontrovertible evidence, not available at the time of the trial and not permitted to be
included in the appeal record, has established that Armstrong's justification defense was a fraud
upon the court, designed to avoid liability for his tortious conduct and to prevent fair
adjudication of the Church's claims.

As the custodian of confidential Church papers, Armstrong had a fiduciary
responsibility not to disclose these documents to individuals outside the Church. In breach of this
obligation, Armstrong loaned the documents to one Omar Garrison, an author who at one time
had been retained to write a biography of Mr. Hubbard, a project which fell through. Armstrong
gave these documents to Garrison not to assist him in writing the biography but to enable
Garrison to deliver them to attorneys representing litigants involved in suits against the Church.

In April 1982, Armstrong also made contact with Michael J. Flynn, who was the lead
attorney in more than a dozen lawsuits against the Church. Armstrong showed Flynn two of the
most intensely private archival documents. Thereafter, from May until August 1982, Armstrong
continued to give stolen documents to Flynn for use in Flynn's cases against the Church, even
though the litigation did not involve Armstrong. Ultimately, Armstrong gave Flynn thousands
of documents, including original and private naval records and diaries of Mr. Hubbard from the

On May 26 and May 27, 1982, the Church wrote to Armstrong demanding return of
all the stolen documents, but Armstrong denied having them. Subsequently, Armstrong admitted
that he indeed had possessed the stolen documents on those dates.

Trial began in May 1984. The Court received the testimony of Armstrong and his
witnesses, many of whom were clients of attorney Flynn in other actions against the Church.
These witnesses for Armstrong were permitted to testify as to Armstrong's purportedly imperiled
state of mind. The Court did not permit the Church to present any of its own witnesses to rebut
the testimony of hostile witnesses about Armstrong's alleged "state of mind."

Breckenridge also heard "evidence" from Armstrong consisting of distortions,
half-truths, and outright falsehoods, amounting to a justification defense that Armstrong had
stolen the documents to protect himself in the event of " retaliation" by the Church.

Since the trial, the Church has discovered new evidence which was completely
unavailable at the time of trial. This evidence shows conclusively that Armstrong's "justification"
defense was a sham and a fraud. He was not remotely in fear of retaliation by the Church and


was actively plotting the Church's downfall.

Armstrong considered the stolen materials useful riot only as a lever against the Church
and the Hubbards in then-ongoing litigation with Flynn's clients, but he also sought to use the
materials in pursuit of his plan to undermine the Church for his own financial benefit.

As part of his plan, Armstrong actively sought out Church staff members who would
be willing to "defect" and assist him in discrediting Church leadership. After leaving the Church,
he contacted Church member Daniel Sherman to enlist Sherman's aid in attacking the Church.
Sherman, without Armstrong's knowledge, consulted Church staff for advice. It was decided that
the Church would obtain authorization from the Los Angeles Police Department to make
"undercover" videotapes of Armstrong's conversations with Sherman and any other Church
dissidents or defectors.

The police authorized the investigation and videotapes, at which point Sherman
embarked on an effort to ascertain the full extent of Armstrong's intentions.

Sherman informed Armstrong that a group of staff members who were dissatisfied with
Church management might be interested in working with him in his efforts to undermine the
Church. This wholly fictitious group was dubbed "the Loyalists."

Sherman enlisted the aid of two other persons, David Kluge and Mike Rinder, who
agreed to pose as "Loyalists" and meet with Armstrong. Kluge assumed the code name "Joey,"
and first met with Armstrong in the late summer of 1984.

Armstrong told "Joey" that part of his plan was to use the auspices of the Internal
Revenue Service to attack the Church. Armstrong wanted "Joey" to plant in the Church's files
the documents Armstrong would fabricate, so that Armstrong could tell the Criminal
Investigation Division (CID) of the Los Angeles IRS office to conduct a raid and find the
"incriminating" documents. He reassured "Joey" that he would be able to create the needed
documents "with relative ease" since he had done "it for a living."

Armstrong also explained to "Joey" how he intended to go about forging the new
documents, based on his experience: ARMSTRONG: "So it seems to me that the use of the
communication lines, I don't know maybe you guys are using them, but it seems to me that you
don't have a way of printing anything to get an issue on the lines, used for anything. Right? I'm
saying that I can do it. I can type those goddam things and duplicate them and make them look
exactly the same. You can't, you would not be able to tell the difference."

Armstrong also made it clear that he had developed a personal program intended to
undermine and eventually destroy the Church. His goals were to oust the current management
of Scientology, to obtain an advisory position within the restructured Church by becoming a
consultant to the "Loyalists" and to plunder the Church for his own financial gain. His program
to remove current Church management included the filing of a civil suit, based on evidence that


he would manufacture. In a conversation with another co-conspirator, who, unknown to
Armstrong, was still faithful to the Church, he insisted that the suit could be launched based on
manufactured allegations. ARMSTRONG: "They can allege it! They can allege it! They don't
even have - they can allege it!" MIKE: "So, they don't have to -- like, they don't have
to have the document sitting in front of them, and then...." ARMSTRONG: "I'm f-king saying the
organization destroys the documents....!" MIKE: "The point -- the point I'm trying to get across
is that that's not criminal. That's the -- that's the civil complaint in there and that would have
to be proven." ARMSTRONG: "Show me the lines you're talking about." MIKE: "Well, it's
over here." ARMSTRONG: "Where are the -- we don't have to prove a goddam thing. We
don't have to prove sh-t. We just have to allege it. Section 2

At other meetings between Armstrong and his "co-conspirators," Armstrong described
in detail his plans for bringing about the collapse of the Church so that he and the other
"Loyalists" could move in and take over. Armstrong's goal, as revealed in his own words
on videotape, was to overthrow existing Church management and to set up in its place a new set
of Church executives who would settle all of the civil damages suits brought against the Church
by the attorneys representing Armstrong. His plans included planting forged incriminating
documents in Church files, to be discovered by a government raid, and blackmailing a senior
Scientologist executive through attempted sexual entrapment. Section 3

In sum, Armstrong's plans consisted of:

A) Stealing documents from the Church to serve as models for forgeries. Section 4

B) Plotting the forgery of false incriminating evidence in Church files. Section 5

C) Orchestrating a coup in which agents of Armstrong and the U.S. government would
wrest control of the Church of Scientology from its lawful management; Section 6

D) Suborning perjury in order to keep his conspiracy under cover. Section 7

Armstrong also worked closely with Michael Flynn and two members of the IRS CID,
Al Lipkin and Al Ristuccia. In late summer or early fall of 1984, Armstrong contacted Sherman
and explained that he and his IRS contacts had come up with a plan to create false documents
and plant these on Church premises, where they would be seized in a CID raid. According to
Armstrong the IRS agents wanted the "Loyalists" to plant covert electronic bugs in Church
offices. Armstrong offered eavesdropping and special photographic equipment.

Armstrong informed Joey that the "Loyalists" would be placed in the federal witness
protection program and would receive tax-exempt status in exchange for participating in the
covert operation.

Judge Breckenridge, who in his decision praised Armstrong for his " dedication" to the
truth, would have been astonished had he witnessed Armstrong's discussions with "Joey." In one


of them, available on tape, Armstrong instructed "Joey" how to lie under oath about their plans
to disrupt Church management. Armstrong wanted "Joey," if deposed, to say that he and
Armstrong had merely discussed a "global settlement" of Church litigation. ARMSTRONG:
"OK, what are our conversations, should it come down to it?" JOEY: "What do you mean?"
ARMSTRONG: "What do we talk about? You're deposed. You walk out there, and there's a
PI hands you a paper, saying you're deposed Jack, and not only that, you're out of the
organization. And what do you say in deposition. Well, Armstrong and I talked about this, and
he had a whole bunch of ideas about how to infiltrate the communication lines and spread
turmoil and disaster, you know. What are we doing here? That's my question, before I tell you
my ideas on documents." JOEY: Well, what I got is basically -- Loyalists gotta -- we gotta
move -- we've got the suit coming up and I guess we need other lines to get stuff going ...."
ARMSTRONG: "OK. So as far as the doc... Let me just say, ah, you and I get together, we
get together because we have a goal of global settlement. You have felt that the turmoil and
abuses and so on have gone on too long... Hence we get together and discuss things. We have
not discussed anything about a destruction of the tech, or Scientology is bad, or anything like
that. Are we agreed?"

Armstrong successfully used the fabricated defense of justification to pull the wool over
Breckenridge's eyes and escape liability for his theft and breach of confidence. During one
meeting with "Joey," Armstrong's alleged claim that he " feared" Church retaliation was revealed
as a complete falsehood. JOEY: "Well you're not hiding!" ARMSTRONG: "Huh?" JOEY:
"You're not hiding." ARMSTRONG: "F-k no! And...." JOEY: "You're not afraid, are you?"
ARMSTRONG: "No! And that's why I'm in a f-king stronger position than they are!" JOEY:
"How's that?" ARMSTRONG: "Why, I'll bring them to their knees! "

New evidence of Armstrong's fraudulent intentions was revealed in a declaration of
November 18, 1991, in which he admitted that he never intended to stick to the terms of the
settlement agreement he signed with the Church in 1986. In his declaration, Armstrong asserted
that he had read and understood the settlement agreement, but that he " put on a happy face" and
went through the charade of signing it even though he told his lawyers that he never intended
to keep to its terms. Armstrong's stated reason for signing the agreement in the full knowledge
that he would violate it later is so that he could receive the " financial wherewithal" to "get on
with the next phase of [his] life." Section 8

Breckenridge's willingness to believe Armstrong is partly attributable to Armstrong's
own skill as a con-man, and partly to Breckenridge's own history as a judge compounded with
his misperception of the Church of Scientology.

Paul Breckenridge spent 15 years of his life, from 1953 to 1968, defending alleged
criminals in the Los Angeles Public Defender's office. Breckenridge went into the L.A. Superior
Court in 1968 and was assigned to criminal trials up until 1974. It was not until 1978 that
Breckenridge moved to civil cases.

Breckenridge's history shows that he came under attack several times as a judge in the


criminal court, including having suits filed against him for violation of civil rights. Breckenridge
has been sued together with staff from the Los Angeles District Attorney's office, the California
Attorney General's office and others in the field of law enforcement.

On December 8, 1971, a Ronald Fobbs filed suit against Breckenridge and several
others including the L.A. District Attorney. The suit was filed over an incident whereby Fobbs
spent two years in jail unnecessarily. Because Fobbs had never waived his right to a jury trial,
when the decision in his case was reversed he sued Breckenridge and others involved in the case.
He did not pursue it.

In July 1973, Breckenridge was sued together with L.A. District Attorney Joseph Busch
and other law enforcement personnel, again on charges of violations of federal rights. The
plaintiff was a John Aravjo, who asked for 20,000compensatorydamagesplus20,000 compensatory damages plus 20,000compensatorydamagesplus10,000
punitive damages from each plaintiff. Aravjo filed suit claiming harassment and deprivation of
his right to a fair and speedy trial, but again, it was not followed through.

These cases indicate that Breckenridge was weak in cases involving civil rights or the
defense of basic freedoms. Further, in regard to the Church of Scientology, Breckenridge's
many years in the L.A. Court system meant he was familiar with court cases involving members
of the former Guardian's Office of the Church. This office had been an autonomous organization
charged with responsibility for public relations, investigative and legal matters. It was disbanded
by Church management and no longer exists.

In his decision, Breckenridge referred to the Guardian's Office (GO) and showed that
he had confused the GO with the Church of Scientology. He failed to realize that it is current
Church management which abolished the GO and restructured the external- facing activities of
the Church from scratch. By the time the Armstrong case went to trial, current management of
the Church had already taken decisive steps to ensure that a repetition of the incidents that led
to the imprisonment of eleven GO members would never occur again.

Ignorant of these facts, Breckenridge assumed that the Guardian's Office and the
Church were one and the same. This misperception made him an easy target for Armstrong, who
adopted the deliberate tactic of exploiting the judge's faulty perception of the Church.

In an interview that he gave to the Rocky Mountain News in February 1983, Mr.
Hubbard made clear that the GO actions which led to indictments were totally against the
policies of the Church. He said, "I learned about it [the case] like everyone else -- after the fact
-- and could only shake my head in dismay... Whatever they did, if they did it, was in violation
of any policy I ever wrote while Executive Director, years ago, and I think all those people have
been removed, as I understand that there is an entirely new hierarchy in the Church."

In actual fact, Scientologists do charitable work, thousands are active in remedying drug
abuse, crime and illiteracy and nearly all are active in some way to improve their community.
These facts about the Church never came to Breckenridge's notice.



[Scientology] under the pretext of 'freeing humans' is nothing in reality but a vast
enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts.


The Church of Scientology is not a money-making enterprise; it is, as numerous courts
have affirmed, a religion. In country after country, courts have exhaustively examined the
philosophy and practice of Scientology and upheld its religious bona fides.

A landmark recognition which upheld the religious nature of Scientology was issued
from the United States Court of Appeals in 1969. The court ruled, "the Founding Church of
Scientology has made out a prima facie case that it is a bona fide religion.... a prima facie case
exists that auditing [counseling] is a practice of Scientology, and that accounts of auditing
integrated into the general theory of Scientology are religious doctrines." Section 9

In affirming Scientology's status as a religion, the U.S. District Court for the District
of Columbia stressed equal treatment for religions under the Constitution. In 1983, the court
stated that "the Church of Scientology must be treated the same as any established religion or
denominational sect within the United States, Catholic, Protestant or other."

In 1985, in the Superior Court of California, Judge Norman L. Epstein emphasised that
the Church's religious nature was not open to question. "The supporting documents for the
proposition that Scientology is a religion do more than make a prima facie case; they make a
strong case," Epstein ruled.

Many of these recognitions are reproduced in a booklet published by the Church,
entitled Winning! Victories of the Church of Scientology. Section 10

Since the mid- 1970s 14 Scientology Churches have been recognized as Churches and
as tax-exempt religious organizations by the Internal Revenue Service.

In countries outside the United States, Scientology has also achieved recognition as a
religion from numerous courts, including the High Court of Australia. In 1983, five judges of
the High Court found unanimously that "The conclusion that [Scientology] is a religious
institution entitled to tax exemption is irresistible." Section 11

Again and again, Court findings have stressed that the income received by the Church
is used for no other purpose than to further the religious aims of Scientology.

On 12 October 1988, the Administrative Court in Berlin ruled that there was no
evidence that income received by the Church went to private individuals. The court found that,
"Plaintiff [the Church] showed that the gained income is used for the religious and philosophical


activities of the associations in Germany and also in other countries...." Section 12

On 30 January 1985, the District Court of Stuttgart, Germany had issued a clear- cut
ruling which made the same point:

"The court has no indication that the assumption that books available for purchase,
brochures or other study and information materials would not serve this religious purpose; the
same is valid for the course seminars and auditing being subject to a contribution fee, all of
which -- according to the self-understanding of the concerned and his church -- constitute direct
religious actions and customs, and immediately serve a religious purpose or are directly
religiously motivated." Section 13

On 19 September 1990, the District Court of Hanover repeated that funds collected by
the Church were used solely to further the religious activities of Scientology.

In Italy, the Church has also been found qualified for tax-exemption on the basis of its
being a religious not a commercial activity.

The following are some examples:

On 27 March 1990, the Tax Commission in Monza ruled that, "It is the opinion of this
Commission that the nature of the activities carried out by plaintiff are apparently aimed at the
dissemination of doctrinal and religious principles, and certainly not of a commercial nature."
Section 14

On 20 September 1990, the Tax Commission in Torino stated that "the religious nature
of Scientology is to be taken as ascertained.

"The fees given by believers for the services received and the contributions paid by
them in order to receive services and various materials, doesn't change the essential nature of
the services..." Section 15

On 25 November 1991, the First Tax Court of Como stated, "There remains no doubt
as to the transactions under discussion being non-commercial in nature, thus tax-exempt."
Section 16

Finally, on 2 July 1991, the Milano Appeals Court reiterated that the delivery of books
and services by the Church in exchange for a fee is not a commercial activity and not subject
to taxes.

A study of the financial intake of various religions found remuneration for local leaders
of the Church of Scientology was 2.5 % of the Church's gross intake but for staff and ministers
of the Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed (United) Churches remuneration amounted to
26.7%, 30.8% and 40.1% respectively.


The above statements and decisions, and many others, make plain that Scientology is
a religion and that the Church of Scientology is organized for one purpose only: to disseminate
the religious philosophy of Scientology to the people of Earth.


The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid.


This statement is completely absurd. Scientology, in its 42 years, has expanded to over
1,100 churches, missions and other groups throughout the world. That expansion is built on a
solid record of helping people lead happier, better lives.

The Reverend Dean M. Kelley, Counselor on Religious Liberty for the National
Council of Churches, has written that he has befriended "a number of Scientologists -- some
high in the organization -- over the years.... I have found them to be earnest, enterprising,
public-spirited and committed people...."

The Church of Scientology is also active in making improvements in the community;
Scientologists are out there, involved, visible and effective.

The Church helped to create a safe environment during the riots in LA, when
Scientologists surrounded an entire city block at Hollywood and Vine and earned the gratitude
of neighbors for protecting their property. No weapons were carried by the Scientologists who
formed this protective cordon. Yet the measure was effective. The Times of London noted that
during the worst day of the riots, the city block guarded by Scientologists was one of the very
few in Hollywood Boulevard where no business was torched or looted. Section 17

The Church also takes part in programs to assist the less fortunate. For many years the
Church of Scientology in Los Angeles has worked with the Department of Children's Services
of Los Angeles County to provide toys and Christmas holiday entertainment for foster children
under the Department's care. These children are, most commonly, from broken families or are
victims of abuse. The contributions made by Scientologists have resulted in many
commendations from the Department.

In 1991-1992, numerous proclamations and expressions of support for the Church and
its social reform campaigns have come in from mayors, politicians, law enforcement officers,
artists and community leaders in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Italy, Australia, Mexico, Germany,
France and many other countries.

The Church enjoys a high profile. In 1991, it completed the largest outreach campaign
in its history, involving a series of full-page color ads placed in USA Today. These ads began
in June and continued appearing every weekday, and later, every second weekday, continuously


until October. The advertisements covered major areas where Scientologists are active, including
the reform of the press and the exposure of psychiatric drugs and human rights abuses.
Follow-up ads expounded on the religion of Scientology itself, including its beliefs, practices,
and the personal testimonies and photographs of some of its members. Section 18

The Church concluded the series of ads with a public information campaign on the
Internal Revenue Service which inspired more than 14,000 supportive letters and phone calls
from readers of USA Today.

This campaign aroused intense media interest and established the Church of Scientology
as one of the most powerful social reform groups in the world.


The evidence portrays a man [LRH] who has been virtually a pathological liar when
it comes to his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence
additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power, and vindictiveness and
aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile.


Breckenridge based his comments on allegations made by Armstrong concerning Mr.
Hubbard's past. Yet, Armstrong's incompetence as a researcher is well documented. Ironically,
it was Armstrong's lack of research into the various facts and incidents regarding Mr. Hubbard's
life that led him to his false claims.

In the court transcripts, Armstrong admitted to his own incompetence as a researcher.

While being cross-examined concerning his "research" regarding L. Ron Hubbard's
career as an officer in the Navy during World War II, Armstrong stated the following about

1. He was never trained in how to research a biography.

2. He never searched out and obtained official documents from any agency of the
United States government.

3. He was not aware that there was an agency of the United States Navy that kept
records of ships.

4. He never attempted to find out what data the Naval Historical Center had on the
subchaser 815, the ship under the command of L. Ron Hubbard during World War II.

5. Armstrong concluded that Hubbard was not a Commander of a squadron of Corvettes


as he did not do the necessary research to locate the documents in Navy files which established
that Hubbard was in command of a squadron of Corvettes (English term for subchaser).
Armstrong was not even aware that the initials SC stood for Submarine Chaser.

When questioned during the trial on evidence substantiating Mr. Hubbard's combat
record, Armstrong admitted that he merely "went through some books on the subject. But that
was it. I never went to D.C. And I obviously never checked the sources that whoever did this
research was able to check. So I stand corrected." Section 19

Armstrong also challenged Mr. Hubbard's claim that he (Mr. Hubbard) had been made
a blood brother of the Blackfeet Indian tribe. Yet just recently that nation celebrated Mr.
Hubbard's 70th anniversary as a blood brother.

A reliable account of Mr. Hubbard's career in the Navy is given by L. Fletcher Prouty,
former senior US intelligence officer with the Pentagon.

Mr. Prouty, who joined the Army just a month before Mr. Hubbard joined the Navy,
is experienced in reading and understanding military and intelligence records. There is an
intelligence process called "sheep dipping," wherein additional or cover files are created which
mask the true activities of the intelligence operative. Mr. Prouty's knowledge is based on
firsthand experience in creating such files.

His analysis of Mr. Hubbard's files shows that there are at least two and more likely
three separate and different files in existence: a "false" file created by the Navy; a personnel
file; and a file which contains Mr. Hubbard's true activities as an intelligence officer. It is this
last file which appears missing and therefore there is an incomplete record of Mr. Hubbard's

Detailed examples are provided in Mr. Prouty's affidavit. Section 20

Regarding Mr. Hubbard's medical history, Mr. Prouty points out that Mr. Hubbard's
Notice of Separation paper indicates he was awarded the Purple Heart twice. The Purple Heart
is awarded only to those wounded in action.

Another document from the US Naval Hospital in Oakland covers Mr. Hubbard's
condition following the war:

"Eyesight very poor..." "Lame in right hip from service connected injury. Infection in
bone... all service connected."

In sum, Mr. Hubbard's past is exactly what he stated it is and Breckenridge was
completely misled by Armstrong's false claims.

Mr. Hubbard's achievements completely belie Armstrong's allegations and


Breckenridge's forwarding of them. Through hundreds of books and literally thousands of
articles and lectures, L. Ron Hubbard communicated and taught the methods which today are
used by millions to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them. His career spans
more than 50 years during which he produced over 530 published works which have sold more
than 100 million copies in more than two dozen languages. In developing the religious
philosophy of Scientology, he delivered and recorded over 6,000 lectures. In country after
country, he has received wide acclaim for his accomplishments in bettering mankind.

Of the more than 2,400 awards, recognitions, plaques, proclamations and letters of
recognition L. Ron Hubbard has received for his writings and humanitarian work, the following
are most notable:

The Saturn Award for Battlefield Earth awarded by the Academy of Science Fiction,
Fantasy & Horror Films.

The Tetradrama D'Oro Award, a cultural award in Italy, awarded to L. Ron Hubbard
as a world-renowned author contributing to the culture and peace of Earth.

In 1988 a plaque was awarded to L. Ron Hubbard by Publishers Weekly to applaud
him for the release of his international bestseller in paperback, Mission Earth [Vol 1],
considered a masterwork.

In the same year, The Publishers Weekly Century Award was conferred upon L. Ron
Hubbard. It was awarded to commemorate the appearance of Dianetics on the Publishers Weekly
bestseller list for 100 consecutive weeks.

The Sol de Oro (Golden Sun) award for Dianetics from the National Association of
Journalists in Mexico City. This award is given to personalities with outstanding achievements
in the fields of communication, art and culture.

The Golden Laurel for Human Sciences award, given to L. Ron Hubbard as a man
of literature, an author and a humanitarian. Awarded for contributions to the betterment of the
French Culture and its Community.

The Cosmos 2000 award, a French science fiction prize, awarded in 1989.

The Nova science fiction award. The Nova SF award was granted to L. Ron Hubbard
posthumously for his contribution to Italian science fiction. L. Ron Hubbard is the only
non-Italian writer awarded.

The Rosette (Golden Tie) award is presented once a year for outstanding achievement
in the field of the arts by the French National Federation for Culture. The Golden Tie was
awarded to L. Ron Hubbard as a writer for a lifetime of work in the enhancement of culture.


The Gold Medal from the Academy of Arts,Sciences and Letters in France was
awarded to L. Ron Hubbard in 1990 for all his literary works and achievements. This committee
was formed in 1915 as an academical society for education' and enlightenment under the
patronship of the famous French Academy, the most important literary institution in France.

This medal is given to the highest personalities in the fields of arts, sciences, literature
and aviation.

In 1992, the prestigious State University of Moscow conferred a posthumous doctorate
of literature upon Mr. Hubbard. Section 21


The practice of culling supposedly confidential [counseling folders or files] to obtain
information for purposes of intimidation and/or harassment is repugnant and outrageous.


This practice is not part of Scientology religious counseling. The Auditors Code, which
binds all auditors and is the senior policy concerning Scientology counseling, places an
obligation on the auditor to maintain strict confidentiality on all information divulged during
auditing. Such information is protected by priest-penitent privilege.

In his decision, Breckenridge referred to a Guardian's Office policy letter written by
Mary Sue Hubbard which had allegedly authorized the practice of culling information from
counseling folders. Any such directive is not part of the Scientology scriptures and was long ago

As mentioned above, the Guardian's Office was disbanded by current Church
management when it was found to have veered wildly off Church policies as laid down by Mr.

In May 1992, Mr. David Miscavige, chairman of the board of the Religious Technology
Center which has final responsibility for ensuring the purity of application of Scientology,
testified that he had personally removed Mary Sue Hubbard from her position at the head of the
Guardian's Office. Following her removal, Mr. Miscavige and other senior Church officials
restructured the external-facing activities of the Church from scratch and incorporated them
within the overall management structure of Scientology. Section 22
